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1、三年级英语复习资料大全二二、词组互译。(10分)1.两把直尺_ _ 2.喝一些牛奶_ 3八块橡皮_ 4.开门_ _ 5.在你的椅子后面_ _ 6.在树上_ _ 7.关窗 _ _ 8.在书桌下面_ _ 9.How lovely! 10.make a wish 11.Youre right._ 12.Youre out._ 13.want a robot_ _ 14.What a nice schoolbag!_ _ _ 15.beside the tree_ _ _ 16.fall to the ground 17. Breakfast is ready. 18.Youre late. 19.W

2、hat about you? 20.Its time for the cake. 1. 几岁 2. 一辆玩具汽车 3. 醒一醒 4. 给你。 5. 什么时间 6. 我的包 7. How lovely! 8. Dont be late again. 9. go to school 10. make a wish a. 看图完成单词。(5分)12 345w _ m _ n_ _ vew_ _d_ _b_ db_ _b. 写出下列词组或句子的中文或英文。(7分)1. 在门后 _ the _ 2. make a wish _3. 我的英语书 my English _ 4. in class _5. 在

3、农场上 on the _ 6. Hurry up._7. 四个男孩_ _ 8. What a nice ake!._c. 选择不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A .skirt B. crayon C. pen D. rubber( ) 2. A . yellow B. brown C. colour D. black( ) 3. A . please B. in C. on D. under( ) 4. A . grandpa B. brother C. aunt D. family( ) 5. A . we B. she C. your D. I 四根据情景选择最

4、佳答案,把序号填入括号内。(5分)( )1.你向别人介绍自己的表弟,你会说:A.Hes my brother .B. Hes my cousin.C. This is my brother.( )2.你想知道远处的男孩是谁,你该怎样问:A. Whats that boy?B. Whos that boy?C. Whos this boy?( )3.课堂上,一个同学在喝牛奶,你这样对他说:A. Dont drink the milk .B. Dont shout.C. Dont eat.( )4你想知道那些是不是橡皮,应该说:A. Is that a rubber?B. Are those ru

5、bbers?C. Are these rubbers?( )5别人回答正确,你应该说:A. Im sorry. B. Youre right. C. Youre out.六连词成句。(按正确的句子顺序把单词的序号写在横线上) (5分)1. want a I toy car _.2. jacket your Heres _.3. open the Dont door _.4. a door Is this _?5. time to meet Its _.八、 选择方框中的单词填空,完成对话,把序号写在横线上。(5分) too meet morning English books A: Good

6、_, class.B: Good morning, Mr Wang.A: This is a new student(学生), Nancy.C: Nice to_ you. B: Nice to meet you , _.A: What time is it now, Helen?B: Its nine.A: Wow, its time for the_ class. Please open your_.B:, OK, Mr Wang.四、阅读短文。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Tim: Wheres my cap? Wheres my cap?Mike: Dont shout,Tim.

7、Tim: I cant find(找到) my cap.Mike: Is it behind the door? Close the door,please.Tim: No,its not here.Mike: Open your big English book. Is it in the book?Tim: No, its not here.Mike: Oh , no. Touch(触摸) your head (头).Tim: Oh ,Im sorry , Mike. My cap is on my head .( )31.Tim cant find his A . cup B. cat

8、C. cap( )32.The cap behind the door .A. is B . isnt C . are( )33.Is this cap in the book? A. Yes ,it is . B . No ,it is . C . No ,it isnt .( )34. “ your head .”Mike said. A . Eat B. Shout C. Touch ( )35 .Tim found(找到) his cap at last.(最后)A . on his head B . in the book . C . behind the door六、连词成句。(共

9、5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 42. for Its time breakfast. _. 43. Dont again late be. _. 44. time it is What _? 45. now in tree Its the _.46. old you are How _?二、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。My name is Lily. Im eleven. This is my family. I have a twin sister. Shes Lucy. Shes nice. This is my grandpa. He has a big fa

10、rm. The ducks and chickens on his farm are lovely. The old woman in red is my grandma. She likes red. This is my mother. Shes beautiful. She often makes ice cream for me. This is my father. He works(工作) in a library. This is me. I love my family.( ) 1. Lucy is eleven.( ) 2. Lilys grandpa likes red.(

11、 ) 3. There are (有)five people (人) in Lilys family.( ) 4. The chickens and birds on the farm are lovely.( ) 5. Lilys father has a library. 三、根据短文内容选择A:Good afternoon, Liu Tao.B:Good afternoon, Miss Li. I cant find (找不到) my pencil case.A:Is it in your schoolbag?B:No, it isnt here.A:Is it in your desk

12、?B:No, the pencil case isnt in my desk.A:Oh, heres a pencil case on the chair. Is it yours?B:No, its yellow. Its Wang Bings. My pencil case is blue.A:I can see a blue pencil case under the desk.B:Oh, its my pencil case. Thank you, Miss Li.( ) 1. It is in the _. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( )

13、2. _ pencil case is on the chair. A. Liu Taos B. Wang Bings C. Miss Lis ( ) 3. Liu Tao cant find his _. A. pencil B. pencil case C. schoolbag ( ) 4. What colour is Wang Bings pencil case? _. A. Its black B. Its blue. C. Its yellow ( ) 5. Liu Taos pencil case is _. A. in the desk B. under the desk C.

14、 in the schoolbag一选出不同类的单词。(6分)( ) 1. A. boy B. baby C. open( ) 2. A. aunt B. desk C. chair( ) 3. A. man B. woman C. apple( ) 4. A. he B. she C. my( ) 5. A. this B. these C. those( ) 6. A.lunch B. dinner C. class二英汉互译。(10分)1. in class 2. listen to 3. over there 4. on the chair 5. nine pears 6. What

15、a nice cake! 7. 关上;合上 8. 跑;跑步 9. 十 10. 女孩 四根据所给情境选择正确答案。(20分)( ) 1. 你上课迟到了,听到老师说什么你可以进教室: A. Im sorry. B. Sit down, please. C. Come in, please.( ) 2. 当你发现自己做错了事情后,你应该说: A. Im sorry. B. Would you like a pie? C. Dont sleep.( ) 3. 在图书馆看书,有人在谈话,你应该对他们说: A. Dont shout. B. Dont talk. C. Dont run.( ) 4. 你想

16、告诉同学这不是你的铅笔袋,你会说: A. This isnt my pencil . B. That isnt my pencil case. C. This isnt my pencil case.( ) 5. 你想告诉别人小鸟现在在树上,你会说: A. Wheres the bird? B. Its in the tree now. C. Its on the tree now.( ) 6. 营业员把东西拿给你时,他会说: A. Here you are. B. How old are you? C. Im nine.( ) 7. 早上妈妈喊你起床,她会说: A. Hurry up. B.

17、 Stand up. C. Wake up.( ) 8. 农民伯伯欢迎你到他的农场,他会对你说: A. This is my farm. B. How old are you? C. Welcome to my farm.( ) 9. 你告诉别人,这是我的妹妹杨玲时,你会说: A. This is Yang Ling. B. This is my sister, Yang Ling. C. Thats my sister,Yang Ling.( ) 10. 你想问别人这是不是他的叔叔,你会说: A. Is this your uncle? B. Is this your aunt. C. Is that your uncle?


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