
学习情境一:前厅服务英语,学习任务: 处理投诉,Name : Ellen Job: Operator Responsibility: To answer hotel phones and deal with guests problems.,Contents,Working Procedures 工


1、学习情境一:前厅服务英语,学习任务: 处理投诉,Name : Ellen Job: Operator Responsibility: To answer hotel phones and deal with guests problems.,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Understand guests complaints Offer the solutions to the problems in the hotel,Working Procedures 工作程序,Listen to the details of the complaints 仔细聆听。

2、学习情境二:餐厅服务英语,学习任务: 酒水服务,Name : David Job: Wine steward Responsibility: To serve drinks and help guests take the wine orders,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Serve drinks at a bar Recommend beverage to guests,Working Procedures 工作程序,Ask guests request 询问宾客要求 Repeat and confirm the order 重复和确认。

3、学习情境二:餐厅服务英语,学习任务: 席间服务,Name : Judy Job: Waitress Responsibility: To serve the guests during the meal.,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Serve guests during the meal Deal with emergency during the meal,Working Procedures 工作程序,Unfold the napkin and do some preparation 为客人打开餐巾并做好上菜准备 Serve th。

4、学习情境一:前厅服务英语,学习任务: 陪送客人,Name : Jackson Job: Bellman Responsibility: To show guests to the room and introduce the facilities,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Accompany guests to the room Introduce room facilities,Working Procedures 工作程序,Walk with the guests 与宾客同行 Talk to the guests 与宾客交谈 Show ho。

5、学习情境二:餐厅服务英语,学习任务: 受理西餐点菜 2,Name : Chloe Job: Waitress Responsibility: To recommend the dish and help guests take orders,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Recommend and explain Chinese dishes Take orders in a Chinese restaurant,Working Procedures 工作程序,Pass the menu to the guest from his right side. 站在。

6、学习情境二:餐厅服务英语,学习任务: 送餐服务,Name : Johnson Job: Room service waiter Responsibility: To take orders from the guest and deliver food to the guest s room.,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Know the procedure of taking orders from the room. Deliver food to the guests room.,Working Procedures 工作程序,Answer a call f。

7、学校要求我写为英语专业及非英语专业的同学写相应的学习规划, 现在拿过来放在这里希望更多的同学能够看到。英语专业学习规划:对于英语专业的学生来讲,进入大学校园后会发现专业课程交相出现,英语有关书籍种类繁杂。不由得觉得科科重要,本本经典。但是大家知道只有科学的规划,合理的时间安排才会平衡自己学习上的需求与学校授课步伐上的差异,使听说读写译五种技能得到锻炼及提高,四年之后达到熟练掌握英语这门语言工具的能力。大学一年级:这一年是英语专业学习压力比较小的时候。主要开设的课程有综合英语,语音,口语,泛读,听力。

8、酒店员工学习英语心得体会英语学习心得体会酒店学习心得体会 心得体会 知识改变命运,态度决定一切,细节决定成败,这是不变的事实。作为酒店的一名礼宾部员工,在面客上经常会遇见一些外国宾客为他们提供服务,逐渐让我认识到英语运用的重要性。因此,我利用酒店培训英语的这个良好机会,下定决心加强英语学_。然而今天,当我要写下英语学_的心得体会的时候,我总有一种说不出的深切体会,那就是“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”的。

9、学习情境一:前厅服务英语,学习任务: 回答宾客咨询,Name : Judy Job: Concierge Responsibility: To answer guests inquiries and satisfy guests needs.,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Offer information service Give directions,Working Procedures 工作程序,Listen carefully 仔细聆听 Understand guests requests 了解宾客需要 Give a response 。

10、优化英语学习情境 促进个性化学习的研究 “学习过程的人本化研究”的子课题方案 顾华娟 吴红梅 一、研究背景 面对21世纪知识经济的挑战,推进素质教育,重建课程体系,培养创新精神与实践能力比以往任何时候都更加迫切。而这关键就在于学习观念与方式的变革。当今社会发展的多元化、学习化、信息化,教育资源、教学时空无限扩展,为学生的个性化学习提供了坚实的物质基础,同时也创造。

11、 英语学习论文英语学习方法论文:初中生怎样学好英语 摘要:如何才能够学好英语是许多学生,尤其是初中生经常提的一个问题,特别是在以素质教育、提倡目标化教学为主要教学方式的今天,怎样在有限的时间内、在减轻学生课业负担的前提下,提高课堂的学习效率,完成教学目标,对我们每一位英语教师来说既是一个严峻而又迫切需要去解决的问题。谈到如何学好英语实际上涉及两个方面的问题:一是怎样学会英语,二是怎样会学英语,当然。

12、学习情境二:餐厅服务英语,学习任务: 受理西餐点菜 1,Name : Joey Job: Waitress Responsibility: To serve guests in a western restaurant,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Recommend and explain Western food Take orders in a western restaurant,Working Procedures 工作程序,Pass the menu to the guest from his right side. 站在客人右侧,呈。

13、学习情境一:前厅服务英语,学习任务: 结帐退店,Name : Kate Job: Cashier Responsibility: To help check out and settle the bill for guests.,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Deal with different methods of paying the hotel bill. Explain a series of items on the hotel bill.,Working Procedures 工作程序,Ask the guest for his/her room nu。

14、学习情境三:客房服务英语,学习任务: 解决问题,Name : Annie Job: Room Attendant Responsibility: To solve the problems in the hotel rooms and report it to the manager,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Understand guests problems. Offer solutions to problems in the hotel.,Working Procedures 工作程序,Listen to the guest carefully. 认。

15、学习情境二:餐厅服务英语,学习任务: 结账服务,Name : Jack Job: Waiter Responsibility: To serve the guests and help guests settle the bills,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Explain different methods of payment Help guests settle the bills,Working Procedures 工作程序,Check if the total is correct 检查总额是否正确 Ask the guest the。

16、学习情境三:客房服务英语,学习任务: 客房清理服务,Name : Peter Job: Room attendant Responsibility: To make up the hotel rooms and clean the rooms on guests request,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Know the procedure of cleaning the room. Make up the room on guests request.,Working Procedures 工作程序,Enter the guestroom. 进入客。

17、学习情境三:客房服务英语,学习任务: 提供用品服务,Name : Vivian Job: room attendant Responsibility: To check the hotel rooms and offer supplies on guests requests,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Understand the guests requests. Offer room supplies to the guest.,Working Procedures 工作程序,Listen very carefully to get what kind o。

18、学习情境一:前厅服务英语,学习任务: 为客人办理入住登记,Name : Betty Job: Receptionist Responsibility: To help guests check in and make a comfortable stay for guests,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Welcome and register guests Reply to requests for rooms,Working Procedures 工作程序,Smile warmly and welcome guests 热情微笑着欢迎宾。

19、学习情境二:餐厅服务英语,学习任务: 迎宾和引座,Name : Anna Job: restaurant hostess Responsibility: To greet guests and seat them on guests requests,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Greet and see off guests in a polite way Seat guests,Working Procedures 工作程序,Greet the guest within 15 seconds 15秒内与宾客打招呼 Ask the guest s。

20、学习情境一:前厅服务英语,学习任务: 门应服务,Name : Tom Job: Bellman Responsibility: To welcome guests at the hotel door and help guests with the luggage.,Contents,Working Procedures 工作程序,2,Working Knowledge 工作知识,3,Hotel Task 酒店任务,4,5,Words and Expressions,6,Activity,Learning Objectives 学习目标,After finishing this task, you should be able to: Handle bell service Understand guests requests,Working Procedures 工作程序,Greet guests 问候客人 Open the door 开门 Go up and welcome guests 。

标签 > 酒店英语学习情境二餐厅服务英上语2-5[编号:1029485]
