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1、How often do you exercise?,Unit 2,1,Words preview,how often exercise housework hardly ever,多久一次 v. & n. 锻炼;运动 n.家务劳动,家务事(不可数) adv. 几乎不;几乎没有 adv. 曾;曾经,2,Words preview,once twice time Internet program full swing swing dance,adv. 一次 adv. 两次 n. 次;次数 n. 网络;互联网 n. 节目;表演 n.满的;饱的 n.秋千,3,What do you usually

2、do on weekends?,I usually ,use the Internet,go shopping,do some cleaning,read,exercise,4,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usually ,do homework,play football,watch TV,go fishing,5,always,usually,often,sometimes,never,hardly ever,总是,通常,常常,有时,几乎不,从不,I always do some reading on weekends.,6,7,频度副词Ad

3、verbs of Frequency,8,She usually does homework.,What does she usually do on weekends?,She often does some reading.,9,He usually does some exercise.,What _he usually do on weekends?,He usually plays football.,does,10,They often go to the movies.,What_ they usually do on weekends?,They usually go shop

4、ping.,do,11,sometimes use the Internet,often go skateboarding,What does he do on weekends?,12,often go shopping,sometimes go swimming,What do they do on weekends?,13,What do they do on weekends?,usually,hardly ever,14,What does she do on weekends?,hardly ever often,15,What does he do on weekends?,so

5、metimes never,16,1a,go shopping,read,exercise,watch TV,help with housework,17,1a Look at the picture. Make a list of the weekend activities.,go shopping,read,exercise,watch TV,play/do sports,do housework,do some reading,18,1b,always 100%_ usually _ often _ sometimes _ hardly ever _ never 0% _,exerci

6、se,read,help with housework,watch TV,go shopping,go shopping,watch TV,19,Girl 1: I _go shopping.Boy 1: I _ go shopping. I_ watch TV.Boy 2: I _ exercise. Girl 2: I _ help with housework.Girl 3: I _ever watch TV. I _ read.,What do they usually do on weekends? Listen again and fill in the blanks.,somet

7、imes,never,usually,always,often,hardly,always,20,1c,Pairwork,A: What do you do on weekends? B: I usually watch TV. A: Do you go shopping? B: No, I never go shopping.,21,once a month,twice a month,three times a month,2013,22,Listen. Cheng is talking about how often he does different activities. Numbe

8、r the activities you hear.,2a,Activities a. _ go to the movies b. _ watch TV c. _ shop d. _ exercise e. _ read,1,3,5,4,2,23,2b,Activities How often a. go to the movies every day b. watch TV once a week c. shop twice a week d. exercise three times a week e. read once a month twice a month,Listen agai

9、n. How often does Cheng do the activities? Match his activities with the number of times he does them.,24,2c,Pairwork,How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations.,25,本课时我们学习的主要语法点是由 wh- 和 how 引导的特殊疑问句以及对应的答语。如: What do/does ? How often do/does ? 等。 What do you

10、 usually do on weekends? 你通常周末做什么? I usually listen to music. 我通常听音乐。,26,How often do you go to the factory? 你多久去一次工厂? I go to the factory twice a week. 我两周去一次。 How often do you exercise? 你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体? How often + 助动词 do (does 或 did) + 主语 + do sth.?,27,疑问词 how often 是问频率 (多久一次),(在这里助动词 do (does或did

11、) 是起帮助构成疑问的作用)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用, 回答一般是用表示频率的副词。 如:once, twice, three times, sometimes, quite, often, never, every day, once a week, twice a month, three times a month, three or four times a month 等。,28,What do you usually do on weekends? I always exercise. What do they do on weekends? They often help w

12、ith housework. What does she do on weekends? She sometimes goes shopping. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies maybe once a month. How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever watches TV .,课时重点回顾,Review,29,Do you go shopping? No, I never go shopping.,课时重点回顾,Review,30,请对下面句子划线部分提问。,1.

13、He usually visits his grandpa every winter. 2. I visit my grandparents twice a year.,What does he usually do every winter?,How often do you visit your grandparents?,31,1.How often _ he play soccer? _ you drink milk? 3. How often _ they stay up late? 4. _ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often _ y

14、ou eat apples? 6. _ your parents play sports?,does,Do,do,Does,Do,do,32,Complete the questions with do or does. Then match the questions and answers.,1. How often _ he play soccer? 2. _ you drink milk? 3. How often _ they stay up late? 4. _ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often _ you eat apples?

15、6. _ your parents play sports?,a. Yes. She usually does. b. Hardly ever. I dont like them. c. He plays at least twice a week. d. No, they dont. Theyre too busy. e. Never. They always go to bed early. f. Yes, I do. Every day.,does,Do,do,Does,do,Do,33,How often do you help with housework,How often doe

16、s your best friend exercise,What do you usually do on weekends,What do you usually do after school,34,read English magazines,keep diaries in English,sing English songs,watch English programs,read English newspapers,listen to English tapes,35,选择题 1. -I didnt know you take a bus to school. -Oh, I _ ta

17、ke a bus, but it is snowing today. A. hardly B. never C. sometimes D. usually 2. -Were you often late for school last term, Tom? -No, _. I got to school early every day. A. Always B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never,D,D,36,3. -How often do you go to a concert? -_ ever. Im not interested in that at all.

18、 A. Usually B. Hardly C. often D. sometimes 4. -Miss Gao is very popular with her students. -Yes. Her classes are _ lively and interesting. A. hardly ever B. never C. sometimes D. always,B,D,37,Sunday ,May 1st The weather was fine today. I went to the beach with my classmates. How beautiful the beac

19、h was! There were so many people on the beach. They were friendly. We swam happily. I felt like I was a fish in the sea. Then we played beach volleyball. It was so exciting. For lunch, we had some seafood(海鲜). It was delicious. All of us (We) had a great time today.,38,Write a short passage about how often you do different activities in 2a.,Homework,39,Thank you.,40,


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