A comparative study of politeness between English and Chinese cultures.doc

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1、A comparative study of politeness between English and Chinese culturesAbstract:This thesis attempts to make a comparative study of politeness between English and Chinese cultures.Politeness Can be realized in a number of ways,among which the use of language is an important one.With the development o

2、f pragmatics in the past years,language is used to show-politeness and also the differences between different languages and cultures. Key words:Politeness principle; Culture difference 一、Introduction Politeness as a social phenomenon can be observed in all languages and cultures,and it has long been

3、 made an important object of study in linguistics.The really serious study of politeness in the Western linguistic circles can be traced back to the German Romantic Movement in the early 1920s.In recent years,along with the rapid movement towards pragmatics,politeness has become the central theme.As

4、 a common social phenomenon,politeness is not only a universally highly #118alued virtue,but also a widely employed strategy to realize tactful and effective communication.Despite its universality of politeness,the ways to realize politeness,and the standards of judgment differ in difference culture

5、s.Being unaware of such differences would probably lead to trouble or failure in cultural communication. 二、Politeness Principle (一)Definition of politeness Politeness is a universal phenomenon in human society.However different linguists and scholars give their different interpretations of politenes

6、s.G.Leech introduces the Politeness Principle which runs as follows:Minimize the expression of impolite beliefs,Maximize the expression of polite belief.Leech specified six maxims of the politeness principle which are the means by which on can obtain the degree of politeness required in a certain si

7、tuation. 1.Tact maxim Minimize the expression of beliefs which imply cost to other,maximize the expression of beliefs which imply benefit to other 2.The Generosity maxim Minimize the expression of benefit to self;maximize the expression of cost to self. 3.The Approbation maxim Minimize the expressio

8、n of beliefs which express dispraise of other;maximize the expression of beliefs which express approval of other.Other may not be the person directly addressed,but someone or something dear to humor her. 4.The Modesty maxim Minimize the expression of praise of self;maximize the expression of disprai

9、se of self. 5.The Agreement maxim Minimize the expression of disagreement between self and other;maximize the expression of agreement between self and other. 6.The Sympathy maxim Minimize the expression of detest of other;maximize the expression of sympathy of other.I will make a comparison in polit

10、eness principle between China and English- speaking countries according to these maxims. (二)Gu YueguoPoliteness Principle In China,however the real study of politeness only began in the 1980s when pragmatics was introduced into China.The most important figure in this area is Gu Yueguo.He puts forwar

11、d his own set of politeness maxims in his Politeness. Phenomena in Modem Chinese(1990).Gu(1992)has formulated a different set of politeness maxims,which he thinks that are more suitable to the Chinese environment.Gu who have contributed significantly to the study of politeness in modern Chinese hold

12、s that there are basically four notions underlying the Chinese conception of limao(礼貌):Respectfulness,modesty,attitudinal warmth,refinement.Respectfulnessis selfs positive appearance of concerning the latters face,social status and so on.It is identical with the need to maintain the listeners positi

13、ve face.Modestycan be seen as another way of sayingself-denigration.Self-denigration is uniquely Chinese.Attitudinal Warmthis selfs demonstration of kindness,consideration and hospitality to other.It bears a strong Chinese trait and the speaker runs the risk of infringing on the listeners personal f

14、reedom,thus threatening his negative face.Refinement refers to selfs behavior to other which meets certain standards .People should live up to the conventionally recognized social standards in order not to be accused of being rude or ill mannered.Gus principle reflects the typical Chinese characteri

15、stics.Chinese has its own principles and explanations.And through studies such principles,we could go further on study the concealing part of Chinese culture.Collectivism,Confucianism and Hierarchy would be revealed. 三、The differences in Politeness Principles between Chinese and English Cultures (一)

16、Different maxim is chosen because of different culture The Tact maxim is the one that the westerns use the most when they are communicating.People use it when they implement indicative behaviors such as making requests orders,warms suggestions and giving advices and so on.For eaample,“Hang on a seco

17、nd”,Ive got a bit of problem.Here it is very clear that the speaker is trying to lessen the cost of other.However,people in China and other eastern countries put emphasis on Modesty Maxim.After a big meal,people will say“I am so sorry,I have given you so much trouble .”The different choices are made

18、 because people come from different culture and they have different view of #118alue.Chinese pursue a hamonious relationship .However,it is a country which put emphasis on social stratum.But in English countries,the politeness principle put emphasis“equality”and“consistence”. (二)Collectivism Family

19、is in a specific position in Chinese transitional culture.All the relationship between people must revolve in the relationship of family.Therefore,in the language interaction,especially in the politeness greetings,just 1ike to family members.As greeting,Chinese speakers 1ike to say.“You are fat”or“Y

20、ou are so thin”.Please pay more attention to your health.When the two friends meet,they often say,“Where are you going?”or“Have you had the meal?”in Chinese culture,it shows tactful,friendly and warmly.Because when a Chinese speaker says hello to an English speaker using these phrases,English speake

21、r sometimes thinks it is an“inquire”not the friendly“greeting”In American and British culture English.Speaker pays more attention to the individualism and privacy.And they regard what the speaker asked is our of their business.They consider it as an interpreting and impolite.Therefore,the main conte

22、nt of talking is called“La Jia Chang”.And inquiring the detai1s of family member is a common and polite topic.Thats the way to show care and concerning to listener.The English speakers dis1ike to be asked salary,age and marriage,however,and they treat these as privacy.British people often start thei

23、r talking as whether topic.When a Chinese listener heard“Windy,isnt it”,he would not regard it as a signal of start talking.Chinese personal relationships symbols as society:emphasizes on keeping within the bounds of social groups:and regards the collectivities functions as the main role.Therefore,t

24、hey dont treat these questions as privacy.Privacy is #118alued in all cultures,but it is much more highly regarded in the English speaking culture than in the Chinese culture.An English speaking person might simply regard what is considered as an act of politeness in Chinese culture as an intrusion

25、upon a persons privacy.Prof.Gu has included“Attitudinal warmth”as one of the four motions underlying politeness in the Chinese culture.To show warmth and concern of other is considered as a polite act.Thats why when two Chinese meet each other even for the first time:they might be asking about each

26、others age,mortal status,offspring,occupation and even income.The Chinese think that they are being polite by showing concern for the other person and asking all these questions wi11 help shorten the social distance between themselves an d their interlocutors.But English speaker,should they be asked

27、 all such questions,would feel their interlocutor is rudely encroaching upon their privacy.In modern Chinese,the equivalent of politeness is Li Mao,which is believed to have evolved in history from the notion of Li (礼).In the opening lines are round the following“speaking of Li,humble yourself but s

28、how respect to other”.It has ever since become an essential feature of the Chinese notion of politeness and has remained at the core of politeness in the Chinese culture. (三)Confucianism and Hierarchy Confucius set up 81l ethical moral system intended ideally governs al1 relationships in the family

29、and nation.He taught that society was made up of five relationships:those between ruler and subjects,husband and wife,father and son,elder brother and younger brother and friends.He emphasizes virtue,se1f1essness,duty,patriotism,hard work and respect for hierarchy.He gives social relationships to li

30、ve in harmony with the universe,with your follows man through proper behavior.Li cons ideas balance and harmony in human relationships to be the basic of society. Confucianism influenced Chinese culture deeply.It is the social structure of disparity as English culture is the parallel social structur

31、e.Rights disparity refers to the different status of unequal social position It is the common phenomenon of various social cultural groups.Influenced by the traditional patriarchal social system,the basic social element is always the fami1Y that ties of blood.Moral principles reflect the patriarchal

32、 social system.“Lun”means the position in the family hierarchy .“Li”is the law of social hierarchy.Hierarchy of China is rigidly stratified.Everybody in this society has his or her own steady status,position,rights and duties.Behavior patterns and communication must be fitting his position.In order

33、to stabi1ize the benefit of Society and maintain the social relationship.People would keep themselves within the bounds to yearn for freedom.Must be obey orders and be se1f sacrifice.That is another expression stability and unity,good social orders and harmony of the society.Though the social functi

34、on of Limao in modern focus on the harmony relationship:minimizing differences and developing the cooperation,following by the disappearing of social hierarchy.The effective influence has been released.E g.The students often call their teacher.“surname+Laoshi”.To call the old as“lao xian sheng”.Foll

35、owing the self-denigrating and other-respecting Maxim,in order to established and maintains a good interpersonal relationship. 四、Conclusion In studies,because the complex of the #118alue itself,we should pay more attention to the changing,past,present,traditional,modern and difference and generality

36、.In general speaking,through the revealing to the #118alue of each national culture.We know the cultural characteristic between each national culture,so as to make the most useful evidence in cross cu1ture and interact communication successfully. References: 1何兆熊.Study of Politeness in Chinese and Eng1ish Cultures.外国语,1995(5). 2贾玉新.跨文化交际学M.上海:上海外语教育出版社.2002. 3顾日国.礼貌语用与文化.外语教学与研究.1992(4). 4Leech,G.N.1983.Principles of Pragmatics London:Longman.


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