人教版七年级英语上册Unit5 SectionA 2a-2d.ppt

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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A (2a-2d),1,Do you have?你有吗? Yes, I do. No, I dont.,Grammar Focus,Do you have a ping-pong ball? 这是一个一般疑问句,其中have 是实义动词, 表示“有”。句中do为助动词,没有实际意义。只是帮助构成句式。,2,Do you have a watch? 你有手表吗? 主语have是英语中很有用的动词,基本含义是“有”。如课文中的 I have a soccer ball. have 在he, she, it 后面要变

2、成has。,Explanation,3,Explanation,即:一般现在时第三人称单数形式。 如: He has a basketball. have 当动词“有”的意思时, 句式是: 陈述句:I have a nice bag. 疑问句:Do you have a nice bag? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 否定句:I dont have a nice bag.,4,Practice,Do you have a tennis bat?,5,Practice,Does Tom have a basketball?,6,Practice,Does Mary have

3、 a volleyball?,7,Practice,Do they have a TV?,8,Dale,1,3,4,2,Paul,2a,Listen to the conversations and number the pictures (1-4),9,Listen again,3,1,4,2,Paul,Dale,10,A: Do you have a _, Paul? B: No, I dont. A: Does your brother Alan have one? B: _.,soccer ball,Yes, he does,11,A: Hi, Mike. B: Hi, John. A

4、: I want to play _. Do you have a _ ? B: Yes, I do. A:_!.,basketball,basketball,Great,12,A: Hi, Sally. B: Hi, Jane. A: Sally, this is my friend, Anna. B:Hi, Anna. Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you, Sally. B: Lets play _. Do you have a _, Jane? A: Sorry,_,tennis ball,tennis,I dont,13,A: Do you ha

5、ve a _, Dale? B: _ . But my brother does. Lets go and find him.,volleyball,No, I dont,14,Cindy: Hey, Helen, lets go! Were late. Helen: OK. Cindy: Do you have the baseball? Helen: Yes, I do. Its in my bag. Cindy: And wheres our baseball bat? Helen: Bill has it. Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your j

6、acket? Helen: Oh, no, I dont. Its on the chair. Let me get it. Cindy: And your hat, too! Helen: OK, I have my jacket and hat. Lets go.,Role-play the conversation.,15,Lets go. 我们走吧。 这是一个以动词Let 开头的祈使句,表示建议。祈使句都是以动词开头,省略了主语。Lets 是Let us的缩写形式。us 意为“我们”。该句型结构是Let sb do sth.“让某人干某事”,表示说话人的建议。对该祈使句所表示的建议一般

7、用“OK.”, “All right.”, “That sounds good.”, “A good idea.” 否定回答用“Sorry, I ”, “No, I ”,等来回答。,New Sentences,16,例如: Lets have a cup of coffee. 我们喝咖啡吧。 OK. 好吧。 Lets sing A B C song. 让我们唱字母歌吧。 Sorry, I cant sing it. 对不起,我不会唱。 Let him come in. 让他进来吧。 All right./Yes, please. 好吧。/是,请进。,New Sentences,17,Go an

8、d see. Look at the picture. Stand up, please. Lets go. Lets play.,Sit down, please. Please come in.=Come in, please.,用来表示请求、命令的句子叫祈使句。,祈使句以动词原形开头,一般不用主语,省略主语you。,为使语气委婉,显得礼貌,常在句首或句尾加please。,18,be late 迟到,be 随主语变化。 eg. He is late. 他迟到了。 I am late.我迟到了。 You are late. 你迟到了。,New Sentences,We are late. 我

9、们迟到了。,19,I _ three friends in England. 2. They_ a big room in China. 3. Harry _ two cats. 4. Jeff and Jean _ a son. 5. She _ a big apple. 6.Do you_ a bag ? 7.Bobs brother _a nice watch.,have,have,has,have,has,have,用 have or has 填空。,has,20,Do you have a ping-pong ball? Yes, I do. No, I dont.,I have a

10、 ping-pong ball. I dont have a ping-pong ball.,21,Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do. No, I dont. I have a basketball.,I dont have a basketball.,22,Do you have a volleyball? Yes, I do. No, I dont.,I have a volleyball. I dont have a volleyball.,23,句式转换(1),I have a soccer ball.,否定句:_.,一般疑问句:_?,肯定回答:_

11、.,否定回答:_.,I dont have a soccer ball,Do you have a soccer ball,Yes, I do,No, I dont,Exercise,24,句式转换(2),He has a volleyball.,否定句:_,一般疑问句:_?,肯定回答:_.,否定回答:_.,He doesnt have a volleyball.,Dose he have a volleyball,Yes, he does,No, he doesnt,Exercise,25,Exercise,一、按要求完成下列句子,I _(有) a book and two pens.,2.

12、I _(not, do) have a sister.,3._ you _ (have) a basketball?,Yes, I _.,No, I _.,have,dont,Do,have,do,dont,26,I _ three friends in England. 2. They_ a big room in China. 3. Harry _ two cats. 4. Jeff and Jean a son. 5. She _ a big apple. 6.Do you a bag ? 7.Bobs brother a nice watch. 8.Does Bob _ a tenni

13、s?,have,have,has,have,has,have,一、用 have or has 填空。,has,have,自 我 检 测,27,二、将下列汉语翻译成英文。 1) 你有足球吗? _ 是的,我有. _ 2) 你妹妹有篮球吗? _ 是的,她有 _ 3) 她有铅笔吗? _ 不,她没有。 _ 4) 你父亲有汽车吗? _ 是的,他有。 _ 5) 托尼没有一个好朋友_,Do you have a soccer? Yes, I have. Does you sister have a basketball? Yes, she does.,Does she have a pencil? No, she doesnt. Does your father have a car? Yes,he does. Tony doesnt have a good friend.,28,Goodbye!,Thank you!,29,


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