人力资源管理师三级考证必备——Many promotable+中文翻译.doc

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1、Many promotable candidates are originally hired through college recruiting. This is therefore an important source of management trainees, as well as of professional and technical employees.There are two main problems with on-campus recruiting. First, it is relatively expensive and time-consuming for

2、 the recruiters. Schedules must be set well in advance, company brochures printed, records of interviews kept and much recruiting time spent on campus. Second, recruiters themselves are sometimes ineffective, or worse. Some recruiters are unprepared, show little interesting the candidate, and act su

3、perior. Many recruiters also dont effectively screen their student candidates. For example, students physical attractiveness often outweighs other more valid traits and skills. Some recruiters also tend to assign females to female-type jobs and male to male-type- jobs. Such findings underscore the n

4、eed to train recruiters before sending them to the campus.You have two goals as a campus recruiter. Your main function is screening, which means determining whether a candidate is worthy of further consideration. Exactly which traits you look for will depend on your specific recruiting needs. Traits

5、 to assess include motivation, communication skills, education, appearance, and attitude.While your main function is to find and screen good candidates, your other aim is to attract them to your firm. A sincere and informal attitude, respect for the applicant as an individual, and prompt follow-up l

6、etters can help you to sell the employer to the interviewee1 College recruiting is an important source of the following people except ( )A. management traineesB. management trainersC. professional employeesD. technical employees2. Which of the following isnt the weakness of college recruiting? ( )A.

7、 It is relatively expensiveB. It is relatively time-consumingC. It is sometimes ineffectiveD. Its main function is screening3. According to the passage, goals of a campus recruiter include the following except ( )A. screeningB. determining whether a candidate is worthy of futher considerationC. Prin

8、ting company brochuresD. Attracting candidates to your firm4. According to the passage, the author might most likely agree that ( )A. College recruiting can find and screen many good candidatesB. There is no problem with college recruitingC. It is unnecessary to train recruiters before college recru

9、itingD. It isnt the goal of a campus recruiter to sell the employer to the interviewee5. This passage mainly discussed ( )A. the problems and goals of college recruitingB. the problems of college recruitingC. the goals of college recruitingD. the methods of college recruiting 许多优秀的候选人最初是通过校园招聘得到雇佣的,



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