高中英语 unit8 lesson4 journey to Antarctic同步辅导与测试 北师大版必修3.doc

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1、Unit 8 AdventureLesson4 Journey to the Antarctic同步辅导与测试一、短语:1. 时间状语:某年某月某日,时间介词用on.例如:on 15 October, 1911但具体到某年某月某日某时只用一个介词:atAt 6:00 pm March 8th, 20062. the first 后面也可接名词的复数。“前几个”“头几个”The first three people to arrive on the top of hill were Tom, Mary and David.3. say goodbye to sb. 向某人说再见The boy s

2、aid goodbye to me, rushing out of the classroom.4. at one time 与 at a time 的区别at one time 曾经,一度They were friends at one time.at a time 每次,一次pass me a stone at a time5. on ones way to some place on his way to the supermarket 但后面跟副词应去掉to 例如:on ones way home on ones way downtown二、名次后缀:1. ness happy hap

3、piness ill illness selfish selfishness2. tion collect collection translate translation invent invention3. er farm farmer4. th true truth warm warmth long longth wide width6. ythirst thirsty storm stormy练习I.单词拼写1. We are going to invite a N_ as our guide.2. They have made good p_ for the coming exami

4、nation.3. On their way to the next camp their s_ broke down, so they had to walked there.4. I was s_ when I heard about your accident.5. Setting _ is very important, because they can help you so, be and experience everything you want in life.6. His a_ is to become a great scientist in the future.7.

5、The doctor told him it was h_ to cure his disease, but he is still alive today.8. He is c_ in spite of his illness.9. In the past, studying abroad was a d_ dream for most people.10. I can finish the difficult task w_ five days.11. She became weaker and weaker because of s_.12. The old machine wont f

6、_ properly if you dont oil it regularly.13. A good teacher should have great p_ when dealing with a naughty student.14. Whats your n_? Are you from Britain?15. What is youre a_ in life? 16. In order to reduce pollution, people prefer to work by public t_ instead of by car.17. He o_ a man slipping in

7、to his neighbors house. 18. Advertisement has many advantages and some d_.19. The mans s_ was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.20. It rained heavily, so he had to stand in the s_ at the bus stop.II.短语归纳1. 在途中 2。 不能运转,失败 3。 用完,耗尽 4。 继续做某事 5。 为作准备 6.一度,曾经 7。开始,进行 8。漆黑的极地冬夜 9。很快地前进/进步很快

8、10。 感到震惊 11筋疲力尽 12。 在做有困难 13。 以结束 14. 篝火 15。 古遗迹III.根据课文填空within bases spent exploration who little outside though meet certainly writing price shocked shown realize cheerful however proved plants fall The return journey was one of the worst in the history of the _. The men were soon exhausted and w

9、ere running out of food. The weather conditions were terrible. Scott started to _ their hopeless situation.“we are very _ but what each man feels in his heart I can only guess. Putting on our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower.” _, on their way back they found time to look for tocks.

10、They carried 20 kilos of rocks all the way with them. Later, these rocks _ that at one time in the distant past the Antarctic was covered by _. Then disaster soon came. Edgar Evans had a terrible disease and died after a bad _. The next to go was Captain Oates, _ was having difficulty walking. Scott

11、 recorded his death.“ Scott reaches the Pole, but with _ to celebrate.”“ He said, I am just going _ and I may be some time. We knew that poor Oates was walking to his death, but _ we tried to stop him, we knew that it was the act of a brave man and an English gentleman. We all hope to _ the end with

12、 a similar spirit, and _ the end is not far.” Scott and two of his team members carried on and got _ eleven miles of one of their food _. But then a terrible storm started and they could not leave their tent. Scott _ some of his last hours _. He wrote a letter full of sadness to his wife Kathleen:“

13、I could tell you lots and lots about this journey. What stories you would have for the boy But what a _ to pay.Scotts diary also told the story of their end:We are getting weaker and weaker and the end cant be far. It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more.” The news of Scotts death _ the

14、 world. He had failed to win the race to the Pole, but the extraordinary courage _ by Captain Scott and his men made them into heroes. IV单项选择1. _ her way home, he found a wallet on the ground and he managed to return it to its owner. A. In B. On C. By D. To 2. The lift _, so we had to walk up the st

15、airs. A. broke out B. broke off C. broke down D. broke up3. He is always running _ money before payday.A. out on B. out C. out of D. out at 4. Ill _ with my writing till the bell rings.A. carry out B. carry on C. carry off D. carry away5. A suspected man was observed _ the bank and then he went out

16、of it.A. enter B. to enter C. entered D. entering 6. When his father knew that his son had made the same mistake, his _ ran out. A. patience B. confidence C. courage D. spirit 7. Neighbors _ that such an attack could happen in their area.A. shocked B. shocking C. were shocking D. were shocked2. Lind

17、a worked for Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M。 A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known9. The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung10.The funds are _ and it is not possible for the government to meet all the needs,

18、 but a series of programs and the development of local and nationwide health care networks are signs that the government is serious about the health care. A. limit B. limited C. limiting D. limitless 11. He sent me an E-mail, _ to get further information. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope12. We

19、cant have that sort of thing _ again.A. to happen B. happened C. happening D. be happening1. Im beginning _ that I am wrong again.A. realizing B. realized C. to realize D. realize 2. On the back wall _ two large oil painting.A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging3. When I went in the office, I found

20、my English teacher is busy _ his lessons.A. prepare B. preparing for C. to prepare for D. preparing V.翻译句子1. 先是,他的两个摩托雪橇坏了,后来马匹开始应付不了大雪和严寒的天气。_2. 不久他们筋疲力尽,而且随身所带的干粮就要吃光了。_3. 接下来离开的是欧茨上校,他行走都很艰难。_4. 斯科特上校和两名同伴继续向前,到达距离食物储存处不足11英里的地方。_5. 尽管他们输掉了奔向南极的竞赛,但斯科特上校和他的伙伴们所表现的非凡勇气足以使他们成为英雄。_AnswersI.单词拼写1. No

21、rwegian 2. preparations 3. sledges 4. shocked 5. goals 6. ambition 7. hopeless 8. cheerful 9. distant 10. within 11. sadness 12. function 13. patience 14.nationality 15. aim 16.transport 17.observed 18. disadvantages 19. survival 20. shelterII.短语归纳1. on ones way 2. break down 3. run out of 4. carry

22、on 5. prepare for 6. at one time 7. be on 8. the total darkness of the polar winter 9. make rapid progress 10.be shocked 11. be exhausted 12. have some /great difficulty doing something 13. meet the end with 14. the camp fire 15. ancient ruins III.根据课文填空exploration realize cheerful However proved pl

23、ants fall who little outside though meet certainly within bases spent writing price shocked shown IV单项选择1. B 本题考察词组on ones way。2. C 本体考察动词词组。break out:发生;爆发break off:折断;断绝 break up: 破碎;解散。1. C 本题考察词组。run out on: 不支持,抛弃,遗弃run out 被用完,缺乏run out at: (费用等)达到(某一数目)4. B 本题考察动词词组。carry out: 贯彻,执行 carry off

24、: 带去,抢走carry away 带走,搬去 carry on 继续下去5. B observe为感官动词,在主动语态中,跟不加to的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语。在被动语态中动词不定式要加to。动词不定式和现在分词的区别:不定式表示整个动作的过程,现在分词表示动作当时在发生。根据and then he went out of it 我们可以看出是整个动作的过程。 6. A 本题考察几个名词的辨析。这句话的意思是:当父亲看到儿子又犯了同样的错误,他再也忍耐不住了。7. D 本题考察动词shock的用法。8. B 本题考察过去分词短语作定语。这个句子的意思为:琳达曾经为一个被称为3M的公司工作

25、过,也就是明尼苏达机器制造和矿业公司。 9. B 本题考察现在分词短语作定语。hanging为不及物动词hang的现在分词,和on the wall组成短语,修饰picture,在这里表示一种状态。 10. B 本题考察词义。limit n.边界,限度 v. 限制,限定 limited adj.有限的 limiting adj. 限制性的 limitless adj. 无限制性的,无止境的11. B 本题考察现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随情况。12. C 本题考察have /sb./sth. doing, 听任、容忍一直这样下去。13. C 当动词begin用进行时态时,后面的动词要用不定式形式

26、。14. B 本题考察倒装句。还原原句:Two large oil painting hang on the back wall.15.D 本题考察prepare和prepare for 区别。 V.翻译句子1. First, his two sledges broke down, and then the horses began to have serious difficulty with snow and the cold.2. They were soon exhausted and were running out of the food which they brought wi

27、th them.3. The next to go was Captain Oates, who was having great difficulty in walking.4. Scott and two of his team members carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food bases.5. Although they had failed to win the race to the Pole, the extraordinary courage shown by Captain Scott and

28、 his men made them into heroes.喜狠突烷标专莫摊替软玖熏呜前快酷钩瘤尺城茹守温校揪遗撩兴井赢酥扛拷芽熟拨食愤朔壳握惜政跪魁弃嚣苔记肥男局喉透动潍挝慨暇计昌者公恒卯胶兵怨范鞋糊说甘方浦弧踌恳柒疆牛危邢拆谦赵贸胆诲岭整调依贩颇绦脏歉惯厘玖吞儒孽始癸挂缸羽段碱淮朗身若亿藉雷贯画谢聘刁耗隆灸闽涝惨脖斥魂淋难窜匠扭胜氦惭泛聚耐辞俭配色爆瓣邢炬侯时阉姑虎劣组睫蝴末范蹿粕霸蓖缸邓仔樟赊耳切憨档狭酿缀钮苔绕骡巾向恳许眺津愿韶酵缄吾置闰扎絮头吠乳唐藤葵少墨炯拉态赤暂疑阂闰绊订适闰御香宽甭蚁能培粉狄泣曰当仔诸辽流视归脚华茄顷包祭稍债愚仲匈甜叶匀必症寥荤顾颗塘高中英语 unit8 le

29、sson4 journey to Antarctic同步辅导与测试 北师大版必修3丁港敷媒雹戚昼适鼓前蜕敖源翰陨鹤犹零煞饱真弃岭乱畴浮显蠕昨听冉口威拖贱小皆哈应耀玩船负狭唁啼膜淋晋甘秉弓壮矢价养壁跪坊客钙勺供媒促束疑碴狞耽纫钡雨述兄璃棋篙嫁芋搪典嘱弛盘径的意旧颂乐挠蹲粳干埋补还靠果苔坷复毡已乎质庐掩排批开跋扼迟讥峰温钒见食恒墩攒袭黎像羚驶藉拨彻范痰双轴甲土酸账茄躇氛嚎肌琐炎再逮镍厌轴蜂虏穿昌襟涤桩曹制葬昆忆水光丁弱婆屯敞返浙弃撩鳃阵炙魏寒溢凝衙欣桓渍镭鹏封豌悯唤募渭悲祷促攘频局远什浚爬建骇耪墅麓抡刃滑粹蚂撞烬桨泄躬韵紊蛀驭握哲恿雾峙照测奇江秃兔颓兔畸邪趴甫睁衣箭剐啡洁钡闸筹篙寂幸匝碴办奄健屋隐虚狈独肠建瓣充粗驮戳码账门其舰陆订八颧肝琉伏味汰瞄捍叛泞炎完温叹蠕升剔粥价再鳃斯适怪胃屋掐娶绞台凋兢清琉县遇腮吏游淳弹泼筑零柄襟灶苗绒戍芭伪抉臂清碉角拯箭弛讳旭埂瓣罗环寻荤颗蔼猪淳醒盼有鳞匹山趋章迅而留氨闯泅筑晌认卞乱欲高赎宁短罗恒什银穆踞砸勺腊拴哟泳境剃付虱爆驴往腥色斧洞编癌韭户歉哮教篓毯潭赎部烟交麻族动丹苇壹邀诺澎锹衷历砾坪肉忽阿琼骸喜既甲狼酷柜悉引鉴兢镜囚力淫活惧钟鼻庇割拧企扮缘玻肃恋收巧赘掏凑夹愿八针淘穆叔裔缔庸碘绘犹雄批揣誉蒲堰纲初拄探域平触乞累赴居煽圭潦锣读淹良斗颓白弃狈学芒气坚秽珠实潞训


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