【人教版】七年级英语上册:Unit7单元练习(含答案) .doc

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1、Unit7 How much are these socks?单元练习 一、单项选择(共15小题;共15分) 1.- How much the bottles of milk?- 31 yuan.A. areB. isC. amD. be 2.- How much the socks?- Three dollars.A. isB. areC. doD. does 3.- the job in the police station exciting?- Yes. But it is also dangerous.A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are 4.They can buy the

2、 pens a very good .A. at; priceB. in; priceC. at; costD. at; selling 5.The beautiful house is sale. But it wont be sale.A. on; forB. for; onC. with; forD. with; on 6.- How much the hats?- Five dollars.A. isB. areC. amD. / 7.Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer(更喜欢) to order(点) what ni

3、ce.A. feelsB. smellsC. looksD. tastes 8.How much the green sweater and the blue hat?A. isB. areC. doD. does 9.John bought for himself yesterday.A. two pairs of shoesB. two pair of shoeC. two pair of shoesD. two pairs shoes10.- ?- Yes. Id like the new dress. Please show me the green one.A. Whats the

4、matterB. How are youC. Whats the dateD. Can I help you11.How much the CD and the book?A. isB. areC. doD. does12.How much these carrots?A. areB. isC. doD. does13.No news good news.A. isB. areC. wasD. were14.We sell these apples a good price.A. inB. atC. ofD. on15.The green shorts are for $25.A. on sa

5、leB. on sellC. for saleD. for sell二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)16. Students n to study hard.17. I dont like young people who wears strange c with colorful hair.18. Look at that girl. Her s is very nice.19. My class has t students, ten girls and twenty boys.20. - Whats two and ten?- Its t .21. The p of

6、 the computer is 5000 yuan. I cant afford it.22. This beautiful MP5 is on s in that shop, and it is very cheap, you can go and buy it.23. Its hot today, but he still wears a shirt and t . I like a T-shirt and shorts better.24. - How much are these socks?- Theyre nine d .25. A quarter (一刻钟) has f min

7、utes(分钟).三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)26. Look! Here are (十三) hats. Which one do you like?27. I want to buy (十一) watermelons.28. Look at his new (裤子). They are very beautiful.29. How many (双) of shoes are there under the bed?30. -Have you heard about the news?-Yes. The (价格) of petrol(汽油) went up la

8、st month!31. How much are the (衣服)?32. The clothes are all on (出售).33. Here are (十五) pencils.34. I agree with you that she (需要) a good rest.35. I want to buy a (毛衣) for my mother.四、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Dr. Brown was a very busy man. He always worked 36 . He often 37 his familys birthdays. Yesterday afte

9、rnoon he 38 it was his wifes birthday. He loved his wife very much. He wanted 39 her a present. On his way 40 his hospital he bought some beautiful flowers in a shop. When Dr. Brown got home, he gave his wife the flowers and said, “Happy birthday 41 you, dear! Its October 3rd, I remember your birthd

10、ay 42 year.” Mrs. Brown laughed and said, “My birthday was the day 43 yesterday. 44 thank you all the same, 45 late than never.”36.A. betterB. difficultC. hardD. harder37.A. rememberedB. forgotC. remembersD. forgets38.A. rememberedB. forgotC. remembersD. forgets39.A. giveB. givingC. to giveD. gave40

11、.A. toB. ofC. onD. in41.A. forB. ofC. withD. to42.A. lastB. theC. onD. this43.A. afterB. beforeC. ofD. next44.A. ButB. SoC. AndD. Even45.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. more五、阅读理解(共20小题;共40分)A Mr Brown saw a sweater in a shop window. It was very cheap, so he bought it. When he got home, he put it on. It w

12、as alright and he was pleased with it. In the afternoon, he went to work in his garden. It soon began to rain and Mr Brown had to run into the house. He ran quickly, but he still got wet. Then his sweater started to shrink(收缩)! It got smaller and smaller. Mr Brown tried to take it off, but he couldn

13、t. In the end, with the help of his wife, he got out of the sweater. Mrs Brown laughed, “You see, you bought a cheap thing, but”46. Mr Brown saw a nice in a shop window. And he bought it.A. jacketB. coatC. sweaterD. shirt47. When he , he put it on.A. got to the officeB. got homeC. went to workD. wen

14、t to the shop48. It soon began to while he was working in the garden.A. rainB. snowC. cloudD. shine49. Mr Brown got wet and he tried to the sweater.A. take awayB. take offC. put upD. put on50. From the story, we know Mr Brown bought .A. a good sweaterB. an expensive sweaterC. a comfortable sweaterD.

15、 a cheap but not good sweaterB Uncle Lee is coming to have dinner with us. Mom and I go shopping. We dont have any meat. We need to buy some. Its ten yuan a kilo before. But now two kilos are sixty yuan. I say, Mom, lets buy some fish. Mom answers, OK. Fish is Uncle Lees favorite food. We buy one ki

16、lo and a half. We also buy some vegetables and some chicken, but we dont buy any hamburgers. Uncle Lee doesnt like them at all. Mom also wants to buy some apples for me. You know, I like bananas, oranges and peaches, but I like apples best. But we cant find any. We go home at a quarter to five in th

17、e afternoon.51. How much is meat now?A. Ten yuan a kilo.B. Fifteen yuan a kilo.C. Thirty yuan a kilo.D. Forty yuan a kilo.52. What doesnt Mom buy?A. Vegetables.B. Chicken.C. Hamburgers.D. Fish.53. Uncle Lees favorite food is .A. fishB. chickenC. meatD. vegetable54. The authors favorite fruit is .A.

18、applesB. bananasC. orangesD. peaches55. What time do they go home?A. At 5:15.B. At 4:45.C. At 5:45.D. At 6:00.C My Name Is Very Very Long(长) Tom and Fred are students. They are twelve years old, and they are in the same class in their school. One afternoon, they have a fight(打架) in class, and their

19、teacher is very angry(生气). He says to them,Stay(留下) here after class (放学后), and write your names one hundred times(次). After class, all the other students go home. Tom and Fred stay in the classroom with their teacher. They begin to write their names. Then Fred cries(哭). The teacher looks at him and

20、 says, Why are you crying (哭什么)? Because(因为) his name is Tom May, and my name is very, very long. My name is Frederick Hollingsworth. Fred says.56. One afternoon, they in class.A. have a testB. have a partyC. have a fightD. have a meeting57. The teacher lets them after class.A. go homeB. stay at sch

21、oolC. play computer gamesD. cry58. Their teacher asks them to write their names .A. two hundred timesB. three hundred timesC. one hundred timesD. ten times59. Fred cries because .A. his name is very, very long.B. he likes crying.C. he likes his name.D. he likes Toms name.60. Where is their reacher?A

22、. In the classroom.B. In his office.C. At home.D Now let me tell you something about the world. France and the U.K. are western countries. China, Korea and Singapore are eastern countries. Different countries have different food. Hamburgers, donuts and hot dogs are the favourite food in the western

23、countries. Dumplings, rice and noodles are popular in China. The U.S. is very far from China. It is east of China. Singapore and Korea are near China. People in different countries speak different languages. Chinese speak Chinese and people in France speak French. Do Canadians speak English? Yes, th

24、ey speak English and French. People in the U.S. also speak English. We call it American English.61. is in the west in the world.A. ChinaB. SingaporeC. KoreaD. The U.K.62. People in the U.S. like to eat .A. noodlesB. dumplingsC. hot dogsD. rice63. Korea is in the of the world.A. eastB. westC. southD.

25、 north64. We call people from Canada .A. ChineseB. CanadiansC. FrenchD. Korean65. is near China.A. The U.S.B. KoreaC. FranceD. The U.K.六、阅读与表达(判断式)(共5小题;共10分) Clouds are made of millions of very small drops of water. The drops move around all the time. When they hit each other, they join up. This is

26、 how they grow larger and heavier. When they are too heavy to stay in the air, they fall down as rain. If it is very cold, the very small drops of water change into ice. The pieces of ice freeze together. When they get too heavy, they fall down as snow. There are many different kinds of clouds. And

27、they are different in shape. The thunderclouds are big and dark. Some clouds are like small white balls of cotton. 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。66. Clouds in the sky never move around.67. When drops of water join up, they grow larger and heavier.68. When clouds of water fall down, we get snow.69. The thu

28、nderclouds are one kind of clouds.70. Clouds in the sky are different in shape, size and color.七、补全对话(选择)(共3小题;共6分)A: 71. B:Table tennis!A: I like table tennis,too.B: 72. A:Good idea!B: 73. A: Byebye.A. Goodbye.B. Thank you.C. Whats your favourite sport, Tom?D. Its Monday.E. Lets play table tennis t

29、omorrow.答案一、单项选择 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A10. D11. B12. A13. A14. B15. A二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. need17. clothes18. sweater19. thirty20. twelve21. price22. sale23. trousers24. dollars25. fifteen三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. thirteen27. eleven28. trousers29. pairs30. price31. clothes32. sale33. fifteen34. needs35. sweater四、完形填空36. C37. B38. A39. C40. A41. D42. D43. B44. A45. B五、阅读理解46. C47. B48. A49. B50. D51. C52. C53. A54. A55. B56. C57. B58. C59. A60. A61. D62. C63. A64. B65. B六、阅读与表达(判断式)66. F67. T68. F69. T70. T七、补全对话(选择)71. C72. E73. A


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