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1、Managing Consumer Credit RiskPeter Burns Anne StanleySeptember 2001Abstract On July 31, 2001, the Payment Cards Center of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia hosted a Work shop that examined current credit risk management practices in the consumer credit industry. The session was led by Jeffrey

2、 Bower, senior manager in KPMG Consultings financial services practice. Bower discussed best practices in the credit risk management field, including credit scoring, loss forecasting, and portfolio management. In addition, he provided an overview of developing new methodologies used by todays risk m

3、anagement professionals in underwriting consumer risk. This paper summarizes key elements of Bowers presentation.Keywords: consumer credit, credit scoring, portfolio managementPORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND ANALYTICSIn Bowers view, consumer credit risk must be understood in terms of a portfolio management

4、 strategy that balances capital preservation with capital optimization, that is, “ . . . a continuous process of identifying and capitalizing upon appropriate opportunities while avoiding inappropriate exposure in such a way as to maximize the value of enterprise.” Capturing data across all steps in

5、 the customer relationship and integrating information management are the keys to effective portfolio management. While this is a fairly straightforward prescription, executing it is often beyond the scope of many lenders, with the credit card companies generally in the vanguard. Often, the process

6、steps are managed on separate legacy systems, which complicate efforts to integrate information. KPMG consultants find that many firms typically purge specific files before the information is extracted and combined with other data to provide effective portfolio management. The loss of application da

7、ta, for example, would mean that critical score-card and demographic information would not be available to model behavior in defined customer or risk segments.BEST PRACTICES IN CREDIT-RISK-MANAGEMENTCredit-risk-management practices vary considerably among firms and between segments of the consumer l

8、ending industry. To illustrate the variability, Bower described the range of management practices in:Credit decision-makingcredit-scoringloss forecastingportfolio management.On the front end of the credit process, industry leaders are investing in analytics to improve the credit decision-making proc

9、ess. Building on experience with credits coring technologies, these leaders are employing expert systems that can adopt to changes in the economy or within specific customer segments. The use of credit-scoring varies from those that are using only credit bureau data, to those that blend bureau data

10、with other information based on the firms own experience, to the most advanced applications using adaptive algorithms. These models, used by some of the leading credit card issuers, are updated regularly to reflect changing characteristics of the applicant population. A significant challenge for eve

11、n the most sophisticated lenders is how to model probable performance when dealing with new customer segments. Loss forecasting techniques have advanced considerably from their early reliance on historical delinquency rates and charge-off trend analyses. Delinquency flow models and segmented vintage

12、 analyses are now commonly used to recognize portfolio dynamics and behavior patterns based on pools with common characteristics. The credit card industry has perhaps gone the furthest with its use of massive segmentation profiles, with the more advanced issuers complementing these profiles with reg

13、ional economic data and other analytical dynamics. Over all portfolio management employs all of these techniques with most firms tracking current vs. historical performance and establishing concentration limits for particular risk segments. Some lenders employ risk adjusted return on capital (RAROC)

14、 models but Bower and his colleagues argue that multi-year net present value cash flow 4 models represent a more effective way to understand optimal risk/reward relationships. In their experience, at this point, only a few firms appear to be testing these more advanced approaches. Bower concluded th

15、is section of the discussion by noting that “the future of consumer credit risk management lies in organizing portfolio performance and account level detail into databases; and then, applying refined analytical models to discern patterns or trends.” In doing so, lenders can more effectively manage l

16、oss exposures and apply risk-based credit pricing.ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUESAnalytical techniques are especially applicable to consumer lending. Consumer portfolios, unlike those in commercial lending, tend to be composed of many relatively homogeneous loans. The relatively common behavior characteristic

17、s of portfolio segments make statistical modeling techniques especially useful. As Bower noted, “Analytical techniques that forecast, segment, and classify individual loans into homogeneous pools have provided the competitive advantage to leading-edge consumer lenders.” The discussion then turned to

18、 the application of risk management analytics in dealing with the full spectrum of credit management activities: response analysis pricing strategies loan amount determination credit loss forecastingportfolio management strategiescollection strategiesThe keys to effective application of analytics ac

19、ross these often interrelated activities are collecting data throughout the business process and managing a common information repository, or risk data warehouse. In dealing with response analysis, the risk management challenge is to avoid adverse selection consequences that result in increased conc

20、entrations of high-risk borrowers. Predictive modeling techniques address this issue but require rigorous response testing to continually improve understanding of customer behavior. Using a range of inputs from origination files (demographics, transactional data, etc.), customer characteristics are

21、segmented and analyzed to develop identifiers of the desired response. Again, the credit card industry is relatively further along in this area, having learned from the painful experiences of a number of issuers in the mid-1990s. In another market, a select group of small-business lenders were also

22、cited as having successfully applied these segmented response analytics to their marketplace. Pricing strategies for risk remains a challenge for many consumer lenders who tend to “follow the competition.” Furthermore, many lenders fail to effectively test pricing models to explore different segment

23、s responses to the trade-offs among annual fees, APR introductory periods, and other pricing variables. Industry leaders use profitability and cash flow modeling to provide insights into portfolio segments and better manage mispriced risk segments. Determining the appropriate loan amount directly af

24、fects portfolio loss. Judgmental criteria - or, worse, marketing-driven strategies - will generally lead to increased credit exposure. Again, analytical techniques such as cash flow modeling can create outcome scenarios comparing loan amounts relative to risk segments. Statistical methodologies exis

25、t that add better control over loan or line setting by determining optimal segments to minimize losses and quantifying probabilities of use. As we have seen in a number of consumer lending businesses over the years, credit loss forecasts or assumptions used to set pricing and loan amount may well pr

26、ove inaccurate with the passage of time. Credit card lenders found that historical assumptions for bankruptcy trends proved inadequate during the mid-1990s. In response, most of the industry leaders have greatly enhanced their analytical techniques in this area to better capture portfolio dynamics.

27、Decompositional roll rate modeling, trend and seasonal indexing, and vintage curve techniques to better estimate behavior within individual portfolio cohorts are some of the advanced statistical methodologies currently employed among industry leaders. Portfolio management is a key issue for consumer

28、 lenders as they examine repricing practices and retention strategies and deal with credit line management. Repricing portfolio segments based on judgmental criteria, for example, can lead to lower revenues or increased portfolio risk. Industry leaders are integrating behavioral elements with cash f

29、low profitability modeling to more accurately determine the impact of pricing adjustments on specific customer segments. Industry leaders understand that collection strategies can have a significant impact on lessening credit losses. In Bowers experience, collection efforts that have 7 been augmente

30、d with statistical behavior models are demonstrably more effective than those with no behavioral modeling support. He also noted that well-conceived segmentation schemes are leading to targeted collection strategies, decreasing roll rates from one state of delinquency to the next.SUMMARYThe tools fo

31、r improving management of consumer credit risk have advanced considerably in recent years as industry leaders and their advisors have focused on the development of increasingly sophisticated analytical tools. Advances in data warehousing technology and overall computational efficiencies have greatly

32、 facilitated these developments. At the same time, application of these new methodologies varies substantially among firms and between industry segments. Generally speaking, the credit card industry tends to be the furthest along the development path, but even here, variability exists. A number of l

33、ending firms have developed highly refined portfolio segmentation designs and enhanced risk-based score-card schemes, but only a few have reached the level of fully integrated models that employ multi-variable regression analysis. At the same time, Bower concluded by noting that risk management prac

34、tices in the consumer lending business are generally much stronger than in the early 1990s and the industry is far better positioned to weather the current economic downturn than it was a decade ago.外文题目: Managing Consumer Credit Risk 出 处: Ten Independence Mall,Philadelphia,PA19106.1570 作 者: Peter B

35、urns and Anne Stanley 译 文: 消费信贷风险管理彼得伯恩斯和安妮士丹利摘要2001年7月31日,支付卡中心的费城联邦储备银行主办了一个研讨会,调查在消费信贷行业目前的信贷风险管理做法。这次会议分别由杰弗里鲍尔,毕马威服务业务高级经理毕马威进行财务咨询。鲍尔讨论了信贷风险管理领域的“最佳做法”,包括信用评分,损失预测和投资组合管理。此外,他还提供了一份被当今从事保险业的消费风险管理专业人员所发展起来的新论。本文总结了鲍尔陈述的主要内容。关键词:消费信贷,信用评分,投资组合管理证券投资管理及分析鲍尔斯认为,消费信贷风险,必须被认为是按照证券投资组合管理策略,以资本优化来平衡资






41、适当的贷款额会直接影响到投资组合的损失,判断标准 或者更糟的影响到营销驱动战略,这样通常会导致更多的信贷风险。同样,如现金流模拟这样的分析技术与相对于风险分类的贷款金额相比较,能创建结果情况。统计方法的作用是对有决定作用的最佳分部所设定的贷款和线路进行更好的管理,以使损失减到最低和量化使用的概率。正如这几年,我们从一些消费贷款业务看到,过去一直使用的由信贷损失预测和设想来设定价格和贷款金额的方法已经被证明了它们无法做到精确有效。1990年中期,信用卡贷款机构发现对银行破产趋势的历史性预测是不能让人信服的。对此,业内大多数领导人已经大幅度增加他们在这领域的分析技术,以便更好的获取产品动态。那些为

42、更好的估计个别组合同伙行为的策略如 滚转率模型,趋势及季节性索引,和复古曲线技术,是目前企业领导所产用的比较先进的方法。项目组合管理是对于消费贷款者而言是一个关键问题,他们检查重新定价的做法和保留策略,处理信用额度管理协议。重新定价组合是以判断标准为基础的,例如,可导致收入减少或增加投资组合的风险。企业领导者把现金流量的盈利能力与建模行为元素相结合以更准确地确定价格调整的具体客户群的影响。企业领导人明白,收集策略可以对减轻信贷损失产生重大影响。根据鲍尔斯的经验,收集有统计行为模型的,明显比没有建立行为模型的要好很多。他还指出,周密的计划是导致分割有针对性地收集战略,减少拖欠国家从一个滚率下。总结近年来,随着企业领导者和顾问开始重视日益复杂的分析工具的发展,对于改善消费信贷风险管理的工具正在显著提高。仓储技术的进步和整体计算机效率的日趋完善,大大促进上述这些的发展。同时,这些新方法的应用在企业和行业部门之间也相差甚远。一般来说,信用卡行业往往是发展道路中走的最远的,但即使是这样,也存在变数。一些贷款企业已经开发了高精分割组合设计和提出了加强风险为基础的记分卡策略,但只有少数人达到了充分的运用多变量回归分析的综合模型的水平。与此同时,鲍尔指出,在消费贷款业务中的风险管理实践要比90年代初强,并且企业对经济下滑的预测要比十年前定位的更准确。


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