部编人教版六年级英语上册33 Unit 5 What does he do第六课时教案.docx

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1、Unit 5 what does he do?第六课时(总第 33 节)教学内容: lets check, lets wrap it up, story time;教学目标:1. 复习询问爱好和职业的问句以及回答:What 都? What are your hobbies?What do you want to be? I like + Ving. I want to be a/an2. 巩固询问爱好和职业的句法要点,能够用不同的主语进行回答以及自由 表达。3. 能理解、听懂并讲 Story time 中的故事。教学重点 : 询问爱好和职业的问句以及回答。教学难点 : 1. What are

2、your hobbies? What do you want to be? I like + Ving. I want to be a/an2. 巩固询问爱好和职业的句法要点,能够用不同的主语进行回答以及自由 表达。教学准备 : 1、教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音、课件,以及本课时的八张单 词卡;2、 准备一些教师的照片或图片;3、 教师准备录音机及录音带;4、 学生准备本课时所需的单词卡片和人物卡片。教学时数 : Lesson six (six lessons in all)教学过程 :导 入: 1. 翻卡活动学生两人一组,将 A、B Lets learn 部分的单词卡片面朝上放在自己

3、的 课桌上,教师打乱顺序说卡片上的词或说一句与卡片内容相关的句子,学 生争取第 1 个把相关的卡片翻过去。2. 10 秒钟最佳者活动教师把 A、B Lets learn 部分的单词卡片贴在黑板上,学生三人一组, 其中,学生 A 是命名者,学生 B 是学生,c 是裁判员。教师说:Go!学生 A 在十秒钟内说职业名称。时间到,教师说:Stop!各组的学生 B 和学生 c 报告本组的学生 A 说对了多少单词,看谁说的单词最多。每组学生交换 角色继续做活动。3. 学生看图并回答教师的问题,如:Who is that man? What does the man do? Where does he wo

4、rk? How does zip go to school?然后教师提供给 学生一些头饰、道具等,让学生自编对话表演。新 授: 1.Lets check(1) Listen and check.(2) Listen again and answer the question.a. What does Wang Fangs uncle do?He is a .b. Will the children go home together?1讨c. Write three other jobs.2. Lets wrap it up.Fill in the blanks. Then play the g

5、ame “I didnt hear you”. Mary has a cat.What Mary ?He goes to school by bus.How he to school?My aunt works in a gymWhere your aunt ?Mary has a cat.Sorry, I didnt hear you. What does Mary have?Mary has a cat.论:What are your hobbies?What do you want to be?巩 固:1. Task time教师指导学生根据语言提示完成 My parents 中的表格,

6、让学生两人一组, 学生 A 问学生 B 表格中的问题,学生 B 根据自己填写的内容回答,学生 A 将内容记录在 My partners parents 的表格里。然后两人互换角色,学 生 B 提问,学生 A 回答,最后两人比较表格所填写内容是否一致。2. 你问我答学生五至六人一组围坐成一圈,学生 A 站在圈中心,其他学生询问其家 庭成员的工作情况,如:What does your uncle do? How does he go to work? What does he work?等。然后由学生 B 站到圈中心,其他学生提 问。小 结:What are your hobbies?I like

7、 + Ving.Come to the park and play with us.What do you want to be?I want to be a/an拓展延伸: 同号争魁活动学生四至六人一组,依次编号。教师报一个号码和一个职业名称,各小组有 此号码的学生到黑板前写出单词,第一个正确写出单词的学生可为本队得一 分。课堂作业: 根据句子描述,写出对应的职业。1. He researches on science.2. He teaches lesson.3. She cleans street.4. She dances well.5. She sings beautiful son

8、gs.6. She mails letters for people.7. He writes stories.8. She works on a farm.9. He reports on TV.210. He works in a factory.作业布置: 1.背诵并默写本单元的四会单词和四会句子。2.Finish the relevant workbook exercises.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。 3. 完成同步练习册 P66 的练习题。板书设计: Unit 5 What does he do?What would you like?What are you going to do?When are you going?Where are you going?I/ We/ He/She/you/They be going to教学反思: Mary has a cat.What Mary ?He goes to school by bus.How he to school?My aunt works in a gymWhere your aunt ?游戏“I didnt hear you”Mary has a cat.Sorry, I didnt hear you. What does Mary have?Mary has a cat.3


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