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1、香港理工大学推荐信下载 篇一:申请推荐信中英文 尊敬的老师, 本人是中国电信视讯运营中心新业务中心合作推广部经理,徐英楠是我在魔屏业务开发初期,通过几轮面试,层层筛选出的魔屏产品组交互设计师。 自2011年1月以来,徐英楠作为中国电信魔屏项目组的交互设计师,为魔屏业务的发展做出了突出的贡献。 该项目是由中国电信创新业务部牵头,上海电信负责部署,集合了通讯及多媒体技术的富媒体终端。现在上海地区共有8万用户。作为一款全新的搭载android2.2操作系统的家庭终端,该产品在国内是史无前例的一种创新。 在产品设计之初,徐英楠就以其自己独到的设计理念,在产品外型及软件界面方面做了较大的革新。她充分考虑

2、了家庭用户的操作特性,从各个细节上做到了以用户为中心。作为团队中的产品设计管理人员是非常称职的。她在工作中的态度非常得执着且细致,对于自己的工作内容规划的非常详致。并且在产品的开发过程中与各个厂商之间沟通也非常到位。也很好得保障了产品的顺利上线。 当然,徐英楠还是有些许地方需要提高的。作为一个高级交互设计师,她必须是个全面手,不仅需要了解用户的行为及心理、美学及设计,他还需要有一定的技术背景及对某一行业领域的全面认知。这样才能设计出更加优秀,更加有市场渗透力的产品。 交互设计师是产品的灵魂主导者,因为用户看到的,摸到的,感受到的都是他的理念。衷心地希望徐英楠能够在香港理工大学进行升造,领略更多

3、前沿的设计思路及技术。为其职业的生涯中增资添彩。 最后,我要说,徐英楠是个优秀的设计师,非常值得推荐。 程 元 中国电信视讯运营中心地址:中国上海市浦东新金桥路27号OFFICE PARK 5号楼 邮编:201206 Mobile:18964806689/13816656689 E-mail: Tel:+86 21 38972387 Fax:+86 21 50301798 I am the manager of new product center of China Telecom Co. Ld. Video Service Operation Center. Daisy Xu is the

4、interaction designer who I selected through several rounds of interviews when Magic Screen product group is built early. Since January, 2011, as the Magic Screen project manager of interaction design, Daisy Xu really made some outstanding contributions for the development of this project. The projec

5、t is led by China Telecom Innovation Business Department, deployed by Shanghai Telecom. Magic Screen is a terminal which combines with communication, multimedia technology, rich media and a collection of living information. Now there are 80,000 users in Shanghai. As a new home terminal which equippe

6、d with android2.2, this new kind of product is absolutely an innovation in China. At the beginning of designing this product, with her particular view, Daisy Xu made many changes on the UI and outward appearance of product. She fully considered the operating characteristics of the home user. Through

7、 all the details, she showed usthe user-centric is the core in anywhere. As a product design management staff, she is very competent. Her attitude at work was very persistent and meticulous, alsovery organized of planning the arrangement for the exploitation. In the product development process, her

8、communication between the various manufacturers is also very appropriate. Above all, these are guaranteed the product launched successfully. Of course, she still has some aspects need to be improved. As a senior interactive designer, she must be a multi-specialist, not only need to understand users

9、behavior and mentality, grasp the skills of aesthetics and design, also need to have some technical backgrounds and a comprehensive knowledge of one kind of industry. Interaction(本文来自:WwW.hNboxu.cOm 博旭 范文 网:香港理工大学推荐信下载) designer is the soul of the product. Over the product, all that user can see, to

10、uch, feel reflected the designers own mind. I sincerely hope that Daisy can keep study cutting-edge techniques and design ideas in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. By ways of study, she can grow up rapidly. Finally, I would say, Daisy Xu is a good designer, highly recommend. Joe Chan Manager of

11、 New Product Center China Telecom Corportion Limited Video Service Operation Center ADD: Building 5, No 27 XinJinQiao Rd, Pudong Shanghai Tel: 86-21-38750675 Mobile: 18964806689 E-mail: Cheng_篇二:Hong Kong M.A in Translation 整理 Hong Kong M.A in Translation 香港翻译硕士 1.在香港六大港校中,开设翻译专业的分别有香港中文大学、香港理工大学、香港

12、浸会大学和香港城市大学。其中,比较倾向口译方向的是香港理工大学的翻译与传译文学硕士学位,其余三所学校都是较偏重笔译方向。 2.四所开设翻译硕士的专业都可以申请,没有工作经验的要求,应届毕业生和已经工作的人均可以申请。各个学校只给出了语言最低要求均在6.5以上,其中理工和浸会要求7分以上,理工偏向口译往年对单项有要求,都需要面试。 3.滚动招生,建议提早申请 香港中文大学 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学的翻译系发展历史悠久,是全亚洲最早开设翻译硕士的学系。其开设的两个翻译硕士分别是Master of Arts in Translation (

13、翻译文学硕士) 和Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation (机器辅助翻译文学硕士),后者的机器辅助翻译文学硕士更是香港中文大学的特色课程,属于世界首创的翻译专业类别,除了学习基本的笔译技巧,该专业还渗透了翻译软件的使用和设计,及机器翻译的编辑技巧等等。 翻译文学硕士课程设置十分经典,涵盖了高级翻译研究和各种题材的翻译专题(比如商务翻译、新闻翻译、法律文件翻译、政府和公共事务翻译等选修课) 就业方向:笔译/助理编辑等 学校为学术提供工作(全职、兼职)信息: Morgan Stanley Rockschool HK Limited Strategi

14、c Public Relations Group Limited 牛津大學出版社 World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong Pipeline Double Pipe Publishers Ltd M.A in Translation Duration: 2 years Graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelors degree, normally with honours not ? lower than Second Class; or Graduated from an hon

15、ours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelors degree, normally ? achieving an average grade of not lower than "B; or Completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar ? qualifications equivalent to an honours degree. - TOEFL (nor

16、mally not lower than 550 Paper-based; 213 computer-based; and 79 internet-based); - IELTS (Academic) (normally not lower than Band 6.5); 截止日期: 2月28日 C. Study Scheme 1. Course Requirement Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 units of courses for graduation. For Full-time Students (a) Req

17、uired courses: TRAN6001 Advanced Translation Studies TRAN6002 E-C Translation Workshop TRAN6003 C_E Translation Workshop (b) Elective courses: 15 units Any five courses to be chosen from the following: TRAN6101, 6102, 6103, 6104, 6105, 6106, 6107, 6108, 6109, 6110, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6114, 6115, 6116

18、, 6117, 6119, 6201, 6202, 6203, 6204, 6301, 6302, 6303, 6601, 6811, 6823, 6910 Total: 24 units 9 Units Tuition :HK$90,000 (per annum) 香港理工大学The Hong Kong Polytechnic University M.A in Translating and Interpreting http:/ 香港理工大学是香港唯一能主攻口译方向的硕士课程。其翻译与传译文学硕士学位全日制学制1.5年,课程设置

19、融合翻译和传译的理论知识和专业培训,该专业的部分教授曾有联合国同传经验,实力雄厚。 在入学后的第二学期,如果学生能在传译导论和连续传译两门课中取得B+以上的成绩,则有机会进入以上的口译专门方向 往年对单项有要求,(听力和阅读达到7.0分以上,其余各项6.5分以上) 职业发展:口译 Duration:Full time: normally one year and a half A Bachelors degree in any subject or equivalent. ? A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at

20、 least 590 for the paper-based test; or a TOEFL score of at least 243 for the computer-based test; or a TOEFL score of at least 96 for the internet-based test; OR ? ? ? A score of at least 7.0 on listening and reading sections with no sub-score below 6.5 in the Chinese mainland Test for English Majo

21、r (TEM) Level 8; OR A Competence level in English that is equivalent to those that would satisfy any of the above International English Language Testing System (IELTS); OR requirements Tuition :HK$3,335 per credit for non-local students 30 credits 香港城市大学 City University of Hong Kong Master of Arts i

22、n Language Studies (Language & Law / Linguistics / Translation & Interpretation / Translation with Language Information Technology) 語文學(語言及法律/ 語言學/ 翻譯及傳譯/ 翻譯及語言資訊科技)文學碩士 语文学硕士首先兼顾了语言、文化交流和社会的一系列专业课程,其次在此基础上综合了翻译和传译的课程。与香港理工大学相比,城大的口译课程主要以理论为主,如传译方法和翻译传译专题等。 职业发展方向:翻译理论学术研究 计划招生人数:250(四个方向) 滚

23、动招生 建议提早申请 Duration: 1 year Number of Credit Units Required for the Award: 30 ? ? 1.hold such other qualifications as deemed acceptable by the University as equivalent to Note: Final year undergraduate students who will acquire the requisite academic the above. qualification before the commencement

24、of the programme may apply for admission. a TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test); or ? ? an overall band score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or Score 450 in the new College English Test (CET-6) of Chinese ma

25、inland or a pass in the old CET-6 test; or other equivalent qualifications Deadline :31 May 2014 Tuition:HK$4,030 per credit 香港浸会大学 http:/ Master of Arts (MA) in Translation and Bilingual Communication 偏向笔译方向的硕士学位。该专业最大的特色就是为学生提供Research Stream (研究方向)和Prac

26、tical Stream (实践方向)两种选择,分别适合有志于学术研究或翻译职业导向的各类申请人的需求。 职业发展:英语语言、翻译学术研究;笔译 初审合格后安排面试,提交: 1. 大学成绩单 2. 2封推荐信 3. 300字PS(中英文共2份) (a) hold a bachelors degree from a recognised university, or an equivalent professional qualification; (b) a minimum TOEFL score of 600 (paper based) or 250(c) (computer-based)

27、or 80 (internet-based); or (d) ? a band score of 7 or above in IELTS; or (e) ? Band 6 or above in College English Test in mainland (f) China, or TEM (Test for English Majors) 4 or above; and Students are required to complete a total of 27 units. Deadline of Application: 15 March every year(第二轮截止日期在5

28、月31号) HK$84,000 for one-year full-time 面试:为什么学习翻译、有无相关翻译经验和未来职业规划),还会考核申请人临场中英翻译的能力和对某些翻译理论的理解和看法。篇三:【2015】香港理工大学:高效认真踏实最重要【2015】香港理工大学:高效认真踏实最重要 其他录取学校:香港理工大学 Y同学永远都是侃侃而谈、幽默风趣、彬彬有礼,不管是顺境还是逆境。但人生不如意事十有八九,Y同学却能淡然面对,适时调整,最终选择了适合自己发展的香港理工大学继续深造。Y同学对自己的人生是有规划的。简历便是一个很好的证明。2013年暑假、2014年寒假、2014年暑假,Y同学先后在I

29、MB、会计师事务所、民生银行和华立安实习。很多同学可能会抱怨,实习期间无所事事,一个多月的时间收获甚微。Y同学却能把所谓“打酱油”的时间“变废为宝”。Y同学对自己高标准、严要求,即使是一件不起眼的小事,Y同学都会认真对待,争取做到最好。除了高效率完成自己分内的工作,Y同学充分利用一切可以学习的机会。在华立安国际投行兼并重组部门实习的时候,Y同学参与了几项跨国并购业务,Y同学所能接触的核心业务是有限的,但是他通过不断地自学、观察和向前辈请教,对跨国并购业务有了系统的了解。 在谈到这一段实习的时候,Y同学如数家珍,他付出了很多,但收获了更多。当我们的目光回到Y同学的学校经历,不难发现他还是一个校园

30、风云人物。从担任学生议员,担任学会会长,到创建风险投资创业基金平台,代领团队建立绿色基金专门为农村沼气池改善环境而提供低息贷款。一切看起来很美好,但是突如其来的变故让Y同学不得不放弃自己的美国梦,转战申请香港。 Y同学迅速调整思路,但是不到3.0的绩点是他申请香港研究生项目的一个不小的挑战。在与天道顾问老师一次又一次的讨论之后,Y同学最终确定申请项目的名单,没有好高骛远,名单上的学校不能说是为Y同学量身定夺,但也是一遍一遍筛选之后找到的符合Y同学背景并且申请到概率比较大的学校。因为Y同学实习和课外活动经历丰富,天道顾问老师着实花了一番功夫,细心挖掘,详略得当,文书内容既突出了Y同学的闪光点,又与申请的专业贴切相关。在CBS项目面试之前,Y同学稍稍有些紧张,在天道顾问老师真诚的鼓励下,Y同学调整好心态,顺利完成了申请的最后也是最重要的一步。 愿Y同学在香港理工大学展翅高飞,翱翔在属于自己的天空。 “博观而约取,厚积而薄发”,2015年天道留学的录取势必会更加精彩。 天道老师的耐心咨询与专业指导、天道学子的优秀成绩与积极配合创造了今日势不可挡的录取offer!想让自己的申请结果也如此精彩吗?快来体验一下天道免费评估系统吧!


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