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1、二副面试前主要应准备关于职责范围内的问题,如图海图(电子海图)、如何修正海图、地理 常识、海事专业出版社及船上图书馆的管理、制定航路计划、船上药品管理、装卸货值班、正常海 上值班、垃圾处理、其他所负责的设备的维 (ISM)以及公护和保养等问题。当然,也可能会问及国际安全管理 规则司安全管理体系方面的知识和问题。就目前中国船员整体状况而言,二 副职位的船员英文水平和业务水平越来越好。对于没有外派经历的二副,建议抓紧时间补习英文, 特别是专业英文。下面收集了一部分问题,可供参考。1. Can you tell me about your education background and worki

2、ng experience Omitted Please refer to the same questions for the master.2. Can you tell me about your last vessel Omitted Please refer to the answers to thesame questions to the master or chief officer.3. What are your responsibilities as a Second Officer The Second Officer is the navigational offic

3、er and sometimes also medical officer on board. Besides the Second Officer shall assist the Chief Officer. His duties may include the following:1 Navigation watch keeping from 1200 to 1600 and from 0000 to 04002 Chart and navigational publication corrections3 Passage plan making4 Usually working as

4、the designated communications officer5 Maintenance of communication equipment instruments and spare parts on boardthe ship6 Care of all the basic navigation equipment and instruments including magnetic compasses gyrocompasses gyro repeaters rime changes depth sounders and course recorder.7 Maintenan

5、ce of inventories of the stationery8Medical duties and other duties designated by the Master or Chief Officer. 9 Some other work designated by master or Chief Officer.二副应该能用自己的语言流利地说出自己的职责。4. Please briefly describe the procedure of dealing with navigational warnings. Firstly I shall register the na

6、vigational warnings in the Register Book and record the warning number in the card. Secondly I shall select the charts that are affected by the warnings. Then I shall use pens scissors and glues to fix permanent notices. I shall also usepencils to fix tem- porary and preliminary notices. The charts

7、are to be corrected according to all the concerned warnings. When I correct the chart I shall frequently consult the geographical index.5. Can you describe the charts correction procedures Please refer to the same question for the Master. Firstly the Second Officer has to make sure that he has recei

8、ved thelatest Notice to Mariner and that he has to write the notice request on time. The Master shall make emergency request if the latest is not received. Secondly the Second Officer has to record the Notice to Mariner on the correction logs on time according to the chronological order. Thirdly whe

9、n correcting the chart he has to make sure that thelast small correction has been made on the chart. Erasure should never be made when deleting information crossed through. Instead series of short double strokes shouldbe used while correction fluid should not be used. Always insert information befor

10、e you delete any information.任何海图和维护海图是二副最重要的职责之一,对于海图更新的有关程序是考官经常考到的题 目,一定要好好准备。关键是如何用自己的话表述出这个复杂的过程。6. Who should draft the passage plan on board What are included in passage planWhen you make the passage plan what information do you need Usually the passage plan should be prepared by the Second O

11、fficer and approved by the Master. Duringpassage when an error or mistake is found about the passage plan it should be reported to the Master first and corrected afterwards by the Second Officer. But during voyage the passage plan cannot be changed without the Master s approval. The passage plan sho

12、uld include such information as way points the distance between way pointscourses current tide weather conditions and means of communications means of fixing position and interval and so on.Besides the following information and publications are necessary in making the passage- plan: sailing directio

13、ns pilot book port entryguidance tide tables local area warning warning from the NAVAREA areas list of light and radio signals Admiralty Notice to Mariner sea chart and catalogue of admiralty charts and other publications.7. What is the scope the passage plan cover If you miss one or two big or smal

14、l scalecharts for next voyage can the ship give sea going or not The passage plan should cover the sailing route from berth to berth. Lack of information for some areas may lead to some serious accidents. The ship cannot go if one or two charts are not available.8. If the signal of quotthree red lig

15、hts vertically alignedquot is found on board a ship duringnight voyage what do you think is wrong with the ship If a motor ship is moving under the way but not under command what kind of signals should she use On what occasion do you display two black balls during the day The vessel is constrained b

16、y her draught. It is very hard for her to maneuver. Our vessel should give a wide berth and take actions to keep away from her. The motor ship should use not-under-control lights i.e. two red lights vertically aligned during night time and two black balls vertically aligned during day time. We shall

17、 display two black balls when our vessel cannotget out the way of another.各种信号灯的含义和英文表示也是面试中经常提到的问题。希望二副全面复习一下这方面的知 识。请参阅 COLREG 1972 quotNAVIGATION UGHTSquot 部分。9. Please describe how you take care of the magnetic compass. The liquid magnetic compass should be regularly checked for air bubbles and

18、it should always be coveredwhen it is not in use. The deviation of the compass should be checked and observed during every watch.10. How do you set and adjust gyrocompass The Second Officer should frequently check the gyrocompass error. Actually gyrocompass accuracy should be checked at least once a

19、 day at sea and at anchor and for each course steered. During the watch thesimultaneous check should be made at least hourly. If there is any signifi- cant deviation error the Second Officer should report it to the Master and record in the CompassRecord Book and Deck Logbook. The electronic devices

20、should be kept away from the compasses in a reasonable distance. The Chief Officer or other designated officersshould test the error in the morning and evening.11. What are your responsibilities as the Second Officer while the vessel is in port My responsibilities are to keep good watch to ensure th

21、e safety of life the ship and thecargo and to maintain good working orders on the vessel. During my watch I should be aware of the draft under keel clearance the state of ship the mooring conditions soas to avoid dangerous listing trim or hull stress during cargo operation. I should alsomake sure th

22、at de-ballasting causes no marine pollution. I should watch and supervisethe loading process and report any incident or accident to the Chief Officer.12. Please tell me the difference between the great circle line and rhomb line In theory the great circle line is the shortest distance between two pl

23、aces while the rhomb line is longer than the great circle line. However it is very hard for a vessel just to take the circle line or rhomb line.13. During cargo loading if you find cargo damages in holds what should you do Ishould record them in writing or even photograph the damages and report the

24、situations to the Chief Officer immediately. The Chief Officer should report it to the tallymanand ask them to replace the cargo if possible. At the same time the officer on dutyshould make the on-the-spot record. If the damages are really very serious we shouldreport to the Master and ask for his i

25、nstructions.14. When you usually do the chart work When you are keeping watch can you dothe chart work Whenever I receive the Notice to Mariner I will do the correction and drawing as soon as possible.Generally I should not do the chart work when am keeping watch. Doing chart workduring watch keepin

26、g can give rise to some potential danger to the maneuveringof the vessel.15. What is the maximum blood alcohol concentration BAG rate on boardAccording to the STCW Code the BAC shall not be more than 0.08 by weight atany time when being tested.Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholicbeve

27、rage 4 hours before their watch. Besides when bunkering loading andunloading mooring and unmooring 4 hours before and after port all the sailor onboard cannot have any alcoholic drinks.16. Please tell me your duties as the medical officer. I am responsible for maintainingthe medical inventory. I sho

28、uld keep a good record of the use of different medicinesand make sure that the aide bags are at proper locations. I should also be careful withthe medicine locker. The expired medicines should be replaced on time. When someimportant medicines are out of stock I should report to the Master and makere

29、quisition for supply.17. When do you call the Master to the bridge In the following situations accordingto the SMS manual I will have to call the Master to the bridge:1 When the visibility is lower than the one mentioned in the Masters standing order 2 Breakdown of the main engine steering gear gyro

30、-compass or any other criticalequipment related to the safety of the vessel3 When the ships position and sounding are unusual or strange4 When the navigational marks or sounding do not appear as expected5 When heavy weather is encountered6 When the ship is behaving in an unusual way7 When marine pol

31、lution is seen or suspected8 When distress message is received or accident observed9 Any other situation when the officers are in doubt10 Whenever the ship is in danger知道何时叫船长到驾驶台是非常重要的, 这对船舶的安全航行非常重要, 通常船长在 bridge order 或 standing order 里都有详细的说明,STCW95 公约关于船员值班部分也有详细的规定。18. When RADAR and ARPAR are

32、 in use do they relieve your duty of lockout as awatchkeeper No these apparatuses do not relieve the watch officer of his duty to maintaina proper lockout at all times. This is very important to the maneuvering of the vessel.Accidents often arise because of the officers complete dependence on the RA

33、DARARPAR GPS and other equipment especially in hazardous areas such as the coastand port areas low visibility area restricted areas and heavy weather regions. All inall the rules and regulation of the COLREG 1972 must be strictly obeyed.19. What do you know about EC and ECDB EC means Electronic Char

34、t and ECDISmeans Electronic Chart and Information System. This system uses the computertechnology to provide chart details on a visual display unit combined with an automatic indication of ships position and possibly a radar image and a navigation aide.This kind of chart needs basic computer operati

35、on skills and automation knowledge.20. Can you tell me the main contents of a typical Admiralty Notice to Mariner Howdid you get the Notice to Mariner on your last vessel The Admiralty Notice toMariners is a maritime publication issued by the Hydrographic Department of theUnited Kingdom. They includ

36、e Admiralty Notices Australian and New ZealandNotices. They are published on a weekly basis. There is also an annual summaryversion. The Admiralty Notice to Mariner includes 6 sections. Section oneExplanatory Notes and indexes to Section two. Sections two. Admiralty Notices toMariners-Corrections to

37、 charts. Section three reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings. Section four Corrections to Admiralty Sailing Di- rections. Section five Corrections to Admiralty List of lights and Fog Signals. Section six Corrections to Admiraltylist of Radio Signals. On my last ship the ship owner provided us with

38、 the Notice toMariners in every major port. H they failed to give us the Notice we 11 send them arequest for this.21. It is very important to get rid of the outdated charts and other SMS documents onboard. WhyIt is very important to keep the latest revised charts also some other ISM documents on boa

39、rd in the deck and engine room and keep away those out-of-dated charts because after a period of time you will not be able to know what documents are the newest ones. The mixture of the old and new documents on board can easilygive rise to some problems for the safety of he vessel. So it is very imp

40、ortant to doaway with the obsolete documents as soon as possible.22. How do you maintain the clocks I am responsible for the vessel clocks except for those in the engine room. Before getting underway clocks shall be compared andsynchronized and the synchronization record shall be entered into the De

41、ck Logbook23. Under what situations do you call the engine room when you are on duty1 Whenever it is necessary to make sure that engine room and bridge clocks are synchronized2 At least one hour before starting or ending a sea passage3 As soon as it appears that engine operation maneuvers may be req

42、uired with onehours notice if possible4 Whenever the ship machinery operation may be affected by weather or othercondition changes such as shallow water approach concentration of marine life orseaweed ice in water or change of trim or draft due to ballasting shifting5 One hour before inert gas syste

43、m operation is required for tanker6 One hour before steam is required on deck7 Whenever the temperature falls to 2 degree Centigrade to prevent damage to equipment8 At least one hour before the standby generator is required9 Whenever the cargo pumps are used10 One hour prior to getting underway.24.

44、What should you do first after you join a vessel Firstly I shall familiarize myselfwith the Familiarization Booklet the Muster Lists and Emergency Card in my cabin.Second I shall report to the Master and get familiar with other officers and crew on board the vessel. Third with accompaniment of the r

45、elieved Second Officer I shall have an inspection of those items he was responsible for. I shall discuss immediatelywith the Master on any unsatisfactory conditions including equipment malfunctions.I shall also take over all the documents the Second Officer should take care of. Agood handover with t

46、he relieved Second Officer is the most important thing for me.25. When do you have to change from the automatic steering to manual steering Thesteering mode should be changed from automatic to manual mode under the following circumstances: 1 in any emergency situations 2 in diminishing and restricte

47、dvisibility as defined by the Master 3 when the ships steering in shallow water 4when the Master thinks necessary. When the steering mode is changed the watchofficers shall supervise the process.26. If ship collision happens when you are on duty what procedure should you follow I should follow the e

48、mergency checklist. Firstly I will sound the alarm for emergency Secondly I will inform the Master immediately Thirdly I will inform the engineroom and prepare engine standby After ship collision all the tanks should be sounded and the ship owner manager should be informed of the accident. The accid

49、entreport should also be sent to the all concerned parties and the coast country. And allthe above actions ships position times etc. should be recorded properly.27. Before the ship sails to a new port if you do not have one or two necessary charts what should you possibly do If possible I will ask for help from the Master. If theMaster cannot help I may ask for help from the vessels sailing in the same area. Anyway I will try to solve the problem before the vessel sails to the port.这是一个合格的二副所应该具备的应变的能力。相信绝大多数船东都能按时提供海图,但是万 一出现上述情况,二副应千方百计想办法弄到海图。28. What is safety speed during sailing


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