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1、【课 题】 Lesson 37 You Are What You Eat【教学目标】掌握单词:truth,decide,change,habit,usual,health,awful短语:to tell you the truth, as usual, have a dream【教学过程】 一、词汇学习教师领读并讲解词义以及用法,随后组长领读,小组齐读比赛。跟踪练习,完成课本 P99 Lets Do It. Part 31.James _(决定) to work hard and won first place.2.Tom wanted to go to Yunnan, but he _(改变

2、) his idea this morning.3.Jenny gets up as _(平常) and then runs on the playgroud.4.The tiger is _(可怕的) and Im afraid of it.5.Eating more vegetables is a good _(习惯).二、听力训练课本 P99 Lets Do It. Part 1.三、任务阅读小组内朗读课文,分领读和齐读两部分四、课文讲解1. To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits. 说实话,我已决心要改变饮

3、食习惯。decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”Eg:I decide to get up at six every morning.2.Yesterday evening, I ate ten donuts as usual. 昨天晚上我像往常一样吃了十个面包圈。as usual 意为“像往常一样”,经常卫浴句首或句尾,作状语。Eg: As usual there werent many people at the meeting.3.Its not good for your health. 这对你的健康不好。(1)Its (not) good for.,意为“对是(不)好的”

4、Eg:Its not good for your heart.(2)Its (not) good for sb. to do sth.意为“对.(来说),做.是(不)好的。Eg:Its good for you to do some exercise every day.4.Do you know the saying:You are what you eat?你知道“人如其食“这句谚语吗?5.Thats awful.那很可怕。awful 意为“糟糕的,可怕的“,是形容词。Eg: The weather ia awful.跟踪练习:(一)单项选择1. a pen and two books o

5、n the desk.A. There are B. There is C. Have D. Has2. to the airport, I must take a taxi.A. Get B. To get C. Gets D. Getting3. The bus never comes on time. And today, the bus is late .A. usually B. as usual C. sometimes D. always4. Everyone in our class tried and wanted to have a bright future.A. wor

6、k hard B. worked hard C. to work hard D. working hard(二)完成句子1.我早晨吃了许多不同的蔬菜。I had _ _for breakfast.2.饭后散步对我们的健康有好处。Taking a walk after supper is our _ .3.我决定改变我的饮食习惯。I my .4.他像平日一样吃了如此多的面包圈。He ate donuts .五作业六教学反思【课 题】 Lesson 38 Stay Healthy!【教学目标】掌握单词:remember, information, keep, brain短语:stay health

7、y【教学过程】 一、词汇学习教师领读并讲解词义以及用法,随后组长领读,小组齐读比赛。跟踪练习1.Mr.Zhang asked us to (记住) these words and then he checked.2.I will give you the (信息) about Xu Zheng. You will know him a lot.3.A healthy body is a healthy (思维).4.Eggs and fish help our (大脑) work faster.5. (跑步) can keep us strong.二、听力训练课本 P101 Lets Do I

8、t. Part 1.三、任务阅读小组内朗读课文,分领读和齐读两部分四、课文讲解1. Running helps us remember information. 跑步能够帮助我们记忆信息。Information意为“信息”。2. Apples help our brains stay strong. 苹果能够强健我们的大脑。 stay strong 意为“保持强壮”。跟踪练习:(一)单项选择1. Reading books is good for our . A. bodies B. brains C. minds D. heads2. TV can help open our eyes. A

9、. Watch B. Watches C. Watching D. Watched3. You can find information on the Internet. A. many B. a few C. a lot of D. any4. Hang Hui helped me my spoken English. A. improve B. improving C. improved D. improves(二)完成句子1.跑步帮助我记住信息。 Helps us .2.许多孩子喜欢看电视。A lot of like TV.3.我们的身体需要大量的运动和健康的食物。 Our need a

10、 lot of and food.4.爬山能使我们强壮。 mountains can make us .5.吃些健康食物怎么样? What about food?五作业六教学反思【课 题】 Lesson 39 Dannys Report【教学目标】掌握单词:success, throw, winner短语:get some exercise, get in the way【教学过程】 一、词汇学习教师领读并讲解词义以及用法,随后组长领读,小组齐读比赛。跟踪练习,完成课本 P103 Lets Do It. Part 31.Last nights talk show was a great_(成功

11、).We all had fun.2.Tom _(扔) the ball very far and won first place.3.We were the _(胜利者) of the long jump.4.At our schools last sports meet, Linda _(参加) part in the long jump. 5.There were ten different _(赛事) at our schools sports meet.二、听力训练课本 P103 Lets Do It. Part 1.三、任务阅读小组内朗读课文,分领读和齐读两部分四、课文讲解1. S

12、ports Day was a great success this year! 今年的运动会非常成功!sports day 意为“(学校)运动会;运动日”success 是名词,意为“成功”,当表示抽象意义的“成功”的时候,是不可数名词名词;当表示“一个成功的人,一件成功的事”的时候,是可数名词。2.All the students and teachers from Grade 7,8 and 9 took partin the sports events. 所有七、八、九年级的老师们和同学们都参加了比赛项目。 event 是名词,意思是“事件,大事,项目”。3.Everyone work

13、ed very hard, and we all got some good exercise. 每个人都很努力,我们都得到了很好的锻炼。get some exercise 意为“获得锻炼”,exercise是名词,意为“体格锻炼,运动”,是不可数名词;也可以表示“习题,练习,体操”,是可数名词。 4. Kim, from Grade7, won first place in four events.来自于七年级的金在四项比赛中获得了第一名。win first place 意为“赢得第一名,获得一等奖”。5. I ran really hard , but my tail got in the

14、 way.我跑的很努力,但是我的尾巴有点碍事。get in the way 意为“妨碍,挡道”。跟踪练习:(一)根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. (win)is not everything.2. Thank you for (help) me.3. We all had lots of fun (pick) apples last weekend.4. We had a party yesterday. There (be ) a lot of students there.5. Peter hoped (run) hard and to win first place. (二) 单项

15、选择1. All my classmates our Sports Day last week.A. join B. joined C. took part in D. take part in2. Tony won place in events.A. tow, tow B. tow, second C. second, second D. second, tow3. Peter doing sports running, long jump and balls.A. like, like B. like, likes C. likes, like D. likes, likes4. The

16、 talk show was success.A. a great B. great C. great a D. /5. Yesterday I got up late and to school in a hurry.A. run B. ran C. runs D. running五作业六教学反思【课 题】 Lesson 40 Move Your Body【教学目标】掌握单词:weight, air, lucky, side短语:used to, worry about, notany more, put on weightcouch potato, get out, in the sun,

17、 on ones side【教学过程】 一、词汇学习教师领读并讲解词义以及用法,随后组长领读,小组齐读比赛。跟踪练习,完成课本 P105 Lets Do It. Part 31. Ben has good (习惯). He usually goes to bed early and gets up early.2. Tim likes meat and he is so heavy. He wants to exercise to lose (重量).3. I like living in the countryside because the (空气) is fresh.4. We are

18、(幸运的) to get the tickets to the football match.5. There are a lot of trees on both (旁边) of the road.二、课文讲解1. They used to be very active together.他们过去常常在一起,非常活跃。used to 意为“过去常常做某事”,暗指现在已经不存在的动作或状态。注意used to 的否定形式和疑问形式:否定形式:didnt use to do sth./used not to do sth.疑问形式:Did you use to?be/get used to 表示

19、“现在习惯于”,其中to为介词,后跟名词或动名词短语。2.They played games outdoors.他们在室外玩游戏。outdoor是副词,意为“在户外,在野外”例如:I like to practice yoga outdoor. 我喜欢在户外练习瑜伽。3.But now Ben worries about Tim.但是现在本很为蒂姆担心。worry about 意为“担心”,是一个动词词组,表示动作;其同义组be worried about是一个be动词+形容词构成的系表结构,表示状态,试比较:Dont worry about me! Im not a little girl

20、now!不要为我担心,我不再是一个小女孩了!She is worried about her test.她正在为她的考试而担心。4. Tim is not active any more. 蒂姆不再像以前一样活跃了。notany more = no more 意为“不再”。例如:She is not a little girl any more.她不再是一个小女孩了。I will not eat any more.我实在是不想吃了。5. And he is putting on weight.并且他正在长胖。Put on weight 意为“长胖”,lose weight 意为“减肥”。Eat

21、ing too much meat will make you put on weight.吃太多的肉将会使你发胖。6.You can be a couch potato and watch TV all day.你可以做一个电视迷,整天看电视。a couch potato 意为“沙发土豆”,表示“花大量时间看电视的人。跟踪练习:(一)单项选择1. that, boys and girls. Its dangerous. A. Dont B. Dont does C. Dont do D. Not do2. Li Hai always stays stays at home and never

22、 exercises. He is a couch . A. apple B. potato C. pear D. banana3. I bought things, so I had no money. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too4. After I feel, I didnt like playing basketball . A. any more B. any C. more D. too5. Mr Qiu came into the classroom a book his hand. A. has, in B. h

23、ave, on C. with, in D. with, on(二)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 我过去喜欢玩太多电脑游戏。I computer games.2.他给她回写了一首诗。He a poem .3.咱们去散步吧。Lets a .4.我妈妈不再担心我了。My mother didnt me .5.他正在长胖。Hes .【课 题】 Lesson 41 Were People Healthy Then?【教学目标】掌握单词:spend, natural短语:go fishing/hunting, First Nations, at that time, make a fire【教学过程】

24、 一、词汇学习教师领读并讲解词义以及用法,随后组长领读,小组齐读比赛。跟踪练习,完成课本 P99 Lets Do It. Part 31. Peter and I went _(打猎) some animals for food last winter.2. Cindy and her friends _(度过) their weekend in Guilin last month.3.Now more people like eat _(天然的) food.4. There are over two hundred _(民族) in the world.5. Lei Feng is alwa

25、ys ready to help _(别人).二、任务阅读小组内朗读课文,分领读和齐读两部分三、课文讲解1. Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago? 爷爷,在很久以前人们钓鱼吗?go fishing 意为“去钓鱼”,其构成形式为 go+doing,常见的词组还有:go swimming 去游泳; go skiing 去滑雪; go skating 去滑冰;go climbing mountain 去爬山2. At that time, there were no supermarkets. 那时候还没有超市。at that time 意为

26、“在那时”,常用于过去时。at that time, I didnt know how to turn on the computer.那时候我还不知道怎样开电脑。3. They spent a lot of time outdoors.他们在户外花费很多时间。spent 意为“度过,花费”,主语只能是“人”,常用结构为:spend+时间/金钱/精力+on sth./(in)doing sth.例如:I usually spend a lot of time on computer games.我通常花很多的时间在电脑游戏上。4. And they ate good, natural food

27、 like fish and vegetables.他们吃天然美食,比如鱼和蔬菜。Natural 是形容词,意为“自然的”,其名词是nature跟踪练习:(一)根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. People went (fish) a long time ago.2. The people (be) healthy then.3. They spent a lot of time (work) hard.4. Some students in our class are reading books, (other)are dancing to music.5. At that time

28、there (be) no supermakets.(二)单项选择。1. Its eight oclock in the morning. They breakfast.A. have B. has C. are having D. had2. Did people a long time ago?A. go fish B. go fishing C. went fishing D. goes fishing3. They spent a day the pow-wow.A. dance B. danced C. dancing D. to dance4. Some students on t

29、he playground are playing basketball, are running.A. the other B. other C. others D. another5. They him Xiao Wang.A. made B. called C. liked D. worked四作业五教学反思【课 题】 Lesson 42 Know Yourself【教学目标】掌握单词:step, tooth, mess, develop短语:get up, spenddoing, make ones bed, lead the way to, a few times【教学过程】 一、词

30、汇学习教师领读并讲解词义以及用法,随后组长领读,小组齐读比赛。跟踪练习,完成课本 P99 Lets Do It. Part 31. Finish the three (步骤),you will win the game.2. The baby has twelve (牙齿).3. Peter didnt make the bed, so his room was a (杂乱).4. These years China is (发展) fast, and peoples life is becoming better. 5. The teacher walked (朝)me and I felt

31、 a little scared.二、听力训练课本 P109 Lets Do It. Part 2.三、任务阅读小组内朗读课文,分领读和齐读两部分四、课文讲解1. I am not organized. And my room is always a mess.我做事没有条理,房间也总是乱七八糟的。mess 意为“乱七八糟,混乱”。例如:Linda cant stand mess.琳达无法忍受脏乱。2. Develop your good habits and improve yourself! 养成好习惯并提升自己!develop a habit 意为“养成习惯”,同义词组还有form a

32、habit。例如:It is important to develop a habit of self-study.养成自学的习惯是很重要的。3. I still dont always make my bed, but Im working on it.我还是不能天天收拾床铺,但是我正在慢慢改进。make ones bed 意为“铺床,整理床铺”。work on 意为“致力于,继续工作”。例如:From now on you can work on your own.从现在起你可以独立工作了。跟踪练习:(一)根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Do you know (you),Jame

33、s?2. He spends three hours (watch)TV.3. Heres a list of my good (habit).4. Good habits lead the way to good (healthy).5. I will keep my room clean and (organize).(二)单项选择。1. Jack bought a in the shop yesterday.A. glass of water B. glasses of watersC. glasses of water D. glass of waters 2. He goes to Beijing a year.A. one time B. two times C. three times D. four times3. We must work hard all the subjects.A. in B. on C. of D. with4. Good habits can to good health.A. make B. lead C. develop D. keep5. do you watch TV.Only a few times a week.A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often五作业六教学反思


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