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1、Unit 1 ,1(王左权)What is the best way to educate our students? Who gives them more influences, teachers or parents? Nowadays, more and more teachers focus on the education for their students, they are eager to find a best way to solve this problem, as well as the parents. Importantly, we have to consid

2、er the students themselves. What we do will benefit them? We must enhance their knowledge and wisdom to solve kinds of problems and questions, so if we want to educate for success, we must make sure that what the students need. Unlike the past days, nowadays the students not only need knowledge in b

3、ook, but also need something innate. They need to study, and to study in a very health way and with a very relax heart. Here we can get some information that is to give the students the knowledge and happiness both.I think that the parents are more influential than the teachers. The first reason is

4、that it helps a student identify himself/herself through the parents role modeling. Secondly, the parents positive influence provides a secure environment for proper development of a student. Lastly, the importance of a parents influence on a student can be recognized by the impact it has on society

5、.Unit1 .3(刘波)What are the problems with the educational system of China? Is the system quality-oriented or test-oriented?In China, there are so many problems with the educational system. But the three problems about education must be paid much attention at least. Firstly, the entrance-exam problem,

6、youngsters have to bury themselves in book stacks in order to pass the entrance exam, completely divorced from social reality. Secondly, the quality problem, there is no denying the fact what the students learn in university cannot meet the need of the rapid development society. Finally, the employm

7、ent problem, as I have said in the above that the quality has declined, so high-education and employment are obviously incompatible. How to solve these problems? In my opinion, the government must relax its unnecessary controls on the universities, and give schools full autonomy to pilot their own r

8、eforms. Only in this can we solve the problem of education.In light of this, we can find that the educational system of China is the test-oriented.Unit1,4What kind of teacher is an ideal one?can you describe a teacher who give you most influences?will you become a teacher when you finish your gradua

9、te program?Ideal teachers must be patient and they can express their own meaning clearly. They should have good professional knowledge about the course they teach and they like the course they teach. Whats more, they can teach students in accordance of their aptitude(因材施教).The teacher is my Chinese

10、teacher when I was in third grade. She knew our advantages and disadvantages, and she could praise and criticize us properly. I want to become a college teacher. Because college teachers work has more free time, I can have more time to care for my family.Unit1 ,5(孟琳)Some educators argue that its not

11、 necessary for college student to write and defend their graduation theses in the senior year. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Write an essay to express your opion and support it wiyh arguments.I think writing and defending graduation theses is necessary. Completing the graduation theses is

12、 the basic condition for college students to graduate. At the same time, defending graduation theses can urge the students to write their papers independently. So this is a meaningful learning process and a conclusion of what we have learned during the past four years. It can train and increase the

13、ability to scientific research and cooperate with others. Whats more, it also can improve work efficiency and let us feel the sense of responsibility. It is the key to open the door of our later success.Unit2,1(刘龙)In these days ,job hopping is avery common phenomenon.what are the reasons for the job

14、_hopping?should stay in one career the whole life or change job frequentenly?I think the following factors contributing to peoples job-hopping. First, when some employees suffer limitation in promotion and there is no space for them to develop, job-hopping becomes common like potluch. Second, some p

15、eople are different, they are in the habit of job-hopping, for they always pursue what is new and stimulating. Finally, when you stay in one career for a long time, you will lose your interest. In my opinion, we should not change our job frequently. because every job is a chance for us to gain wider

16、 experience .And you will lose this opportunity if you change job frequently.If you change youjob,you would have to start all over again from the beginning.So ,youd better not change your job frequently.Unit2,2(秦晓飞)Do you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond?With the f

17、ormer, you can derive a deep sense of satisfaction from being a member of a well-known organization such as General Motors. You will have the opportunities of learning from experienced executives and knowing about the standard working process. There is no doubt that the experience here will widen yo

18、ur horizon and you will gain access to the latest information which could help you enhance your competitiveness in your major.With the latter, you will have great responsibilities and your decision may bring immediate effect. Normally, you are exposed to various experiences and expected to do a grea

19、t many things without much help or guidance. And here I can control more resources than what I can in big company. However, the mechanisms of small company lack of flexibility, which will hinder the peoples promotion.Personally, I prefer to work in a big enterprise when I was young, because I could

20、get a good position as long as I work hard.Unit 2 , 3if you are a boss ,do you like to recruit experienced people or green hands?If I am a boss , I am inclined to recruit those experienced ones . First of all, I think ,when faced the work , the experienced will be better to understand the process of

21、 the job, and complete the work more efficiently . As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. They may have new techniques and methods.Secondly, they know how to communicate and get along with related persons.This is good to fewer conflicts between employees. Finally , the company do not spend too

22、much energy to train them,so they will be able to create value for the company when they entered the company.Unit2,4With the soring house price in big cities ,would you still choose to work in first_tier cities upon grauation?No, I would not choose to work in first-tier cities upon graduation, altho

23、ugh there are more working opportunities. The reasons are as follow. The first, the house price is so high that I cant afford it. The second, comparing with medium-sized cities, the living expenses in first-tier cities is much higher, the pace of life is much faster and the the living surroundings a

24、re worse. While in a medium-sized city, the living expenses is suitable, then I can save money. The living surroundings are more comfortable. The most important is that I will have more time with my family and more chances to display my potential. So, I prefer working in a medium-sized city.Unit2,5(

25、马钊)Nowadays, some well-educated married women choose to become full-time housewives when their husbands make a secure, affluent living. Whats your comment on their choice?I think each person has the right to choose the way he/she wants to live, especially live a comfortable lifestyle. As to this cas

26、e that these well-educated married women choose to become full-time housewives, on the one hand, it is a little pity to our society because they dont use their knowledge to help other person, but on the other hand, these women could have much more time in teaching their children and helping their hu

27、sbands deal with things outside of work. Because of their teaching, their children may become much more excellent. And by their helping, their husbands can devote themselves to their work and make more achievements. Also, their families will become more harmonious. In a word, I think these womens ch

28、oice is all right. They should not be blamed as lazy people.Unit3.1In these days, job-hopping is a very common phenomenon. What are the reasons for job-hopping? Should we stay in one career the whole life or change job frequently? As far as we know,nowadays,people are confronting with pressures comi

29、ng from academic studies,employmentstess and so on which make them encontered with mental strain or anxiety.there I have interviewed someone around me for the way they get refreshed. Most of them love to listen music or watch TV when they feel tired.Someone try to make sports like basketball,badmint

30、on,swimming and so on to get away from mental stess.The rest make their choice to have a good sleep to get refreshed and believe that tomorrow is another day.Personally,I love to listen music and have a long-time sleep to get refreshed.Unit3,2Find out all the reasons why people spend so much time wi

31、th their computer both atwork and at home.I think there are 3 reasonsfor the question.First, internet improves our life quality and work efficient. At work, we use computer to deal with files. For example, when we facea large amount of numbers, before the invention of computer, people must use pens,

32、 which spend a lot of time, but now we can do it by computer, maybe it just spend a few minutes. At home, we can buy everything through computer.Second, computer enhances the communication of people. At work, especially some international companies, people can talk with foreigners and make business

33、by computer. At home, as we all know, parents are often on business trips, they can talk with their children face to face through computers; we can also acquire some latest news in the internet.Third, we use the Internet for entertainment and study, when we are tired, we open the computer, and find

34、out some exciting programs, and then we will be happy. For the study, we can learn English, write thesis and look up data, and so on. Thats all.Unit 3,3 (朱影)This is a list of blogs or microblogs I often visit. Most of them are owned by celebrities.Personally speaking, the advantages of our country s

35、ports items are badminton, boxing, diving, gymnastics, trampoline, shooting, table tennis and weightlifting.Relative to Europe and the United States track and field athletes, athlete training system in our country, a higher professional level, national policies better to the player. Of course the re

36、ason why the level of football in our country is so poor, have many factors. Best players need to be in technology, awareness, physical, mental, and unmeasurable quality is pretty good. Players in China except in the body to levels close to the best players, technology, consciousness, mental, and un

37、measurable quality with world-class players vary. And these abilities and qualities, or innate, or need to be cultured at a young age. So says a national standard of football the most important determining factor is its cultivation of youth talents.Nothing is impossible ,if we put our heart into it

38、.so ,I believe that we will have a good grades in the future.Unit 3,4(魏域芳)what benefits can you derive from doing exercises regularly?As we all become health conscious, we realize the importance of strict and regular physical activity. Why so many people love exercise? Since it has many functions th

39、at are good and efficient for us. Firstly, it is good for our health. According to an age old study, exercise can reduces the chance of premature death. Secondly, exercise can help you have a lovely heart! Exercise strengthens the cardiovascular muscles and enhances blood circulation. Aerobic exerci

40、ses are seen to benefit hypertensive individuals and the diabetics. Thirdly, exercise can promotes brain health by stimulating the formation of new brain cells thereby aiding memory and cognition.In addition, it performs an advantage as entertainment. You can share the time and the fun given by indo

41、mitable performance with your friends.Unit3,5(王风娇)Compare table tennis, basketball and swimming. Which game do you like best? And why?“Table tennis: anybody, anytime, anywhere.”Alanwilliams said. This words can describe the advantage of table tennis as one of the most common sports. As a non-contact

42、 sport, using a ball that weighs only a few grams, table tennis is practically a risk-free sport.Basketball is very popular as a casual way to exercise and as a competitive team sport. Its a fast-action game with lots of running and jumping, and provides a good physical workout.Swimming is a healthy

43、 low-lost activity that you can continue throughout you life. Swimming is a low-impact activity that has many physical and mental health benefits.I like swimming best, because swimming can help maintain a healthy weight, healthy hearts and lungs. Plus, its also an ability of surviving.4.1The time of

44、 the first technical revolution is 1750 .Watt is representative of this time who invented steam engine. The time of the second technical revolution is 1870 latter. Thomas Alva Edison is representative of this time which is regarded as electric age. The third one is information age. The third technic

45、al revolution obviously brings an unprecedented change to peoples life. Digital has given rise to a variety of new technology. Factories are more effective with less workers. More and more smart machines are appearing, such as smart robot which can do some dangerous work and housework. The internet

46、brings us a lot of conveniences. We can communicate with other easily no matter how far away from each other. Secondly we can get much information to tell us how interesting the world is. Even we dont go out home we can buy what we need on net. And so on. Our life will be better and better with adva

47、nced technology, such as clear energy and a better environment. Unite4,2When warning people of videogame addiction, the author of the text says, “There can always be too much of a good thing.” Can you enlist more examples to testify this statement?This situation happen all the time. For example, hav

48、e proper amount of protein is necessary for everyday life. But if one have too much protein, the excessive protein will be turn into poison for human beings. Whats more, exercise like jogging or swimming for several hours a week is good for everybodys health, but when people do too much exercise, th

49、e chance of get injured will increase significantly. Thats why the old saying said “Enough is enough”.Unit4,4(马腾飞)Give a speech to the class on whatever game you enjoy playing.I want to say I like playing the game of flight with the landlord . Firstly its need three players ,and one player is landlord ,who plays alone ,while others form a team. If the landlord want to win ,he must be the first to play out all his cards. I


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