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1、华 北 电 力 大 学 科 技 学 院毕 业 设 计(论 文)附 件外 文 文 献 翻 译学 号: 071921020115 姓 名: 刘清 所在院系: 机械工程系 专业班级: 艺术设计07K1 指导教师: 刘渊 原文标题: Food Packaging Technology 2011年 3 月 21 日食物包装技术 出自食品包装技术作者:理查德科尔(英) 包装技术对于一个公司来说具有战略意义,就像是在竞争激烈的食品行业的一件制胜法宝。在迎合终端客户的需求和愿望、开辟新的销售渠道、提高质量控制等方面来降低成本、增加利润、提高产品品牌分化过程中的作用并提高对客户产品的售后服务。 生产商在积极降低

2、供应链成本的同时必须谨慎的保持食品在安全和产品完整性等基本技术要求方面的平衡,并要保证高效的售后服务。另外,通过增加有价值的包装设计来满足市场对保护和凸显品牌效应也是必需的。而后者可能包括交流信息不同、造型美观符合人类审美、功能强大,环保意识强等诸多方面。 因此,在保证食品健康和安全的前提下提供具有成本效益的包装来满足用户的需求和欲望对生产商来说是一个连续不断的挑战。同时,尽量降低产品对环境的影响和对用户有效地售后服务也是相当重要的。这种挑战一般通过一系列的关键因素来体现最主要的是来自法律和政策方面的压力,具体来说,努力减少产品包装的数量和包装废物的处理是一个趋势。 现在越来越重要的一个方面就

3、是在食品供应上的售后包括生产和分销系统并且牵连到包装系统,这些已经成为供应者和分销者之间关联的重要接触面。因此在包装创新和设计领域市场和供应链的作用将体现的更加明显。 从以上可以看出,考虑到技术、采购、立法后勤保障、环保要求等方面,对包装设计和发展的要求是不断变化的。通常来说,在包装所涉及的方面需要一个整体的视角来看待包装的效应,这个效应包括了诸多影响,具体体现在质量、产品,工程师、市场销售、食品技术、和消费,法律问题、财务供应链和环境管理等方面。1.包装对社会的价值 食品包装的社会价值从来没有如此巨大,综合来看,包装吸引了大量媒体宣传和政治家的注意力。作为回应,食品行业的利益相关者需要充分赏

4、识和积极提高他们的包装对生活质量的提高所做出的积极的贡献。食品包装通过大量的法律法规,守则实践指导手册来管理。 产品包装的社会效益可以包括以下几点:*阻止或减少产品的损坏和食物的破换,有效地节约能源和保护重要的营养物质并保护消费者的身体健康;*需要更少的都市固体废物处置,因为它可以促使加工过的食物残渣回收用作饲料或肥料。例如在超市买了454克(1磅)的鲜玉米,消费者能吃的部分也就是170克(6盎司),剩下的最后出现在垃圾桶里,并最终在当地的垃圾填埋场(研究所的包装专业人士,IOPP,美国)。同样数量可食用冷冻玉米能装一聚乙烯袋,而袋子重量少于5克(小于0.30盎司); *减少或消除非法修改和产

5、假的风险; *保护食物在一个卫生的环境里并且给人一种美的享受; *传达关于食品的重要信息资料并且帮助消费者理性消费; *给使用或准备提供便利,从而节约更多的时间; *提高货物在市场上的竞争力,增加消费者的可选择度;*有利于发展现代零售业,给消费者提供一站式购物的便利,提高世界各地各种时间段的产品的保质期; *保质产品的使用延长货架的期限,减少不必要的浪费; *通过使用环保包装消除了商品制冷或冻结的配送与储存,节省了能源。 食品行业意识到当今公众对包装所关注的方面主要有: *在城市垃圾中包装垃圾和包装废弃物的数量; *在城市垃圾中处理的费用和废弃包装的再恢复; *污染的产生和处理的方法有关,例如

6、填埋或焚烧; *容易打开; *为解决产品问题而过度进行包装造成很明显的损耗;*易于进行标签的处理;*在标签上传达完整的产品信息; *由于包装而造成的食物污染; *包含于包装时的偶然性。2.包装策略 包装也可以定义为:按照市场营销战略,用一种安全和有效的成本花销将产品送达给消费者。一种包装策略也是一个完整的计划,这个计划能考虑到将包装好的产品提供给消费者的过程中所要遇到的各种方面和各项活动。包装策略应该将明确的营销策略和生产策略紧密的联系起来,即符合企业的整体战略规划和商业的责任。战略发展过程中的关键因素包括技术/质量、制造、采购、市场销售、供应链、法律和金融功能等方面。在实际营销过程中,包装在

7、战略和技术方面具有同等重要的位置。一个品牌的竞争,与众不同的包装往往是一个公司胜出的关键。例如在英国,在啤酒行业小型装置的发展为大酒厂开启打开市场、拓展销售渠道提供了新的机会。食品包装的战略应该考虑一下这些因素。3.包装的设计和发展 在包装材料、形式、设计或过程上成功改革是营销链的前提需要。除非有市场需要,否则一些最重要的独创性技术改革是很难取得成功的。有时,一个创新技术走在时代的前面但可能在市场条件变化之后才被采用。因此在一种新产品开发和适应市场之前需要雇佣专业技术研究、市场研究和消费者研究机构来辨别销售机会并降低金融开支及风险。 例如:在英国对一群消费者进行调研之后对茶叶的包装又进行重新设

8、计。结果改成内部容易撕开的刚性方盒而不是很难打开的传统的薄膜全包装。氮聚酯用来包装40带茶叶来取代储物柜贮藏。纸箱设计可能是一个袋子或多个小袋子,小袋子可以防止茶叶的洒落,提供保鲜度并且给人一种新鲜的形象。为在货架上展示好的一面,纸箱的形状、标签、颜色等也重新进行设计。这种包装创新已经被零售商和其他品牌茶叶制造商广泛采用。 一般来说比较成功的新产品的发展是那些将全部的内在形式作为一个整体概念来实施的。产品整体概念的一个应用就是用能反映可可豆成分的白色瓶子来包装雪碧类饮料马力布。有许多这种例子像为微波炉加热冻好的土豆条,比萨饼和热狗的包装盒以及包装薄荷糖的盒子。 理想条件下包装的设计和制造应该在

9、新产品概念的形成阶段。沟通不足可能影响营销和分销功能;一种新产品的制造和包装材料,形状和设计都需要考虑来满足市场需求。只有那时,处理和分布也会被考虑到。新产品由于不适当的保护性包装而在市场上失策的话再想改正将会付出很高的代价。销售部门当设计一种整体产品观念时应该意识到分类包装。如果新的包装不能很好的适应现有的分销系统,来自新产品的高分布开支、增加盈利能力将被相互抵消。因此,包装是否为他们自己产品的适销性或他们实际分销来生产是很有必要考虑的,但如果不是为了分销成本的重要性,尤其是冷藏产品的话这种考虑显然就没那么重要了。 包装的发展经常是一种耗时的创造性活动。但是商业用途和资源问题之间沟通不足可能

10、阻碍包装的发展,利用多学科小组可加快包装发展的过程。这种行动通过解决设计结果所产生的问题来提高终端产品的质量。为包装设计和实际模型而服务的计算机辅助设计和快速成型设备使得包装研发团队能够加快最初的设计过程。 包装领域的发展,完整的项目规划是十分必要的。特别是包装组成的订单交货,为了确保有实际的时间安排,必须在初期和供应商制定周密的计划。例如,为果汁塑料瓶包装的发展所涉及的典型阶段可能会有问题,像由于饮料瓶的季节需要和缺乏空余产品的生产能力,供应商的模具机械的可利用性等。 查阅的定义:产品的分包装是为了实现最大的销售量(销售量,也就是利益最大化),同时将包装从制作开始的全过程成本最小化。包装被认

11、为是一种利益被优化,而不仅仅是一种成本计算。 包装功能发展最主要的是包装优化。目的是实现性能、质量和费用之间的最佳平衡,即是金钱的价值。它涉及到在包装系统中对每一开支因素进行详细的检查和各部件对系统功能的贡献进行评价。 包装应该作为产品制作和分销过程的一部分来考虑,并且经济供应链应考虑所有这些操作-包括包装-在产品交付最终使用者所涉及到的。在特定情况下,这些可能被以拓展来考虑重新利用、废品收集、储存、复原和处理。包装系统的整体或总成本来自许多不同的部件(包括材料利用率、机械和生产线效率、分销过程、管理和人力。采用一种系统的方法来包装,可以得到除了成本以外的显著受益。储蓄可按功能不同进行划分,也

12、许,为了更好的包装外观而增加包装成本和重新在其他领域利用储蓄像更多产的工厂制作或更便宜的搬运、存储、运输。这就是所谓的对于包装最优化的总系统方法。FOOD PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY Packaging technology can be of strategic importance to a company, as it can be a key to competitive advantage in the food industry. This may be achieved by catering to the needs and wants of the end us

13、er, opening up new distribution channels, providing a better quality of presentation, enabling lower costs, increasing margins, enhancing product/brand differentiation, and improving logistics service to customers. The business drive to reduce costs in the supply chain must be carefully balanced aga

14、inst the fundamental technical requirements for food safety and product integrity, as well as the need to ensure an efficient logistics service. In addition, there is a requirement to meet the aims of marketing to protect and project brand image through value-added pack design. The latter may involv

15、e design inputs that communicate distinctive, aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic, functional and environmentally aware attributes. Thus, there is a continual challenge to provide cost effective pack performance that satisfies the needs and wants of the user, with health and safety being of paramount

16、importance. At the same time, it is important to minimise the environmental impact of products and the services required to deliver them. This challenge is continually stimulated by a number of key drivers most notably, legislation and political pressure. In particular, there is a drive to reduce th

17、e amount of packaging used and packaging waste to be disposed of. The growing importance of logistics in food supply means that manufacturing and distribution systems and, by implication, packaging systems, have become key interfaces of supplierdistributor relationships. Thus, the role of the market

18、 and the supply chain has increasing significance in the area of packaging innovation and design. Arising from the above discussion is the need for those involved in packaging design and development to take account of technological, marketing, legal, logistical and environmental requirements that ar

19、e continually changing. Consequently, it is asserted that those involved in packaging need to develop an integrated view of the effect on packaging of a wide range of influences, including quality, production, engineering, marketing, food technology R&D, purchasing, legal issues, finance, the supply

20、 chain and environmental management.1. The value of packaging to society The value of food packaging to society has never been greater nor, paradoxically, has packaging attracted so much adverse media publicity and political attention. In response, stakeholders in the food industries need to fully a

21、ppreciate and actively promote the positive contributions that their packaging makes to the quality of life. Food packaging is governed by a mass of laws, regulations, codes of practice and guidelines.The societal benefits of packaging may include the following: prevents or reduces product damage an

22、d food spoilage, thereby saving energy and vital nutrients, and protecting the health of the consumer. requires less municipal solid waste disposal since it promotes processed food residue recycling for use as animal feed or compost. For example, from 454 g (1 lb) of fresh corn-on-the-cob purchased

23、at the supermarket, the customer eats approximately only 170 g (six ounces), and the rest ends up in the trash can and, ultimately, in the local landfill (Institute of Packaging Professionals, IOPP, USA). This same amount of edible frozen corn can be packed in a polyethylene bag weighing less than 5

24、 g (less than 0.18 ounce). lowers the cost of many foods through economies of scale in mass production and efficiency in bulk distribution. Savings are also derived from reduced product damage. reduces or eliminates the risk of tampering and adulteration. presents food in an hygienic and often aesth

25、etically attractive way. communicates important information about the food and helps consumers make informed purchases. provides functional convenience in use or preparation, freeing up more time. promotes goods in a competitive marketplace and increases consumer choice.facilitates the development o

26、f modern retail formats that offer consumers the convenience of the one-stop shop and the availability of food from around the world throughout the year.extends the shelf life with the benefit of prolonged product use, thereby reducing wastage. saves energy through the use of ambient packs that do n

27、ot require refrigeration or frozen distribution and storage.The food industry is aware of current public concerns related to packaging which include: packaging litter and the volume of packaging waste in municipal waste. cost of disposal and recovery of discarded packaging in municipal waste. pollut

28、ion associated with methods of disposal, i.e. landfill and ncineration. ease of opening.perception of over-packaging due to apparently excessive ullage (free space) resulting from product settlement. contamination of food due to the packaging itself. accidents involving packaging.2. Packaging strate

29、gy Packaging may also be defined as: a means of safely and cost effectively delivering products to the consumer in accordance with the marketing strategy of the organization . A packaging strategy is a plan that addresses all aspects and all activities involved in delivering the packaged product to

30、the consumer. Packaging strategy should be allied to clearly defined marketing and manufacturing strategies that are consistent with the corporate strategy or mission of the business. Key stakeholders in the strategic development process include management from technical/quality, manufacturing, proc

31、urement, marketing, supply chain, legal and finance functions. Packaging is both strategically and tactically important in the exercise of the marketing function. Where brands compete, distinctive or innovative packaging is often a key to the competitive edge companies seek. In the UK, for example,

32、the development of the famous widget for canned draught beers opened up marketing opportunities and new distribution channels for large breweries. The packaging strategy of a food manufacturer should take into consideration the factors .3.Packaging design and development Marketing pull is a pre-requ

33、isite to successful innovation in packaging materials, forms, designs or processes. The most ingenious technological innovation has little chance of success unless there is a market demand. Sometimes, an innovation is ahead of its time but may be later adopted when favoured by a change in market con

34、ditions. Specialist technical research, marketing research and consumer research agencies are employed to identify opportunities and minimise the financial costs and risks involved in the development, manufacture and marketing of a new product. For example, the radical redesign of tea bag packs in t

35、he UK was based on focus group consumer research. The result was a rigid upright carton with an integral easy tear-off board strip but without the traditional film over-wrap that was difficult to open. Nitrogen gas-flushed metallised polyester pouches a reused to contain 40 tea bags for convenient t

36、ea caddy or cupboard storage. Carton designs may contain either a single pouch or multiple pouches. The pouch prevents spillage of tea dust, provides freshness and conveys a fresh image. The carton shape, label and colour combinations were also redesigned for extra on shelf impact. This packaging in

37、novation has been widely adopted by retailers and other manufacturers for their branded teas. Generally, more successful new product developments are those that are implemented as a total concept with packaging forming an integral part of the whole. An example of the application of the total product

38、 concept is the distinctive white bottle for the rum-based spirit drink Malibu which reflects the coconut ingredient. There are many examples such as cartons with susceptors for microwave heating of frozen chips, pizzas and popcorn, and dispensing packs for mints. Ideally, package design and distrib

39、ution should be considered at the product concept stage. Insufficient communication may exist between marketing and distribution functions; a new product is manufactured and pack materials, shape and design are formulated to fulfill the market requirements. It is only then that handling and distribu

40、tion are considered. Product failure in the marketplace due to inadequate protective packaging can be very costly to rectify. Marketing departments should be aware of distribution constraints when designing a total product concept. With high distribution costs, increased profitability from product a

41、nd pack innovation can be wiped out if new packaging units do not fit in easily with existing distribution systems. It is necessary to consider whether packs are produced for their marketability or, for their physical distribution practicability. This would not necessarily be important if it were no

42、t for the significance of distribution costs, in particular those for refrigerated products. The development of packs is frequently a time-consuming and creative endeavour. There may be communication difficulties between business functions and resource issues that impede pack development. The use of

43、 multidisciplinary teams may expedite the packaging development process. This has the effect of improving the quality of the final product by minimising problems caused by design consequences that can result from sequential development. Computer assisted design (CAD) and rapid prototyping facilities

44、 for design and physical modelling of packs give packaging development teams the ability to accelerate the initial design process. In packaging development, thorough project planning is essential. In particular, order lead times for packaging components need to be carefully planned with suppliers at

45、 an early stage in order to ensure a realistic time plan. For example, the development of a plastic bottle pack for a juice drink may involve typical stages listed in Table 1.2. There may be issues such as a suppliers availability of injection stretch blow-moulding machines due to seasonal demand fo

46、r drinks containers and consequent lack of spare production capacity. With reference to the definition: Packaging in product distribution is aimed at maximising sales (and repeat sales, and so profits), while minimising the total overall cost of distribution from the point of pack filling onwards. P

47、ackaging is regarded as a benefit to be optimised rather than merely a cost to be minimised . Packaging optimisation is a main concern of the packaging development function. The aim is to achieve an optimal balance between performance, quality and cost, i.e. value for money. It involves a detailed e

48、xamination of each cost element in the packaging system and an evaluation of the contribution of each item to the functionality of the system. Packaging should be considered as part of the process of product manufacturing and distribution, and the economics of the supply chain should take into account all those operations including packaging involve


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