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1、大拇指幼儿园六一汇报演出开幕词A:尊敬的爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨 Dear grandpa and grandma,uncle and auntB:亲爱的爸爸妈妈小朋友们Dear Mother and father and children合:大家上午好Good morning everyoneA:草长莺飞的五月即将过去The grass sprout out of the earth in the end of mayB:鲜花灿烂的六月就在眼前Flowers bright June is just around the cornerA:六月是童年的摇篮,是火红的石榴花点燃的季节June is the

2、 cradle of childhood, is the season of red pomegranate flower lightB:六月是童年的乐园,是香甜的苹果,是诱人的季节Is the paradise of childhood, June is the sweet apple, is the season of attractiveA:六月是童年的梦乡,是歌声飞扬的季节June is the childhood dreams, is the season of songB:六月是童年的阳光,是翩翩起舞的季节Is the sunshine of childhood, June is

3、the season of dancingA:捧着六月的鲜花,迎着初升的太阳Holding the flowers in June, to meet the rising sunB:我们大家欢聚一堂,共同迎来自己的节日Together all of us to celebrate her holidayA:今天,载着歌声与微笑,让童心自由飞翔Today, carrying voice and smile, let the heart flyB:今天,携着希望与梦想,让童心扬帆起航Today, with his hopes and dreams, let the child set sailA:

4、让我们把动听的歌儿唱起来Lets sing beautiful songsB:让我们把心里的话儿说出来Lets put the in the mind of the messageA:让我们把优美的舞蹈跳起来Lets put the graceful dance jumpB:让我们把一双双小手拉起来Lets pull the pairs of handsA:共庆属于我们的节日Celebrate the belong to our holidayB:黄店镇大拇指幼儿园”六一”汇报演出现在开始Huangdian town thumb kindergarten children report per

5、formance now黄店镇大拇指幼儿园六一汇报演出闭幕词A:童年是一首歌,永远跳动着美好的音符Childhood is a song, will always beat the good notesB:童年时一首诗,永远充满着幻想和憧憬Childhood, a poem, always full of fantasy and longingA:童年的歌声多么动听How beautiful childhood songB:童年的舞姿多么美妙Childhood is wonderful danceA:童年的游戏多么有趣How interesting childhood gamesB:童年的生活

6、多么幸福How happy childhood lifeA:我们要用稚嫩的小手,五彩的画笔去描绘灿烂的明天We want to use the young hands, colorful brush to paint a bright tomorrowB:用优美的舞姿,欢快的旋律去憧憬美好的未来With beautiful dance, cheerful melody to look forward to a better futureA:黄店镇大拇指双语幼儿园汇报演出到此结束!Huangdian town thumb bilingual kindergarten to report performance is now over!合:祝爷爷,奶奶,叔叔,阿姨,身体健康,工作顺利,合家欢乐!We wish grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, healthy body, the work is smooth, family happiness!


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