(临沂专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专项语法 高效突破 专项6 连词课件.ppt

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(临沂专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专项语法 高效突破 专项6 连词课件.ppt_第1页
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(临沂专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专项语法 高效突破 专项6 连词课件.ppt_第2页
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《(临沂专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专项语法 高效突破 专项6 连词课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(临沂专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专项语法 高效突破 专项6 连词课件.ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、第二部分 专项语法 高效突破,专项6连词,考点1 并列连词,高频考点精讲,考点2 从属连词,十年真题全练,近十年来,连词是临沂市中考的高频考点,每年都考1道小题。考查内容以从属连词为主,兼顾并列连词。命题形式多在单项填空、选词填空中考查。预计2018年,从属连词仍是考查的重点,对并列连词也要适当关注。,考点1 并列连词,1.2017临沂,21My arm is still painful,_Im going to see a doctor. Aso Bfor Cbut Dor,A,考点2 从属连词,2.2016临沂,21_ American people and British people

2、speak the same language,their cultures are quite different. ASince BIf CAlthough DBecause 32014临沂,22Talk to your teacher and you will get help _ you have a problem. Aunless Bif Cuntil Dso 42013临沂,23Please hold on to your dream_one day it comes true. Aif Buntil Cunless Dthough 52012临沂,23The family ha

3、d to stay at hotel,_it was raining hard. Abecause Balthough Cuntil Dunless,C,B,B,A,62011临沂,26Dont forget to wash your hands _ you have meals. Abefore Buntil Cthough Dunless 72010临沂,31In fact,China is one of the 13 thirstiest countries _ it has the worlds third largest water supply (可用量) Auntil Bif C

4、though Dbecause 82009临沂,30The art club is for members only.You cant go in _ you are a member. Aunless Bbecause Cif Dthough,A,A,C,猜押预测,单项填空 1We must get up early_we can catch the first bus to school. Aso that Bsuch that Cin order to Din order 2What do you think of your English teacher? I like him ver

5、y much.He is _kind_hardworking. Aeither;or Bneither;nor Cnot;or Dnot only;but also,A,D,3It is difficult to remember and write Chinese traditional characters(繁体字),_ they are a great part of Chinese culture.We should keep them. Abut Band Cor Duntil 4I was writing a letter _ she was making a telephone

6、call. Awhile Bwhen Cbefore Duntil 5Some people wont realize the importance of their friendship _ they lose it. Aafter Bwhen Cuntil Das,A,A,C,6The dress is really beautiful,_it is too small for me. Aor Bbut Cso Dand 7I didnt accept his help _ I wanted to try it myself. Abecause Bthough Cuntil Dunless 8I like rain _ it makes me feel cool and relaxed. So do I. Aor Bso Cbut Dbecause,B,A,D,9The nurse wont leave her patients _ shes sure they are all taken good care of. Aunless Bbecause Csince Dif 10Last night,the shop was closed _ she didnt buy any chocolate. Aso Bif Cor Dwhen,A,A,


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