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1、Module 4 Unit 1 Period 1Teaching Aims: Using modals to make offerse.g. Would you like steamed prawns with garlic?Using connectives to express alternativese.g. Would you like meat, chicken or fish?Asking Wh question to find out specific information about somethinge.g. What would you like for dinner t

2、onight?Using modals to indicate preferencese.g. Id like rice for dinner.Key Points: Would you like steamed prawns with garlic?Difficult Points: What would you like for dinner tonight?Teaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeWarming upPre-task preparation1 Daily talk1.R

3、evision: 2.ReadCan you tell me any rules in the park/ in the library/ at home/ on the road?What do the signs mean?Talk about the class rules.1 Review food vocabulary items with picture cards e.g. watercress, spinach, peas. What other vegetables and food would you like to eat?2 Mention several names

4、of food and ask: What would you like for dinner tonight?/Would you like rice, noodles or spaghetti? to elicit: Id like (name of food) for dinner tonight/Id like rice for dinner.日常会话的操练,有助于帮助学习有困难的学生增加自信心。复习巩固,为新授做准备。【使用电子白板】While-task procedurePost-task activitiesAssignment 1. The Li familys dinner

5、menu. 2. Mrs Lis shopping list1.ExercisesRead and write.3 Play the recording: Read. 4 Listen and repeat.1 In groups, students are required to write down the Li familys dinner menu in Write. 2 When students have completed their menus, ask them to discuss their answers in groups of three. 3 Tell stude

6、nts that Mrs Li is going to do some shopping for tonights dinner, and that she has only rice and ice-cream at home. Students remain in their own groups to complete Mrs Lis shopping list.4 To check the answers with students, draw the shopping list on the board and invite a representative from each group to write an item on the list.What would you like for dinner?Would you like rice, noodles or spaghetti?2.Grammar Practice Book 6B page 511. Look and say.2 .Copy the new words.3. Talk about the dishes your mother cooks.请学生发挥小组合作精神,尽可能快地完成阅读,找到答案。 【使用电子白板】初步掌握新句型。Notes


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