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1、甘地传电影介绍及片段25年前的一部电影,在1983年一举夺得第55届奥斯卡金像奖九项大奖,没有任何理由去拒绝这部电影。 甘地传全片三个多小时,用历史叙事的方式向我们展示了历史上一位伟大的人物巴伯甘地。一个光着头戴着圆眼镜的老头,以其独特却又和平的方式赢取了国家与民族解放,这在历史上绝无仅有。是的,甘地传用一种荡气回肠的写实拍摄手法表现了一代伟人充满坎坷却坚定不移的一生。 全片一共涉及甘地正式的三次演讲,我们课上看的是第二段演讲。三次演讲内容如下,供大家参考。1. Ladies and gentlemen, we have asked you to gather here to help us

2、proclaim our right to be treated as equal citizens of the Empire. We do not seek conflict. We know the strength of the forces arrayed against us, know that because of them, we can only use peaceful means. But we are determined that justice will be done.The symbol of our status is embodied in this pa

3、ss which we must carry at all times, but which no European even has to have.The first step towards changing our status is to eliminate this difference between us.Now?You write brilliantly, but you have much to learn about handling men. We do not want to ignite the fear or hatred of anyone. But we as

4、k you, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh, to help us light up the sky and the minds of the British authorities with our defiance of this injustice.We will now burn the passes of our committee and its supporters. We ask you to put your passes on the fire.2. I want to welcome you all. Every one of you. We have n

5、o secrets. Let us begin by being clear about General Smuts new law. All Indians must now be fingerprinted like criminals. Men and women. No marriage other than a Christian marriage is considered valid. Under this act, our wives and mothers are whores. And every man here is a bastard.(He has become q

6、uite good at this.)And a policeman passing an Indian dwelling, I will not call them homes, may enter and demand the card of any Indian woman whose dwelling it is.Goddamn them!Understand.he does not have tostand at the door. He may enter.I will not allow it!I swear to Allah.Ill kill the man who offer

7、sthat insult to my home and my wife.and let them hang me!I say: Talk means nothing!Kill a few officials before they disgrace one Indian woman.Then they might think twice about such laws.In that cause, I would be willing to die!I praise such courage. I need such courage because, in this cause, I too

8、am prepared to die. But, my friend, there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill. Whatever they do to us, we will attack no one, kill no one. But we will not give our fingerprints, not one of us. They will imprison us. They will fine us. They will seize our possessions. But they cannot take awa

9、y our self-respect if we do not give it to them.Have you been to prison? They beat us and torture us.I say, I am asking you to fight. To fight against their anger, not to provoke it. We will not strike a blow. But we will receive them. And through our pain, we will make them see their injustice. And

10、 it will hurt, as all fighting hurts. But we cannot lose. We cannot. They may torture my body, break my bones even kill me. Then, they will have my dead body, not my obedience. We are Hindu and Muslim, children of God, each one of us. Let us take a solemn oath in His name that, come what may, we wil

11、l not submit to this law.3. My message to you is the message I have given to your brothers everywhere. To gain independence, we must prove worthy of it. There must be Hindu-Muslim unity always. Second, no Indian must be treated as the English treat us. We must remove untouchability from our hearts a

12、nd from our lives. Third, we must defy the British. Not with violence that will inflame their will, but with a firmness that will open their eyes. English factories make the cloth that makes our poverty. All those who wish to make the English see bring me the cloth from Manchester and Leeds that you

13、 wear today and we will light a fire that will be seen in Delhi and in London. And if, like me, you are left with only one piece of homespun wear it with dignity.When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time, they can seem invincible but in the end, they always fall. Think of it. Always.An eye for an eye ends up only making the whole world blind. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.


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