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1、灵性的实相中英文字幕 SPIRITUAL REALITY原文地址:灵性的实相中英文字幕SPIRITUALREALITY作者:德风 http:/ - journey withinCosmic EnergyThe Cosmic Energy exists everywhere in the Cosmos.It is the Bond between the galaxies, the planets, humans and molecules.It is the space between each and everything.It is the bond, which keeps the wh

2、ole cosmos in order.Cosmic Energy is the Life Force.This Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of our life and to expand our Consciousness.Cosmic Energy is the base for all our actions and functions.We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in deep Sleep and in total Silence.We are using th

3、is energy for our day-to-day activities of our Mind like seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all actions of our Body.This limited energy gained through sleep is not sufficient for these activities. That is why we feel exhausted, tired and tensed. This leads to mental and physical stress and all

4、kinds of illnesses.The only way to over come this is to get more and more Cosmic Energy.Cosmic Energy is essential to:Maintain the order of our lifeTo lead a healthy and happy lifeTo totally involve in all situations we are inTo obtain KnowledgeAnd finallyFor expansion of our Consciousness.Abundant

5、Cosmic Energy is obtained, only through Meditation.MeditationMeditation is the journey of our consciousness towards the Self.Sleep is unconscious MeditationMeditation is conscious sleep.We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in sleep and in deep silence.We receive abundant Cosmic Energy in Meditati

6、on.Meditation is the journey of our consciousness from:Body to Mind,Mind to Intellect,Intellect to SelfAnd beyond.To do Meditation, the first thing is Posture.We may sit in any posture. Posture must be comfortable and stable.We may sit either on the floor or on a chair.Cross your legs clasp the fing

7、ersClose your eyes gentlyRelax relaxThen,Observe your normal BreathDo not chant any Mantra do not think of any GodJust witness the BreathIf any thoughts come,Do not go behind the thoughts do not negate the thoughtsJust come back observe the BreathWitness the BreathBe the BreathJust Be.This is the WA

8、Y. This is the Meditation Technique.Then one reachesNo Thought and No Breath state.This is the Meditative State.By more and more Meditation, we receive abundant Cosmic Energy.With this Meditation Technique,Our Energy body gets cleansedThird Eye get activated, and further perfectedAstral Travel happe

9、nsWe understand Life After LifeAnd many moreEnergyBodyEnergy Body is the structure for the Consciousness.Energy Body forms with more than 72000 Nadis or Energy tubes which run all across the Body.All these Energy Tubes starts from the head region.This region is called Bramha Randra.These Nadis sprea

10、d through out the body like roots of a plant.Energy Body is the main base for the design of our life.Energy Body is the main source for all our actions and even for our existence.Our Energy Body receives Cosmic Energy during sleep and Meditation.We are using this Energy for our body and mind activit

11、ies like seeing, speaking, hearing and physical movements and even for digestion.All these functions are totally based on the incoming Cosmic Energy.The inflow of Cosmic Energy is purely based on our thoughts.When we have thoughts, the inflow of Cosmic Energy is obstructed.In other words,Our thought

12、s are the stumbling blocks for the inflow of Cosmic Energy.When the inflow of Cosmic Energy is less, the Energy in the Energy Tubes depletes. This depletion causes Etheric Patches in the Energy Body. This Etheric Patches gradually leads to diseases in the physical body.In other words,Root cause of a

13、ll diseases is the lack of Energy in the Energy Body.In Meditation, we get abundant Cosmic Energy. It flows heavily through all our Energy Tubes of Energy Body. Cosmic Energy cleanses all Etheric Patches due to its heavy flow.When Etheric Patches are cleansed, we come out of all our illness.When Ene

14、rgy starts flowing heavily through Bramha Randra, we feel heaviness in the head region or heaviness in the whole body.When Energy is cleansing the Energy Tubes, we may get itching sensation or pain in that region.Some times we may experience pain in various places in the physical body.For all these

15、pains we need not take any medicines.All these pains will vanish by increasing Meditation.By intake of more and more Cosmic Energy by more and more Meditation, we come out of all physical and mental illness.PyramidPowerPyramid is the most stable structure, which receives the highest Cosmic Energy in

16、 this Planet Earth.Pyramid forms at an angle 52 degrees51 minutes and because of this Angle, it receives the highest Cosmic Energy.Pyramid can be constructed with any material.Materials make no difference in the receiving of the Cosmic Energy.Pyramid has to be aligned to perfect cardinal directions-

17、 north, south, east and west.Cosmic Energy gets accumulated at 1/3rd height from the base of the Pyramid.This place is known as Kings Chamber.Cosmic Energy will be the maximum in the Kings Chamber and it spreads through out the Pyramid.A crystal fixed at the apex of the Pyramid, multiplies and distr

18、ibutes the Cosmic Energy through out the Pyramid.The No Thought State or Nirmala Sthithi is attained three times faster if one meditates inside the Pyramid.Pyramid can be used for communication with higher frequencies.Meditation in the Pyramid helps in Healing and for all Meditation Experiences.Thir

19、dEyeThe Third Eye is a very powerful tool of the soul to see, to feel and to hear the higher frequency realities.These three functions of the soul are known as Third Eye.When the Cosmic Energy flows heavily, the Third Eye gets activated.At the time of activation of the Third Eye, we feel an itching

20、sensation or pulling sensation at the fore head region.We start seeing glimpses of various colors rotating around us. We see pitch-dark color.We hear murmuring sounds, sound of walking.Here, we feel we are traveling in a pitch dark Tunnel, we feel as if we are falling in a dark tunnel, we feel we ar

21、e moving upwards in a dark tunnel towards a brilliant light, we feel we are traveling towards bright light.Third Eye Perfection:When the Etheric Body gets sufficient Cosmic Energy by more and more Meditation our Third Eye gets perfected.Here, we perceive crystal clear visions of this plane and other

22、 planes.In Third Eye perfection,we see so many things more crystal clear than the physical visions.We see other frequency realities.We see the things which are not present near the five senses.We feel so many things, which we cannot express with the words.We hear inner voices, sounds or sounds of In

23、struments from other frequencies.We see Masters who are not there physically with us.We see Masters in a physical form, as we know them.After more Meditation, we start seeing the Master like a Bright Light”.Even by seeing the Bright Light, we feel the identity of the Master.We can hear the messages

24、from the Masters.We feel moving in a tunnel and finally merging with the light.Third Eye Experiences makes us to know that:We can get answers for all our problems throughMessages from the Mastersor by seeing other frequency realities or as a feeling.By this:Our actions will change.Our beliefs will c

25、hange.Our Understanding will change.After this Third Eye experience, we find changes in our perception of this physical plane.AstralTravelAstral Body is a tool of the Self to perceive other frequency realities.Astral Body is one more form of our Consciousness like our physical body.In normal conditi

26、on our Consciousness is spread through out the physical body.When we receive sufficient amount of Energy and when we feel to perceive the other frequency realities, the consciousness moves in the form of Astral Body.We perceive the Astral Body experiences unconsciously in Sleep, which we call as DRE

27、AMS.One can perceive Astral Body experiences consciously in Meditation.Astral body travels beyond space and time.After Conscious Astral Experiences, we start perceiving new dimensions.In Meditation, after receiving abundant Cosmic Energy the Consciousness that is spread everywhere in the body, start

28、s moving towards a point.While Consciousness is moving, we experiencejerks in the physical body,rotation in the physical body.Movements may be experienced in different parts of the body or some times, one may experience as if the whole body is rotating.We feel as if our body is floating.We dont feel

29、 the hands and legs.We feel lightness of the body like feather.These are known asASTRAL MOVEMENTS.By doing more and more Meditation, we get more and more Cosmic Energy.The Consciousness forming like an Astral Body, starts rotating very fast which causes heavy movements in physical body.After the mov

30、ements, the Astral body starts coming out of the physical body with a link calledSilver Chord. Silver Chord is nothing but a high vibrant consciousness which transfers the messages to physical body to astral body and vice versa.With this, we doASTRAL TRAVEL.Astral Travel is a travel of our Conscious

31、ness to known and unknown frequencies.By doing Astral Travel we get highest knowledge and understanding of the SELF.In Astral Travel, our Astral Body can pass through all physical materials, all elements like earth, water, fire, wind and ether. Astral Body can go to all other frequency dimensions wi

32、th out any limitations.After coming out of the body, Meditator sees his own physical body. By this he gets great understanding. He understands that he is not only the body, but he stays in the body. This is a great understanding.Every one should experience Astral Travel.By traveling a lotour limitedness will vanish andwe will understand that we areunlimitedBy this experie


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