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1、经济学原理词汇归类:After tax income 词性:n.频率:1释义:after paying tax on income例句:Today Chinas thrifty households tuck away a quarter of their after-tax incomeone of the highest saving rates in the world.Aggregate supply 词性:n.频率:14英语释义:a total quantity of supply例句:Econometric models generally have a short-aggrega

2、te supply component with fixed prices, and aggregate demand portion, and a potential output component.Aggregate demand 词性:n.频率:7英语释义:a total quantity of demand例句:Cutting income taxes will simultaneously shift aggregate demand and aggregate supply to the right.Alternative 词性: n .频率:1英语释义:something th

3、at you can choose to do or use instead of something else.例句:I have no alternative but to report him to the police.Approach 词性: n .频率:2英语释义:A method of doing something or dealing with a problem 例句:A new approach to selling goods or servicesBenefit 词性: n .频率:1英语释义:something that gives you advantages o

4、r improves your life in some way 例句:A aid program that has brought lasting benefits to the region.Business cycle 词性:n.频率:3英语释义: recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline例句:The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughsBudget 词性: n .频

5、率:1英语释义: 1.a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose; 2. a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them;例句:1. the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year 2. the president submitted the annual budget to CongressCapacity 词性: n .频率:5英语释义:ability to perform

6、or produce; the maximum production possible例句:the plant is working at 80 per cent capacityCapital gain 词性:n.频率:3英语释义: the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the purchase price; the gain is realized when the asset is sold例句:For the investors who had bought the bond, the capital gai

7、n would have been quite significant.Circulation 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:the exchange of information ,money etc from one person to another in a group or society例句:several thousand of the fake notes are in circulation.Consumer 词性: n频率:2英语释义:Someone who buys and uses products and services例句:A wider choice of goo

8、ds for the consumerCost 词性: n.频率:2英语释义:the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy ,do ,or produce something例句:A low cost source of electric power.Curve 词性:n.频率:8英语释义:A line which gradually bends like part of a circle .例句:A curve on a graph.Decline 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:A gradual decrease in th

9、e quality, quantity ,or importance of something.例句:A sharp decline in profits .Demand 词性:n.频率:3英语释义:peoples need or desire to buy or use particular goods and services .例句:Theres not much demand for oil heaters any more .Determinant 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:something that strongly influences what you do or how

10、you behave.例句:Social class is a major determinant of consumer spending patterns.Downturn 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:A period or process in which business activity ,production etc is reduced and conditions become worse .例句:A sharp economic downturn .Equilibrium 词性:n.频率:3英语释义:A balance between opposing forces or i

11、nfluences.例句:They were anxious not to upset the trading equilibrium.Factory 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:A building or group of buildings in which goods are produced in large quantities ,using machines .例句:A car factory .Figure 词性:n.频率:4英语释义:A numbered drawing or a diagram in a book .例句:The figure is increased .Fi

12、scal policy 词性:n.频率:7英语释义: A government policy for dealing with the budget (especially with taxation and borrowing.例句:A proactive fiscal policy.Full employment 词性:n.频率:4英语释义:The economic condition when everyone who wishes to work at the going wage-rate for their type of labor is employed. No shortag

13、e, no surplus.例句:Our objective is to achieve full employment.Goal 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:something that you hope to achieve in the future .例句:When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal.Goods 词性:n.频率:3英语释义:things that are produced in order to be sold .例句:electrical goods Imbalance 词性:n.频率

14、:1英语释义:A lack of a fair or correct balance between two things ,which results in problems or unfairness .例句:An attempt to redress the imbalance between rich and poor. Incentive 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:something which encourages you to work harder ,start new activities .例句:With prices so low there is little inc

15、entive for the farmer .Increase 词性:n.频率1:英语释义:a rise in amount ,number ,or degree.例句:An increase in the crime rate .Inflow 词性:n.频率:1英语释义;the movement of people ,money ,goods etc into a place .例句:the flow of money.Interest rate 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:the percentage amount charged by a bank etc when you borrow

16、 money or paid to you by a bank when you keep money in an account there .例句:The government intends to keep interest rates low .Investor 词性:n.频率:1英语释义;someone who gives money to a company ,business, or bank in order to get a profit .例句:an investor with a pessimistic market outlookMarket 词性:n.频率:2英语释义

17、: a place where people buy and sell goods ,especially in a open area or a large building .例句:Theres a good antiques market here on Sundays.Money supply 词性:n.频率:2英语释义: all the money that exists in a countrys economic system at a particular time .例句:Appropriate growth was seen in money supply.Output 词

18、性:n.频率:4英语释义: the amount of goods or work produced by a person ,machine ,factory etc.例句:Output is up 30% on last year .Policy 词性:n.频率: 10英语释义: a course of action that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party ,business ,or other organization.例句:The governments disastrous economic po

19、licies.Price 词性:n.频率:6英语释义:the amount of money for which something is sold ,bought ,or offered.例句:Fuel prices are rising steadily .Price level 词性:n.频率:3英语释义: an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time例句:The general price level

20、 declined by small margin.Producer 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:A person ,company ,or country that makes or grows goods ,foods ,or materials .例句:England is a producer of high quality wool.Production 词性:n.频率:1英语释义:The process of making or growing things to be sold as products ,or the amount that is produced .例句:Pro

21、duction costs for the plane were too high .Profit 词性:n.频率:2英语释义:money that you gain by selling things or doing business.例句:They sold their house at a huge profit .Property 词性:n.频率:2英语释义;The thing or things that someone owns .例句:Some of the stolen property was found in Masons house .Subsidy 词性:n.频率:1

22、英语释义:money that is paid by a government or organization to make price lower ,reduce the cost of producing goods etc.例句:International disagreement over trade subsidy.Tax 词性:n.频率:5英语释义:An amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income ,property ,goods etc that is used to

23、pay for public services.例句:The government claimed it would lower taxes .Wage 词性:n.频率:2英语释义:money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours ,days ,or weeks that you work .例句:The wage increases will come into effect in June .Workforce 词性:n频率:1英语释义:All the people who work in a particular c

24、ountry ,industry ,or factory .例句:A workforce of 3550 employment .Achieve 词性:v.频率:4英语释义:to succeed inn doing something good or getting the result you wanted ,after trying hard for a long time .例句:Women have yet to achieve full equality in the workplace .Adopt 词性:v.频率:1英语释义: Use a particular method or

25、 plan for dealing with something .例句:The country have adopted a flexible policy .Alter 词性:v.频率:3英语释义:to change or make someone or something change.例句:Her face hadnt alter the fact that the refugees are our responsibility.Decline 词性:v.频率:1英语释义:to decrease in quantity or importance ; to become gradual

26、ly worse in quality .例句:Do you think standards of education have declined in recent year .Decrease 词性:v.频率:1英语释义;to go down to a lower level ,or to make something do this .例句:In the last ten years cars have generally decreased in size.Demonstrate 词性:v.频率:1英语释义:to show or prove something clearly 例句:T

27、hese findings clearly demonstrate the fact that unemployment leads to poor health .Dub 词性:v.频率:1英语释义:to give something or someone a humorous name that describes their character .例句:I dub a CD onto a tape.Expand 词性:v.频率:1英语释义:become larger in size or volume or quantity;make bigger or wider in size, v

28、olume, or quantity;例句:His business expanded rapidly.Illustrate 词性:v.频率:1英语释义:clarify by giving an example of;depict with an illustration;e.g., illustrate a book with drawings.例句:She decides to use charts and diagrams to illustrate.Implement 词性:v.频率:1英语释义:to take action or make changes that you have

29、officially decided should happen.例句:Implement the new procedures.Increase 词性:v.频率:6英语释义:to become larger inn amount ,number ,or degree; to make something larger in amount ,number ,or degree.例句:The boss finally increased her salary.Reduce 词性:v.频率:5英语释义: reduce in size; reduce physically例句:reduce unem

30、ployment.Restrain 词性:v.频率:2英语释义:to prevent someone from doing something harmful or stupid.例句:Price rises restrain consumer spending.Shift 词性:v.频率:8英语释义:to move from one place or position to another ,or make something do this .例句:Transform shift the government functions.Stimulate 词性:v.频率:4英语释义:to enc

31、ourage an activity to begin or develop further .例句:It can stimulate appetite.Electric 词性: adj.频率:2英语释义using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity.例句:standard for electric engineering and electric power.Inflationary 词性:adj.频率:1英语释义:relating to or causing price increases.例句:inflationary wage increases.


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