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1、复习巩固:动词的过去式和过去分词,blow blew blown draw drew drawn grow grew grown know knew known throw threw thrown fly flew flown,buy bought bought bring brought brought think thought thought,teach taught taught catch caught caught,begin began begun ring rang rung sing sang sung sink sank sunk swim swam swum,tell

2、told told sell sold sold,keep kept kept sweep swept swept sleep slept slept oversleep overslept overslept,Retell Tinas morning,Tina had a bad morning. First of all, she overslept. When she got up, her brother had gotten in the shower. After he got out of the shower, Tina took a quick shower and got

3、dressed. But by the time she went outside, the bus had already left. So she ran all the way to school. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. She ran back home to get her backpack. Unluckily, when she got home, she realized she had left her keys in the backpack! So s

4、he ran back to school without her keys or her backpack.,Lets tell the story.,By the time she got to school, the bell had rung. When she walked into the class, the teacher had started teaching. She asked for their homework, but of course Tina didnt have it. What a bad morning!,6:30,6:50,7:00,7:10,7:3

5、0,8:00,6:30,8:00,now,By the time Jim _, his mom _,got up,had cleaned.,6:50 8:00 now,By the time Jim _, his sister _,got up,had washed.,7:00,8:00,now,By the time Jim _, his grandma _,got up,had eaten.,7:10,8:00,now,By the time Jim _, his dog _,got up,had had,7:30,8:00,now,By the time Jim _, his dad _

6、,got up,had gone,Nancy is very tired these days. Yesterday she had an unusual experience.,Read the story about Nancy and write the events in the correct order.,alarm clock didnt go off . ,1.alarm clock didnt go off 2. father went into bathroom 3. woke up late 4. wait for him to come out 5. took show

7、er 6. had some breakfast 7. bus left 8. ran off to bus stop 9. started walking a ride with a friend 11. bell ringing 12. got to school 13. got to class,Time went by,1.go off 2. bathroom 3. woke up 4. wait for 5. shower 6. breakfast 7. bus 8. ran off 9. walking a ride 11. bell 12. schoo

8、l 13. class,Time went by,Retelling the story,difficult points,1. Ive never been late for school, but yesterday I came very_. 与迟到很接近,close,close adv. 接近地 He sat close against the wall. 他紧靠墙壁坐着. close adj. 近的, 亲密的 How often do you write to your close friend? be close to 离近 The church is close to the l

9、ibrary. close v. 关 closed adj. 关着 The shop closes at ten every night. You cant buy anything in the store, the store is closed now.,My alarm clock didnt go off, and by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out. I had to really rush. I took

10、a quick shower, had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop. Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dads car and they gave me a ride.,on time 准时 in time 及时 at any time 在任何时候 at times 有时 all the time 一直;始终,2. I started walking, but I knew I couldnt get to school _,3. luckily, my

11、friend Tony and his dads _ in his dads car and they_.,came by,gave me a ride,on time,come by 从旁边经过passed give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车,I only just _it to my class.,made,make it 成功了, 做成了 Has John got the job? -Yes, he made it. You wont make it though you try your best. 即使你尽最大努力,也不会成功.,3C PAIRWORK,A: Have yo

12、u ever been late for school? B: Yes, I have. A: Why were you late? B: The bus broke down. A: What did your teacher do? B:,My teacher said that it didnt matter.,Have you ever overslept? Yes, I have. Why did you oversleep? Because my alarm clock didnt go off. What did your teacher do? She asked me to

13、get up early and not to be late next time.,pairwork,Have you ever forgotten to bring your homework to school? Yes , I have. Why did you forget it? Because there was no time to put it away. What did you teacher do? She said “Dont leave homework at home next time” .,Have you ever forgotten a relatives

14、 birthday? Yes , I have. Why did you forget a relatives birthday? Because I was very busy. What did your grandmother do? She said she would call me.,Have you ever forgotten a doctors or dentists appointment? Yes , I have. Why did you forget it? Because I was busy having classes. What did the doctor

15、do? She said she would call me.,Have you ever been late for school? Why were you late? What did you teacher do? Then what happened?,Yes , I have.,The bus broke down.,Luo Mings Day,Please try to use by the time / when 过去完成时,First discuss in groups,writing,woke up,rushed to,realized,chatted with,had l

16、unch with relatives,watched TV,went to sleep,Write about Luo Mings day.,Yesterday was an unforgettable day for Luo Ming. She woke up late because her alarm clock didnt go off. So she really rushed to school on her bike. But when she got there, she was surprised to see the gate of the school was clos

17、ed. She realized that she had forgotten it was Sunday. On her way home she visited her deskmate Lily and told her about it. When she got home, her grandparents had cooked a good meal for her. And then she watched an interesting TV play . She didnt go to bed until 10 oclock. What an interesting day s

18、he had!,Mings Day Last night Ming stayed up late for her favorite movie. When she woke up this morning, she was surprised to find that it was 10 oclock. She got up in a hurry and rushed to school by bike. When she got to school, she found that the school gate was locked. She realized that it was Sun

19、day. Then she visited her friend Yang. She had a happy time there. In the afternoon she visited her grandma and grandpa and had dinner with them. Then she went home. After finishing her homework, she watched TV for an hour. And then she went to bed. She had a happy and exciting day.,Fill in the each

20、 blank with the correct word given.,rush,realize,invite,show up,stay up,1、I was waiting for the school bus but it didnt come. Then I it was Saturday. 2、I woke up late this morning. I had to really to get to school on time. 3、Theres a good movie on TV tonight but its at I am. I dont want to that late

21、. 4、sally me to her birthday party. Its at her house on Saturday. 5、Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt .,realized,rush,stay up,invited,relized,show up,Self Check,dentist homework relative fool embarrassed exhausted happy lock costume break down show up oversleep farmer go off stay up realize,In each line, circle the word that doesnt belong.,


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