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1、Reading,What would you do if.?,Unit4 Period 5,I believe I can fly,IusedtothinkthatIcouldnotgoonAndlifewasnothingbutanawfulsongButnowIknowthemeaningoftrueloveImleaningontheeverlastingarms IfIcanseeit,thenIcandoitIfIjustbelieveit,theresnothingtoitIbelieveIcanflyIbelieveIcantouchthesky Ithinkaboutiteve

2、rynightanddaySpreadmywingsandflyawayIbelieveIcansoarIseemerunningthroughthatopendoorIbelieveIcanflyIbelieveIcanfly/IbelieveIcanfly,A: What would you do if you had lots of money? B: Id / I would,2006年8月10日下午17时25分,超强台风“桑美”在浙江省苍南县马站镇登陆,登陆时中心气压920百帕,近中心最大风速60米/秒,超过1956年第12号台风登陆时的923百帕,成为50年来登陆浙江最强的台风。据

3、浙江省气象局资料显示,浙江苍南霞关附近中尺度自动站出现68.0米/秒的大风,这个纪录不仅破了浙江省历史测得最大风速59.6米/秒,就是在登陆我国大陆的台风实测极大风速中也属十分罕见。这次的台风给温州造成直接经济损失45.22亿元,其中苍南县25.7亿元,平阳县8.9亿元。温州全市因灾死亡81人,失踪人员11人。所掠之处房屋成片倒塌、到处断墙残垣,电力系统瘫痪,道路交通隔阻,通讯线路失灵,沿海的网箱养殖基本被毁。我市人民生命财产损失惨重。,cover,deep,The town was almost covered with deep water.,Houses were covered wit

4、h water, downstairs even upstairs.,Plenty of houses fell down by accident.,Some people were pressed under the houses.,People got injured.,They hurt their head, arms, and knees.,Some people even lost their lives by accident.,They felt pain.,Luckily, the police helped some people move to safety.,After

5、 Taiphoon, people nearby and far away helped them.,They offered them money, food, water and medicine.,They also offered to help them build their houses.,You are so helpful.,Don refuse to help others when they need help.,Treat people friendly, you will be happy.,Cangnan was almost covered with deep w

6、ater because of “ Sangmei”. Houses were covered with water, downstairs even upstairs. Plenty of houses fell down by accidents. Some people were pressed under the houses. Some people got injured. They hurt their head, arms, and knees, they felt pain. And some people even lost their lives. Luckily, th

7、e police helped some people move to safety. After Taiphoon, people nearby and far away help them. They offered food, water and medicine. They also offered to help them build their houses.,We also helped them as much as we can. I hope they will be better soon.,A report from a student in our school,co

8、ver,deep,offer to,refuse to,safety,treat,give or exchange,a safe place,burn,place over or in front of,going a long way down from the top,be on fire,say “no” to,Words challenge,act or behave,sentence challenge,1.offer sb. sth. (offer to),2. refuse to,3. be helpful,Our school offers us lunch .,They re

9、fused to give me advice.,My friend, Nick, is very helpful.,1. What kinds of accidents do you know of?,traffic accidents; working accidents; sports accidents; medical accidents; small daily accidents; (burn, cut your finger, fall downstairs) ,first-aid book,Martin Robinson,If I were you, Id have a fi

10、rst-aid book on a nearby shelf in your home.,What would you do if.?,Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers. His new book, What Would You Do If? came out last month. It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations. Here are two pages from t

11、he book.,have experience (in)doing sth. 在做某事方面有经验,come out 出版,Martin Robinson,Whats the book on?,ACCIDENTS Question 1: What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? Doctor: You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. If its a deep cut, you should see a doctor. Question 2: If

12、my grandmother fell downstairs, and wasnt moving, Id hurry to call the hospital first. Is that correct? Doctor: Yes, speed is very important. Get the medical help first, then make her comfortable and stay with her. Question 3: What would you do if you burned yourself by accident? Doctor: Well, first

13、 find out how bad it is. Then put the burned area under cold running water. Question 4: What would you do if you injured your knee while running? Doctor: If I felt some pain, Id stop exercising. And if it hurt for more than a few days, Id see a doctor.,Read the first page and answer,What accidents d

14、oes he mention in the first page?,1. Cut yourself,2. Fall downstairs,3. Burn yourself,4. Injure your knee while running,Cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.,Get the medical help first, then make her comfortable and stay with her.,Put the burned area under cold running water.,Stop exer

15、cising or see a doctor.,Learning strategy:,What would you do if.?,Experience Challenge,What accidents have ever met and how do you solve them?,Whats your problem?,E.g:I think the biggest problem is that teenagers play computer too much.,2. What is the biggest problem a teenager has?,A teenager is ea

16、sy to get bad habits and make some bad friends .,PROBLEMS Problem 1: A friend offers you cigarettes at a party. Advice: Of course you should refuse! If I were you, Id also talk to your friend about the dangers of smoking. Problem 2: Children often think medicine is candy and eat it. Advice: You must

17、 always hide medicine from children, and you should tell children to ask their parents before they eat “candy” they find. Problem 3: An “internet friend” has asked if you could meet. Advice: You should tell your parents about it, agree to meet in a public place, and you shouldnt go alone. Problem 4:

18、 You get pimples when you are nervous. Advice: You should drink lots of water and ask your doctor for advice.,1.Friends offer you cigarettes.,2.Children eat medicine as candy.,3.“Internet friend” ask you to meet.,4.Get pimples.,a. You can smoke a little.,b. You should refuse.,c. Talk to him about th

19、e dangers of smoking.,a. Medicine is candy.,b. Put it anywhere.,c. Hide it from kids.,a. Meet alone.,b. Ask parents permission.,c. Meet in a public place.,a. Drink more water.,c. Ask doctors for help.,b. Stay up late.,Find the problems in the second page.,Experience Challenge,Can you help me with my

20、 second book?,Accident,Solution,Problem,Advice,My second first-aid book,Safety comes first!,Thank you!,1.Copy the new words 2.Listen to the tape and try to read the text. 3.Read the first-aid book written by us.,Homework:,Homework:,1.Copy the new words 2.Listen to the tape and try to read the text. 3.Read the first-aid book written by us.,Accident,Solution,Problem,Advice,Experience Challenge,Can you help me with my second book?,1. Cut yourself,2. Fall downstairs,3. Burn yourself,4. Injure your knee while running,


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