高中英语《Unit 2 Heroes》Section Ⅰ语言点二 应用落实课下作业 北师大版必修1.doc

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1、高一英语课下作业北师大版必修1Unit 2 HeroesSection 语言点二 应用落实.选词填空1The flying saucer and disappeared before they could see it clearly.答案:lifted off2 his being late again, he lost his job and had to stay at home.答案:Because of3 books have been written about young people in the United States.答案:Millions of4A river our

2、 school the park.答案:separates;from5Dont it about me losing my job, will you?答案:let;out.单项填空 1A large river _ the north of the city from the south.AseparatesBdividesCcuts Dkeeps解析:考查动词词义。separate .from为固定搭配,意为“隔开,使分开”。答案:A2All students _ a loud laugh when the teacher told them the joke.Abrought out B

3、let outCleft out Dmade out解析:考查词组辨析。句意:老师讲了这个笑话后,所有的学生都放声大笑。let out“发出”;bring out“取出,使清楚”;leave out“遗漏,省略”;make out“理解,明白”。故选B。答案:B3 Have you seen _ workers pass by? Yes, Ive seen _ them.Awoman; hundreds of Bwomen; hundreds ofCwoman; two hundred of Dwomen; hundred of解析:woman worker (女工人) 为合成词,在变成负数时

4、,应为women workers;hundreds of“数以百计的”。答案:B4The rocket _ from the launching pad.Alifted off Bcarried offCput off Dturned off解析:句意:火箭从发射台发射升空了。lift off“起飞,升空”;carry off“抢走,夺走”;put off“推迟”;turn off“关掉”。故应选A。答案:A5We choose Paris _ our destination, for there are many restaurants to choose _.Aas; / Bas; fromCfrom; / Dfrom; as解析:句意:我们选择巴黎作为我们的目的地,因为那里有许多宾馆可供选择。第一空中choose .as .意为“挑选作为”,第二空选用介词from构成choose .from .的结构,意为“从中挑选(选择)”。答案:B


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