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1、基于PLC的型龙门刨床的自动化改造 摘要:龙门刨床是机械工业的主要工作母之一,在工业生产中占有重要的位置。龙门刨床工作台最早采用交流感应电动机拖动并实现正反向的方向的方案,和用交流电动机通用电磁离合器实现正反向的方案,以及用交流电动机通用液压系统实现正反向的方案。后来使用较多的是直流发动机一电动机组的拖动方案。而这方案又有两类:一类是自励放大机控制并改变发电机励磁进行调整的方案;另一类就是采用交磁放大机控制并改变大电机励磁的调整方案。六七十年代,由于微电子技术的发展,出现了由晶闸管直接供电的直流调速系统拖动龙门刨床工作台的方案。但直流电动机本身结构上存在着严重的问题,它的机械接触式换向器不但结


3、触点的可靠性问题直接影响了产品质量和上产效率。因此,近几十年来工业自动化,机电一体化,改造传统产业等方面,PLC的到了广泛的应用。学习,掌握和应用PLC技术队提高我国工业自动化水平和上产效率具有十分重要的意义。关键字:龙门刨床控制 PLC控制 电器控制 变频调速Abstract: Cutting the main work of the machinery industry is one of the mother, in the industrial production has an important place. The earliest planer workbench adopt

4、ac induction motor drive and realize the direction and the positive and the plan, and the use of ac motor general electromagnetic clutch and the positive and realize the plan, and the use of ac motor general hydraulic system and the positive and solutions. Later used more is a dc motor unit of elect

5、ric drive scheme. And this plan and has two kinds: one kind is motivated FangDaJi control and change the generator excitation of the adjustment plan; Another kind is to use magnetic FangDaJi control and change into big motor excitation adjustment plans. During the s, due to the development of the mi

6、croelectronics technology, appear the thyristor direct power supply dc speed control system of the workbench drag planer scheme. But dc motivation itself on structure there are serious problems, its mechanical contact commutator not only complex, manufacturing time consuming and expensive, and sport

7、s prone to failure. Along with the development of the communication technology of frequency conversion, ac motor drive the work may be cutting machine. PLC (programmable controller) is the microcomputer technology as the core of general industry control device. It will be the traditional relay a con

8、tact device control technology and even machine technology and communication technology, have powerful fusion, the environment, good adaptability to process simple, in high reliability, simple programming, small volume, low power consumption advantages. In just a few decades got rapid development, h

9、as become the mainstay of the contemporary industrial automation of one. At present, the part of the small and medium-sized enterprises and universities still widely used the traditional relay control machine tools, the machine tool experienced short history, although it can be in a certain range to

10、 meet the needs of the single and automatic production line, but because of its electronic control system is based on relays, contact device hard links as the foundation, the technology is relatively backward, especially the contacts the reliability of the product directly affect the quality and the

11、 production efficiency. Therefore, in recent decades, industrial automation, electromechanical integration, transform traditional industries, PLC to widely. Study, the mastery and application of PLC technology team in industrial automation level and improve the production efficiency has the very vital significance. 待添加的隐藏文字内容3Keywords: Longmen planer control PLC control Electric control Variable frequency speed regulation


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