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1、The main items of a paper Title Abstract (keywords) Introduction Experimental section Results and discussions Conclusion Acknowledgement References Title The major purpose of a title is to inform readers about the specific content of the work, ideally identifying both what was studied and how it was

2、 studied. Expression of the core content by using a few words, sometimes limitation of words number More declarative (陈述句) A question as the title Common pattern of a title in chemistry : “X of Y by Z” Y: what was studied; X and Z modify or extend Y in some way. Y is required, and X and Z are option

3、al, but tipically at last X or Z is present. “of” can be replaced by “in, for, to etc.” “by” can be replaced by “on, in, via, using, at, from etc.” Avoid preceding X with empty words (e.g., “The,” “A,” “An”) or redundant phrases (e.g., “A Study of,” “Research on”); Common examples of the “X of Y by

4、Z” pattern found in journal article titles X (optional)Y (required)Z (optional) A nominalization (e.g., Determination, Investigation, Analysis, Synthesis, Measurement) A phrase that refers to, describes, or modifies Y (e.g., Crystal structure, Cancer-preventive properties) of in for to . . . . What

5、was studiedon in via by as using at from . . . . Target of Y or what was impacted by Y Method used (or detail of method used ) to study Y Direct Measurement of Light Waves Total Synthesis of (+)-Crocacin C Using Hidden Symmetry Incorporation of Fluorinated Phenylalanine Generates Highly Specific Inh

6、ibitor of Proteasomes Chymotrypsin-like Sites Small Interfering RNA-Induced Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Human Cells Preparation of the 2-Deoxynucleosides of 2,6-Diaminopurine and Isoguanine by Direct Glycosylation 5-Amino-2-Aroylquinolines as Highly Potent Tubulin Polymerization Inhibitors 1-A

7、lkyl-4-phenyl-6-alkoxy-1H-quinazolin-2-ones: A Novel Series of Potent Calcium-Sensing Receptor Antagonists N-Demethylation of N,N-Dimethylanilines by the Benzotriazole N-Oxyl Radical: Evidence for a Two-Step Electron TransferProton Transfer Mechanism Is science dangerous? How do membrane proteins se

8、nse water stress? How Do SET-Domain Protein Lysine Methyltransferases Achieve the Methylation State Specificity? Revisited by Ab Initio QM/MM Molecular Dynamics Simulations (JACS 2008) Why Are Water-Hydrophobic Interfaces Charged? (JACS 2008) Capitalization in Titles Capitalize all main words (nouns

9、, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs). Do not capitalize prepositions or the following words (unless they are used as the very first word in a title): a an and but nor or so the Exercise Rewrite the following titles so that they better conform to the writing guidelines presented in the chapter

10、. A Study Of How Fermentation and Distillation affect the Oxygen-18/Oxygen-16 Isotope Ratio in Ethanol Are There Chlorogenic Acids and Lactones in Your Caffeinated and Decaffeinated Coffees? HPLC-MS has the Answer Abstract (2) how it was done; and (3) what was found. Some abstracts also include a br

11、ief background introduction, especially in medicinal chemistry. The structure of abstracts 1. State what was done: Identify the research area and its importance (optional) Mention a gap addressed by the work (optional) State purpose and/or accomplishment(s) of the work 2. How it was done (Identify m

12、ethods used): Procedures and/or instrumentation) 3. what was found (Report principal finds): Highlight major results (quantitatively or qualitatively) Offer a concluding remark (optional) Tense Past tense: Past tense is used to refer to work completed in the past and to describe results. Antioxidati

13、ve compounds were isolated. A number of cigarettes were tested. All cigarette types tested showed the presence of . . . Present tense: Present tense is used to make statements of fact, to identify information reported in the paper, and to state beliefs or interpretations expected to be true over tim

14、e. Atrazine is a commonly used herbicide. The study undertaken opens several possibilities. Present perfect: Present perfect can be used to summarize the work of others, demonstrate a gap, introduce ones own work, and/or report principal findings. Studies have shown that . . . . . . in vivo toxicity

15、 has not yet been proved. Voice Both passive and active voice are used in abstracts, although passive voice is more common Although cyclodextrins are used in soil decontamination . . . The effects of RAMEB concentrations on clay minerals were studied . . . A saponification-HSSPME procedure has been

16、developed . . . The scope of the reaction is quite broad. Variations in temperature did not affect . . . The results provide the first examples . . . Tips Acronyms and abbreviations should be defined In general, most journals prefer not to cite others works in the abstract Error terms, such as standard deviations and standard errors, should be included in the abstract, when appropriate. Compound labels are common in abstract. They should follow the numbering scheme used in the main text.


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