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1、附录A变速器综合性能试验台体系结构及控制软件开发摘要:变速器是汽车系统中的关键设备,在同一试验台上实现其综合性能的在线检测,在国内尚没有先例。本文介绍的新型试验台系统,实现了变速器综合性能的在线检测。介绍了该试验台系统的体系结构及工作原理,并详细叙述了其控制软件的开发及实现。 关键词:变速器试验台体系结构控制软件 汽车变速器是汽车中的一个关键设备,其性能直接影响到汽车的动力性、经济性和可靠性。汽车变速器综合性能的测试比较复杂,目前国内的汽车变速器试验台自动化程度低、机界面不友好、测试过程依赖于测试者的经验。因此,本试验台系统自动程度高、测试项目多、实时性强且完全可靠。 1 系统介绍 具体说来,

2、该试验台系统具有以下优点:可进行五种不同型号变速器及其扩展类型变速器的性能测试;自动测试过程可智能控制;短时间内可完成综合性能(换档、加载、同步器)测试;运行参数可实时显示;可进行故障的自动检测、报警及处理等。 1.1 系统硬件介绍 本系统采用双变频电机模拟汽车变速器实现工况,从而实现对变速器性能的真实检测。电机的控制通过西门子6SE70系列变频器来实现。该系统变频器采用交流矢量控制技术,对大功率交流电机实现了精确控制。因为该系统中变频器数量不多、数据传输量不大,采用RS485总线来实现工控机与变频器之间的通讯,满足了实时性要求。由于PLC控制稳定、可靠,所以自动换档执行机构(机械手)采用PL

3、C控制器来实现不同型号变速器的自动换档动作。1.2 系统软件开发环境 工业过程控制软件往往需要具有很强的通讯能力、现场数据的实时检测能力及强大的数据库、良好的图形界面。组态王6.01采用全新中文Explorer界面并拥有丰富的绘图工具和庞大的图形库(包括大量的工业标准元件),支持多媒体和ODBC数据库提供的功能、具有强大的控件和控制语言,使用灵活、方便,提供给用户一方便的集成开发环境,使开发者可快速构造应用系统。它还具有强大的通讯能力和良好的开放性。本系统控制软件基于组态王6.01二次开发,实现了测试过程的控制、测试数据的实时显示,而且缩短了开发时间。 2 系统体系结构 2.1 系统要求 厂方

4、要求试验台系统能够在线检测变速器的综合性能,包括以下试验:各档换档试验;变速器加载能力测试;变速器操纵(同步器)性能的测试;变档检测;变速器的疲劳寿命试验;传动效率试验。 工作性能要求为: (1)系统运行稳定、安全可靠; (2)测试数据报表和测试及故障诊断的界面友好; (3)台架试验方法科室、规范,达到汽车机械式变速器台架试验方法国家标准; (4)在同一台架上对不同种变速器完成测试功能。 2.2 系统体系结构 系统整体结构 系统分为三大模块:控制部分;换档机械手部分;试验台机电部分。控制部分以计算机为中心,控制软件根据现场数据和当前工作状态控制系统的流程、指令发送、故障检测等;通过板卡通讯向P



7、台变速器的夹紧松开操作是通过油缸4轴连动压板来实现的。2.3 系统工作原理系统采用双电机模拟汽车工况,其中驱动电机通过变频器的速度闭环控制模拟汽车的驱动机构,加载电机通过变频器的扭矩闭环控制模拟汽车加载。机械手根据计算机发出的指令信号完成对不同型号变速器的换档动作,从而能控制变速器换档到指定档位。在测试过程中,控制软件对系统的运行参数实时记录显示,并对温度、转速、扭矩、电流、完全罩到位信号等实时监控,遇到故障自动报警、自动分析。3 系统软件的开发与实现本系统控制软件是基于组态王6.01二次开发的、功能结构如图2所示。本系统从功能上完成了自动试验、手动试验、单独换档试验、疲劳试验和效率试验。计算


9、发系统可给各种控制模式开发生动的界面,非常形象、美观。由于自动试验过程是本软件系统的关键,故以下仅对自动试验进行讨论。3.1 接口通讯参数组态王与I/O设备之间的通讯很方便,主要通过以下几种方式进行通讯:串口通讯方式、DDE方式、板卡方式、网络节点方式、人机接口方式。组态王有丰富的数据类型,使用起来特别方便。接口通讯参数如图2所示。 计算机通过检测现场数据,根据任务规划状态向PLC和变频器发送相应的控制指令。现场数据包括:变速器当前档位、转速、扭矩、通过拉压力传感所测得的挂档力、离合器开关信号、变速器夹紧信号、轴承温度等。其中与PLC的通讯利用组态王的板卡通讯方式,组态王与变频器通讯采用组态王

10、的串口通讯方式,组态王与现场数据通讯通过PCL818L扩展板卡来实现。现场数据用于检测工作状态是否到位和故障报警等,如机械手是否换档到位是根据现场采集的速度之比和配方中的速比是否一致来判断的,而温度、转速等指标又是故障报警的依据。计算机通过检测现场数据,根据任务规划状态向PLC和变频器发送相应的控制指令。 现场数据包括:变速器当前档位、转速、扭矩、通过拉压力传感所测得的挂档力、离合器开关信号、变速器夹紧信号、轴承温度等。其中与PLC的通讯利用组态王的板卡通讯方式,组态王与变频器通讯采用组态王的串口通讯方式,组态王与现场数据通讯通过PCL818L扩展板卡来实现。现场数据用于检测工作状态是否到位和

11、故障报警等,如机械手是否换档到位是根据现场采集的速度之比和配方中的速比是否一致来判断的,而温度、转速等指标又是故障报警的依据。 3.2 自动换档过程的实现 3.2.1 自动换档过程流程图 自动换档过程流程图如图4所示自动换档过程要完成松开离合器、换档、闭合离合器的动作和定时加载以及档位的自动更替。由于松开离合器、换档、闭合离合器都是在电机运转的情况下工作的,因而每一动作命令的发出都要先检验其条件是否严格满足以保证安全。离合器松开的条件为:电机的转速必须在预设的范围内;档档的条件为:必须检测到离合器已松开;离合器闭合条件为:换档到位。如果条件不满足就等待条件满足,但是等待时间也是有限制的,故采用

12、定时器计时的方法来控制顺序动作等待时间。当档位换到位时,按该档位的测试参数加载,加载一段时间就可以测得变速器的加载能力,因而加载的定时也采用定时器来完成。加载计时完毕,将进行下一档位的测试,在程序中进入换档准备过程。在换档准备过程中,当前档位标志更替为下一个测试档位的标志,档位参数(变比、档位、加载扭矩、加载转速)更改为下一测试档位的参数。 自动换档命令语言可以规定在事件发生、存在和消失时分别执行的程序。离散变量名或表达式都可以作为事件。当该事件刚刚发生时,该单元的程序只执行一次;当该事件存在时,按照设定的时间间隔反复执行该单元程序;当该事件消失时,该单元程序只执行一次。事件命令语言存在时的循

13、环执行程序与普通程序的while循环类似,但不完全相同。事件命令语言在事件存在条件下可以控制和调节系统循环执行的时间,因而有利于过程控制的定时操作。事件命令语言可以完成普通程序的if、while条件,同时可以达到定时功能。而且工业控制中很多都是通过离散状态变更来激发程序的流程。组态王命令语言形式很适合开发这种过程。 自动换档过程建立了多种工作状态:“换档准备”、“换档开始”、“换档成功”、“加载”、“运行”、“试验完成”等。以这些工作状态和计算机检测到的现场数据组合构成不同的事件,再以这些不同的事件之间相互激发、转换的逻辑关系实现自动换档过程的逻辑关系。 这里采用了自动换档命令语言中事件存在时

14、循环的定时功能。当程序进入定时器状态时,采用计数器进行倒计时,事件存在时命令语言其它的程序都处于不被激发状态。在这种状态下,通过设定计数器起始计数值n和事件命令语言存在时循环执行一次的时间t,可以设定定时器的定时T(T=nt)。 组态王还具有配方功能。在制造领域,配方用来描述生产一件产品所用的不同配料之间的比例关系,具生产过程中一些变量对应的参数设定值的集合。不同型号变速器和不同档位的测试参数(转速、加载扭矩等)数据结构类型是一致的,只是比例关系不同,因而采用配方功能比例方便。 该软件系统具有连网功能,可以远程检测现场工作状态,可并入企业的CIMS系统。 本试验台系统综合了计算机、通讯、自动化

15、、电子、电气、机械等方面知识,是一个智能化的变速器综合性能在线检测机电一体化试验系统,自动化程序度、检测时间缩短,大大降低了运行成本、提高了生产效率。制动电机采用回馈制动,节约能源。系统控制方法精确,检测传感器精度高,达到了很高的精度。应用组通讯和过程控制能力,减少了控制程序的开发时间。试验台已经通过厂方验收,即将投入生产一线,并将被广泛推广。附录BGearbox the comprehensive function experiment the set system structure and control software a developmentSummary:The gearbox

16、 is the key equipments in the automobile system, at same on-line examination that experiment on the stage to carry out it to synthesize function, has no precedent still in the domestic.This text is introductive new experiment the pedestal system, carry out gearbox the on-line examination of the comp

17、rehensive function.Introduce should experiment the system structure and the work principle of the pedestal system, and describe it a control software in detail of the development and the realization. Keyword:The gearbox experiments the set system structure control softwareThe automobile gearbox is a

18、 key equipments in the automobile, its function influences to the motive,economy and credibility of the automobile directly.The test of the automobile gearbox comprehensive function is more complicated, the local automobile gearbox experiments the set automation degree currently low,the machine inte

19、rface is not friendly,test the process depend on in experience of the tester.Experiment the pedestal system auto degree therefore and originally high,the test item many,solid the hour is strong and completely dependable. 1 systems introduceConcretely say that come, should experiment the pedestal sys

20、tem to have a following advantage:Can carry on five kinds of different model number gearboxes and it expands the performance test of the type gearbox;Automatic test process can intelligence control;The in a short time can complete a comprehensive function(shift gear,add to carry,synchronous machine)

21、 test;The movement parameter can actually the hour show;Can carry on the auto examination of the breakdown,report to the police and handle.etc. 1.1 system hardwares introduceThis system adoption double changes the electrical engineering emulation automobile gearbox to carry out the work condition, c

22、arrying out the true examination toward the gearbox function thus.The control of the electrical engineering changes the machine through Siemens 6 SE70 serieses to carry out.That system changes the machine adoption exchanges vector control technique, to big power exchanges the electrical engineering

23、carried out a precision a control.Because in that system change the machine quantity not much,the data deliver quantity not big, adoption RS485 total line to carry out work to control machine and change the communication of the machine, satisfy solid the hour request.Because of PLC control stability

24、,credibility, so shift gear the performance organization(the machine hand) adoption PLC controller automatically to carry out different model number gearbox to shift gear action automatically.1.2 system software development environmentsThe industrial process control software usually needs to have a

25、very strong communication ability,the spot data of solid hour examine the ability and strong database,good sketch interface.Set king 6.01 adopt the all new Chinese Explorer interface and own abundant painting tool with the huge sketch database(include a great deal of industrial standard component),

26、the support multimedia and the ODBC database provide of function,have to control the piece and the control language strongly, use vivid,convenience, provide one convenience to the customer of integrated development environment, can make the developer construct applied system quickly.It still has a s

27、trong communication ability with open sex goodly.This system controls software is kings 6.01 two developments according to the set, carry out to test process of control,the test data of solid hour show, and shorten development time. 2 system structure2.1 systems requestFactory the square request exp

28、eriment the pedestal system to can be on-line examination gearbox of comprehensive function, include the following experiment:Each file of shifts gear to experiment;The gearbox adds to carry an ability test;The gearbox manipulate(synchronous machine) the test of the function;The jumps a file examina

29、tion;The tired 功 life span of the gearbox experiment;The spreads to move an efficiency to experiment. Work the function request is: (1)The system circulates a stability,safe credibility; (2)The test data statement and test and break down examine a patient of interface amity; (3)The pedestal experime

30、nts method section room,norm, attaining the automobile machine type gearbox pedestal to experiment national standard of method; (4)Grow the gearbox completion test function to the dissimilarity at same top. 2.2 system structureSystem whole structure,such as figure,1 show. The system is divided into

31、three major mold piece:The control part;The shifts gear the machine hand for cent;The experiments the pedestal machine electricity part.Control the part takes calculator as center, controling software according to the spot data and current work appearance control system of process,allow to harm an a

32、llotment,the instruction send out and break down examination etc.;Pass the plank card communication toward the PLC machine hand to send out to shift gear the control instruction and change the machine to send out what test need to turn through a total line of RS485 soon with add to carry to twist si

33、gnal.Control part to still include to change a machine,the spot data to collect card(the PCL818 Ls),PLC controller.Change the machine can carry out three communicate mutually the difference step electric motor of without the class adjust soon.Change the machine chooses to change the machine with Sie

34、mens 6 SE70 serieses, that series changes the vector of the machine adoption exchanges electrical engineering control technique to carry on a control to the electrical engineering.The vector control also calls the magnetic field definite direction control.Its basic way of thinking makes use of d-q t

35、o revolve to sit the mark transformation, will settle sub- electric current to be divided into the magnetoelectricity to flow id 1 with turn the electric current iq 1, keep to turn the son chain during the period of adjusting soon constant, namely id 1 is a constant, communicate at this time the ele

36、ctrical engineering adjusts soon the principle and direct current electrical engineering homology.The spot data collect the data that the card will collect on the scene to deliver to the calculator.The instruction completion that the PLD controller sends out according to the calculator will shift ge

37、ar the signal conversion for change the machine hand to execute an order.Shift gear the machine hand is the performance organization that controls part for cent, the machine hand sends out according to the PLD of shift gear the instruction completion to point fair of shift gear action.Experimenting

38、the pedestal machine electricity part is this system is end performance organization, complete to drive the gearbox to correspond to turn soon and add to carry to twist to attain particular test work condition.The machine part includes two power a ratio bigger change the electrical engineering with

39、experiment a pedestal.The function of the electrical engineering influences to the whole function very greatly in this system, as a result choose to change electrical engineering with the exchanges.That electrical engineering can satisfy high accuracy to twist and turn to control soon, and the power

40、 is enough big, can satisfy this system to experiment the work condition request.Add to carry the electrical engineering work while generate electricity the appearance while work, the energy gives something back to the charged barbed wire net, economizing energy consumedly.Experiment the pedestal in

41、cludes a clutch and spreads to move the organization and automobile gearbox.Experiment to attain to be high to turn soon,high twist the work appearance of the , so the machine part adds accuracy to want high.The automobile gearbox is this system test object, for making to pack time of unload the gea

42、rbox short, experiment the set gearbox to clip originally to loosen to open an operation tightly is pass the oil urn 4 stalks to connect to move to press plank to carry out.2.3 The system work principleThe system adoption double the electrical engineering imitate the automobile work condition, drivi

43、ng electrical engineering among them through a speed of change the machine to shut the wreath control to imitate an automobile of drive organization, add to carry electrical engineering to pass to change the machine to twist to shut the wreath control emulation automobile to add to carry.The instruc

44、tion signal completion that the machine hand sends out according to the calculator shifts gear action to the different model number gearbox, can control gearbox to shift gear to the appointed file thus.During the period of test control software is solid to the movement parameter of the system record

45、 a manifestation, and to the temperature,turn soon and twist ,electric current and cover to signal etc. completely actually supervision, meet to break down auto report to the police,auto analysis.3 The development and the realization of the system softwareThis system control software is according to

46、 set kings 6.01 two developments, the function structure, such as figure,2 show.This system completes an au to experiment, move to experiment from the function, alone shift gear experiment, the fatigue test and efficiency experiment. The calculator autos experiment is the main part of this system, t

47、he test process of the calculator control gearbox under this kind of appearance, include: Experiment process, experiment to shift gear in the process in proper order, each file turn soon give settle, add to carry to twist to give settle, system moderate, signal examination and handle etc.Be experime

48、nting a control automatically under, the completion shifts gear and adds to carry alternative process from blank on schedule to the tallest file, completing immediately after to be as low as the lowest file to decline file to shift gear from the tallest file, the end completion pours a file test. Mo

49、ve to experiment is operate by the person to move an operation a pedestal to twist the knob completion of, its procedure mainly completes a monitor and reports to the police function. Shifting gear alone carries on experiment to some one appointed file at the request of the factory house. The fatigue test and efficiency experiment a difference to the dura


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