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1、本科毕业论文(设计)外 文 翻 译外文题目 Fixing the Framework:Relevance and Reliability 外文出处 Accounting Today; 1/24/2005, Vol. 19 Issue 2, P14-17, 3p 外文作者 Bahnson, Paul R. 原文:Fixing the framework: Relevance and reliabilityWe have been writing about the Financial Accounting Standards Boards Conceptual Framework, offeri

2、ng suggestions to the board as it fixes up the framework some 20 years after it was produced.So far, we have looked at the overall goal of standard setting, the objective for financial reporting, the relevance of the future cash flows to the reporting entity, and the role played by the entitys asset

3、s and liabilities through their ability to affect the amount, timing and uncertainty of those cash flows. We are persuaded that this ability, which we call “AAATUC” for convenience, is the elusive relevant attribute that escaped the grasp of accounting theorists for decades.This column addresses rel

4、evance and reliability, the two key qualities of information that make it useful for decisions. By and large, the framework explains them well, thanks to the work of two departed scholars: Dr. David Solomons, of the University of Pennsylyania, and Dr. Reed Storey, who served many years on FASBs staf

5、f.We believe that the board should produce a more helpful explanation of these qualities because we find that they are not fully understood. It seems that most folks still rely on their vernacular meanings, instead of the more rigorous and precise definitions in SFAC 2.We also think that the board s

6、hould amend its discussion of the relationship between relevance and reliability, specifically the idea that tradeoffs can take place between them.Finally, we again encourage FASB to boldly and decisively identify AAATUC as the relevant attribute of assets and liabilities. Doing so would open the do

7、or to improving not just the framework but also generally accepted accounting principles, which is, after all, the whole purpose of the exercise.RelevanceThe original framework describes relevance as the “capacity of information to make a difference in a decision by helping users to form predictions

8、 about the outcomes of past, present and future events, or to confirm or correct prior expectations”.Simply put, relevance comes from the content of the information. It is created by timeliness and either predictive value or feedback value. Based on the objectives described in SFAC 1, the relevant c

9、ontent provides insight into the entitys future cash flows, which, in large part, result from assets that it controls and liabilities that it owes. Relevance exists in qualitative information about assets, such as their nature and liquidity, and about liabilities, such as their terms and demands on

10、liquidity. For example, inventory is different from receivables and buildings, and long-term debt is different from derivative liabilities and accounts payable.The most crucial information describes the AAATUC of assets and liabilities. It is clearly helpful to have a quantitative representation of

11、this cash flow potential that is inherent in, for example, receivables, investments or even goodwill.Timeliness means that information is relevant when it provides up-to-date insight into AAATUC as of the reporting date; information is not helpful for looking forward if it provides insight only into

12、 past AAATUC. While an old fact may have been timely at an earlier date, it means nothing today if it doesnt reflect current conditions and circumstances. Consider, for example, shares of Enron and Apple. Information about their past market values does not provide a timely description of their prese

13、nt cash-flow potential.Despite its necessity, relevance is not sufficient for creating usefulness. ReliabilityIn particular, useful information must also have reliability, which SFAC 2 defines as the quality of information that assures that it is free from error and bias and faithfully represents wh

14、at it purports to represent. The statement explains that reliability exists when information has representational faithfulness, verifiability and neutrality.Faithfulness occurs when the reported magnitude of the relevant attribute is sufficiently close to the real amount. Faithfulness is not the sam

15、e as exact or precise measurement in effect, its OK to be within an acceptable range. Of course, any measurement (faithful or otherwise) accomplishes nothing if people place no confidence in it. That issue led FASB to identify verifiability as essential. Specifically, credibility is enhanced by havi

16、ng others confirm that the amount is close enough. Neutrality also boosts credibility because it assures users that the information was created through an unbiased process, with no agenda for encouraging one kind of decision over another. Like relevance, reliability is necessary to usefulness but no

17、t sufficient. Indeed, the framework has a very good discussion pointing out that it does absolutely no good to have a reliable depiction of an irrelevant fact.Relevance and reliability The relationship between relevance and reliability can be understood by bringing them together in four pairs.First,

18、 information is not useful if it unreliably describes irrelevant facts. Furthermore, nothing can be done to this information to make it useful.Second, consider information that is reliable but irrelevant. Because the goal is to help statement users predict future cash flows, it does little good to d

19、escribe a particular assets past AAATUC after it has changed over time. Even though the past ability used to be relevant and can still be reliably described using past facts (such as last years fair value), the past measure no longer has predictive value, nor can it be useful for that purpose again.

20、 Nothing can make this irrelevant information useful.Third, information that is both relevant and reliable is the only kind that is useful. To be useful, it must provide faithful insight into real future cash flow potential. Further, the reported amount must be verifiable and emerge from a neutral p

21、rocess. Users will make good decisions about cash flows to themselves if - and only if both these qualities exist.Fourth, what if the information is relevant but not reliable?This question leads us to the point that relevance is not a continuous quality that exists in various degrees. Information is

22、 either relevant or irrelevant.In contrast, there are degrees of reliability. Once AAATUC is known to be relevant, its possible to consider various ways to estimate its magnitude with different levels of reliability.For example, it is relevant to know the cash flow potential of a building acquired i

23、n a business combination. One measure might be its book value in the sellers accounts. Others might be market values estimated by the seller or the buyer. Still others might be its insured value or an appraised value. Indexed cost would be yet another measure. Finally, management could consult a dat

24、abase of prices form a large number of recent transactions. Each estimate would have relevance because it would be intended to provide insight into the assets cash flow potential.However, they definitely differ in terms of their reliability. Some would be unfaithful representations because they woul

25、dnt come from a process intended to describe current AAATUC (such as book value). Others would lack verifiability because they would come from uncorroborated sources. Still others would lack neutrality by coming from processes designed to generate a particular kind of information, including that whi

26、ch is “conservative”.Somewhere along the spectrum between less and more reliability is a point that constitutes “sufficient reliability”, taking into consideration the cost of generating it and the perception by users not auditors of how close the estimate comes to the real amount.Unlike relevance,

27、however, reliability can be improved by exerting additional effort. For example, bringing in one independent appraiser will produce more reliability than having a corporate officer estimate value, and engaging five appraisers will produce more reliability than one. Consulting a database with 50 rece

28、nt transactions will add even more reliability.Source: Accounting Today; 1/24/2005, Vol. 19 Issue 2, P14-17, 3p. 译文:固定框架:相关性和可靠性自从提出概念框架的说法后,我们已经从事写出财务会计准则委员会的概念框架和为建立此框架给委员会提出建议超过20年了。目前,我们已经观察了标准设定的整体财务报表目标,它包括未来现金流与报告实体的是否相关,实际存在的资产的角色扮演,可靠性影响数据的能力以及现金流的时间性和不确定性。为了方便起见,我们把这些能力统称为“AAATUC” ,这是一个难以理


30、断地把AAATUC定义为资产与负债的相关属性。这样大胆开放的想法不仅会改善理论框架,也会普遍接受会计准则,而且会计准则毕竟是所有行为整体目标。相关性原始的理论框架把相关性描述为“一种可以帮助会计信息使用者预测过去,现在和未来事件发生的结果或者证实和纠正之前预测的能力” 。简单地说,相关性来自于会计信息的内容。它有时间性,预测价值和反馈价值。根据财务会计概念公告1上描述的宗旨,相关性的内容让我们了解实体的未来现金流,这个结果很大部分程度都产生与它控制的资产和它所具备的可靠性。相关性存在于资产的定性需求中,比如它们的本质和流动性,关于负债,比如它们流动性的地位和需求。比如,存货不同于应收款项和建筑








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