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1、淮安信息职业技术学院实验报告课程名称:毕业论文指导 成绩: 实验名称: 论文实训报告班级:510920姓 名: 学号:实验日期:2011-8-222011-8-26教师签字:AbstractFive days for training the thesis guidance. The instructors told us the components of the thesis, it includes 8 parts: title, abstract, keywords, content, body, conclusion, acknowledgement, and bibliograph

2、y. They also taught us some design techniques, such as the directory composition, contents automatic generation, header and footers settings; they asked us to try to write the thesis abstract; Whats more, the teachers also remind us that we should pay attention to the details, such as font, size, an

3、d the capitalization of the English title;in addition, the adviser taught us some requirement for the quotations, the way of writing the bibliography and so on. Key words: Thesis, Training, Components, Techniques, Details摘 要毕业论文的指导实训,为期5天。指导老师为我们讲述了毕业论文的组成部分,包括:标题,摘要,关键词,目录,正文,总结,致谢,以及参考文献;另外还教我们一些毕

4、业论文设计的技巧,比如目录的排版和自动生成,页眉页脚的设置;尝试写论文摘要;老师还提醒我们所需注意的细节,比如说字体,字号,及英文题目的的大小写;还告诉我们引用文献的要求以及致谢的书写等等。关键词:论文, 实训, 组成部分, 技巧, 细节ContentsAbstractI摘 要IIContentsIIIChapter1: Introduction of the Thesiss Components1The Topic1The Contents1The Abstract1The key words1The body1The Conclusion2The Acknowledgement3The B

5、ibliography3Chapter2: Trying to Write the Abstract5An example of a Abstract5Chapter3: The Arrangement of the Thesis and Some Processing Techniques6Some Useful Sentences Patterns:6Some Techniques in Writing Thesis:6Chapter4: The Requirements for the Quotations7Chapter 5: The Way of Writing Bibliograp

6、hy8Chapter 6: The Conclusion of Learning Writing Thesis9Acknowledgement10Bibliography11Chapter1: Introduction of the Thesiss ComponentsIn an instant, we will leave for the society to break in. When we graduate from Huaian College of Information Technology, we must finish the thesis, and get the qual

7、ified score, and then we can graduate successfully. This week, our Department of Foreign Languages arranges one week to teach us how to write the thesis and direct us some skills. It makes me a lot.At the first day, our teacher told us the structures of the thesis. Insofar as I can see, it consists

8、8 parts.The TopicIt is very essential and hard to choose, if you want to achieve a high score. A good topic can attract teachers eyes, and remain a good impression. The teacher made us set the topic initially, and I choose the topic-“Marketing Plan for the Changfa Moon Cake”, it fits for our profess

9、ion-business English.The ContentsIt must be accurate, clear and complete. The aim of the content is that it can make the readers to know general informative abstract and composition. As usual, the title is designed according to the three level titles, the levels should be legible. In addition, the t

10、itle in the content should bring into correspondence with it in the body. The Abstract The teacher told us that it is an overall summery of the full thesis, and it is very hard to write well. I got the definition of the abstract from the guide book. An abstract is a concise and clear summary of our

11、complete research, and it is not an introduction, its purpose is to summarize not introduce; it is also a plan to which our paper is written, whats more, it extracts from our thesis, it must stand alone. When we write the abstract, we should pay attention to its simplicity but comprehension, to let

12、the reader understand fully at one glance. It should not catch the point. It may include 3 parts: putting forward the main argument, showing the research results, simply relating the frame construction.The key wordsIt is the words or terms standing for the thesiss main idea. Generally speaking, it i

13、s made up of 3 to 5 words.The bodyIn other words, it is the detailed description of the topic, and it accounts for the most part in the thesis. In the main body of the thesis, each paragraph should be based on a separate but related aspect of the main topic of the thesis. Following the plan we made

14、earlier, write each paragraph almost as though it were under a sub-heading to the main title and supplement each of our points with the evidence we have collected. Supporting our statements is vital and, in case of a literary essay, this evidence should also be analyzed. This means that we should co

15、mment on individual words and/or phrases that seem to you to be of particular interest or importance. Concerning my topic“Marketing Plan for Changfa Moon Cake”, I can write based on the following 4 Chapters:l In Chapter one: Marketing Environment of Moon Cake Industry and the Background of the Case

16、FirmChangfa Co. Ltd.l In Chapter two: the Changfa Moon Cake Marketing Situation Analysis.l In chapter three: the Design of Changfa Moon Cakes Market Position.l In chapter four: The Marketing Strategy for Changfa Moon Cake.The ConclusionThe thesis conclusion is the ultimate and overall conclusion. It

17、 draws a new view and conclusion, after reasoning, judging, and summing for the thesis. In a word, the conclusion needs to be accurate, complete, definite and refined. The teacher introduced the conclusion to us: l Firstly, begin with a sentence that refers to main subject that was discussed in the

18、body in the thesis. Make sure that this sentence also links to the preceding paragraph, or uses words such as in conclusion to signal that these are our final words on the subject.l Then, we may give a brief summary of our argument and identify the main reasons/causes/factors that relate to the ques

19、tion we have been asked to deal with.l Finally, it is good idea to add a sentence or two to reinforce the thesis statement which was used in our introduction. This shows the reader that we have done what we said we would do and gives a sentence of unity the essay.l Additional elements that may be ad

20、ded include recommendations for future action and speculations on future trends. General speaking, the conclusion should be in our own words. Try to avoid direct quotations, or references to the other sources.The conclusion should be a summation of our argument. In our conclusion, we are just giving

21、 a more generic context to our specific thesis and tying up any loose ends which we feel have occurred during the writing of the thesis.The AcknowledgementThe acknowledgement to the reshipment of other peoples useful data and quotation their contents, apart from this, it also acknowledge your advise

22、rs. We can get the information that we need from the library research. While there are many things to discuss in connection with library research, we will focus on: how to locate sources and materials available in a typical library; what kind of strategy to follow while conducting library research;

23、and how to keep track of our research. We also can use the internet research, it is a convenient and wisdom way to collection the information that we require and want. In general, we should learn how to search literature, understand the method and skill of search literature when we write thesis. Abi

24、lity of using relative tools to search material which we needed is necessary. The BibliographyWe should take notice of the correct writing of the bibliography, such as its capitalization of the English title, size and so on.An important part of a thesis is the list of sources at the end, that is, th

25、e list of books, journal articles and other materials that we consulted. Depending on the academic discipline in which we are studying, this list may be called a Bibliography or References. Usually, a Bibliography lists all the sources we consulted and found useful, while a References list contains

26、all and only those sources which we actually refer to in our text. In our course guides or Department or Faculty handouts we will usually be told which type of list to use, and about acceptable style and presentation. Always consult these guides and handouts first and pay close attention to them. Th

27、is brief guide covers only the most common and basic considerations. If we are unsure about how to list something, see how similar items are listed in the sources we have used. As a general rule, be clear, consistent and comprehensive that is, give sufficient details to enable a reader in our discip

28、line to identify and locate (if possible) each source. Record the necessary details when we are actually using the source (reading or taking notes) as this may save us a lot of time later. We should pay attention to the followings:l Give the list the appropriate heading.l List sources in alphabetica

29、l order by authors surname.l Give the year of publication.l Give the title of the source, in full.l Show the place (city) of publication and the publisher.l If the source not a book or journal article, give as much relevant and identifying information as you can, for example, Considering who, what,

30、where, when.l Finally, dont forget to think about the layout and presentation. The list should be easy to read, and each source should be clearly distinguishable from the others.Chapter2: Trying to Write the AbstractAfter being taught the abstract description, we know that there are six elements of

31、structure in an abstract: they are the topic specification, background, purpose statement, methodology and data, results or findings, implications or conclusion. And then our adviser gave us software about the abstract format, and then she asked us to try to write an abstract about our own topic. I

32、wrote the abstract about the “Marketing Plan for Changfa Moon Cake”. Here is the content what I have written:An example of a AbstractAs the Chinese people pay more attention to the atmosphere of Middle Autumn Festival, the industry of the moon cake keeps developing with a high speed. Especially Chan

33、gfa moon cake in Suzhou has became a trusty brand among the customers. It is reported in 2008 that the sales number of Changfa moon cake with fresh meat is up to 70,000,000. In the world, it is very infrequent to see that the celebration food can have such huge success. Now Changfa moon cake with fr

34、esh meat is popular among the people not only in Suzhou but also other place, whats more, it becomes special and important product in the company. This thesis is consisted with four chapterThe aim to the thesis is that entering into the question about how to establish and develop a brand coming from

35、 Suzhou in Huaian. This thesis is consisted with four chapters:Chapter one focus on the marketing environment of moon cake industry and the background of the case firmChangfa Co,Ltd.Chapter two implements moon cake marketing situation analysis,including the competitor research, market demand researc

36、h and SWOT analysis, and the feasibility of Changfa moon cake entering into Huaian market is also discussed.In chapter three: The thesis mainly introduces the design of market position, including the marketing segments, finding the target market and setting the product positionIn chapter four: The m

37、arketing strategy for Changfa moon cake is provided, including Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion strategyFinally the thesis draws a conclusion to overlook the marketing strategy making process of Changfa moon cake entering into Huaian market; meanwhile, it mentions: in the moon cake industry, a

38、typical management pattern should based on brand and position, to build the brand image for suiting for the customers, inspire their wants and behaviors and achieve the companys goal. Key words: Changfa Moon Cake, Brand, Marketing Management, StrategyChapter3: The Arrangement of the Thesis and Some

39、Processing TechniquesThe teacher spent 3 days to teach us how to arrange the structure of our own thesis. It is very complicated and bored; we should take notice of the frame of the contents, how to write the abstract correctly, the capitalization of the English title, the size and font should also

40、be took care. Followings are some details that we should notice:Some Useful Sentences Patterns:1. Some useful sentence patterns may be used during writing the abstract.* The paper examines .and considers.* The authors consider two specific subject which. * The article discusses the reasons for.and o

41、ffers an insight into.* This paper analyzes some important characteristic of.2. Some useful sentence patterns to state the results and conclusion:* The paper provides the quantitative background to* The results found that 85% of respondents used non-standardized assessments * A theoretical model has

42、 been developed to predict* A theoretical treatment of a new model ofis given.3. some sentence patterns to introduce the content of the paper and opinion of the author:* The paper presents the data in terms of* The paper describes the principles and techniques of* This paper is concerned with the an

43、alysis of* This paper is concerned to assessments of 4. Useful sentence patterns to introduce the method of the paper:* Two basic technologies are used to lie down* Such a statistical method has been applied to* The role ofhas been critically assessed of* The experiments onhave been carried out usin

44、gSome Techniques in Writing Thesis: The teacher also taught us some techniques; she taught us how to do contents automatic generation, arrange the directory composition, and make the header and footers settings. The teacher made us do some exercises, and we learn a lot according to the amendment of

45、the thesis. We believe we will do better while we write the thesis. Chapter4: The Requirements for the QuotationsIn thesis writing, a small number of direct quotations of other authors words in their publications could be used to support the argument. It is a dangerous policy to have quotations ligh

46、tly held together by argument. Following are rules for using quotations:l A quotation should only be used when it contributes more by direct quotation than by rewriting.l Quotation must be accurate.l The sources must be indicate in such a way that the reader can find the quotation in its original co

47、ntext without any difficult. One must include page numbers in the reference.l One must show clearly where quotations begin and end.Coping other authors original text into the thesis, without giving quotation marks, will be severely punished (if found). Coping one complete sentence from other authors

48、 without quotation marks is not acceptable, even if one has indicated reference taken at the end of the sentence. Chapter 5: The Way of Writing BibliographyOur teacher told us that it is useful to get into the habit of compiling a bibliography with full details as soon as one starts to find books or articles on a topic. It may seem unnecessary to have such complete references; however, one may find that later, when he/she wants to refer to a particular book or article, lack of informatio


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