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1、汽车感知质量培训,感知质量概述Concept of Perceptual Quality,汽车感知质量培训,Process Quality 过程质量,Supplier Quality 供应商质量,PD Quality 研发质量,Service Quality 服务质量,Quality System 质量体系,Customers Passion 客户热忱,Perception Quality 感知质量,Coherence Quality 一致性质量,Reliability Quality 可靠性质量,Quality Plan质量规划 S&E 安全和环保 Regulation 强制法规 APQP

2、and Quality GP APQP与质量着陆道 Quality Cost Model 质量成本 Product Economy 产品经济性 MFT SH&E 制造安全健康与环保,Quality Target Disperse 质量目标离散度 Standardization Quality标准化质量 CPIP 质量持续改进 Integrate Four Quality Modules四模块集成,Styling造型美学 Gaps and Section间隙与段差 Color颜色系统美学 Service贴心服务 Customer praise公众口碑 Social Audit (JD. Powe

3、r)社会评价,Brand品牌 Product Praise产品美誉度 Brand Praise品牌美誉度 Good feel of purchase购买过程的美好体验 “Woe” for owning the product拥有产品的兴奋度 Brand faithfulness品牌忠诚度,Four Quality Modules 质量四模块,姚氏汽车质量管理“球体斜坡”理论Yaos Automotive Quality Management “Ball-Slope” Philosophy,感知质量管理理论框架Perceptual Quality Management Principle Fra

4、me,汽车感知质量培训,Keep the customer at the center of everything!” 以客户为中心 (Quality Guiding Principles all GM Regions Strategy Board 2008),Design Perceptual Quality 设计感知 Static PerceptualQuality 静态感知 Driving Performance操控性能 Comfort/Convenience舒服/便利 Versatility 多功能 Safety Perception 安全 Cost of Ownership 拥有成本

5、,感知质量Perceptual Quality,汽车感知质量培训,感知质量的定义Perceptual Quality Definition,The customers (emotional) experience of vehicle attributes, appropriate to the needs and desires of the market segment 客户(感知上)对车辆品质的体验,其是与特定细分市场的客户需求和愿望相适应的。 Delight in features / details / fit & finish 在特征细节/缝隙配合上有亮点 Thoughtfulne

6、ss in design 在设计上考虑周全 Exemplifies respect for the customer 顾客至上 “This was made for me!” “度身定做”,汽车感知质量培训,Scope范围: Perceptual Quality are all product traits noticed by the customers with all their senses (see, hear, feel, smell). “感知质量”指的是客户能感知(看,听,摸,闻)到产品特性 High ”Perceptual Quality” is the result of

7、superior execution in styling, engineering and assembly with excellent materials. It culminates in a pleasing appearance and favorable first impression. 好的“感知质量”是造型设计与工程完美结合,并配以优质材料的产物。它臻于给客户以愉悦喜好的第一印象。,Benefits优势: A product with a high Perceptual Quality will convince the customer that it offers va

8、lue for money. 高品质的“感知质量”使得客户有物有所值的满足。,感知质量的定义 Perceptual Quality Definition,Bottom line底线: Its about maximizing customer delight not minimizing customer complaints“ “PQ是给客户最大程度的愉悦,而非将客户的抱怨最小化”,汽车感知质量培训,Perceptual Quality is about THINGS GONE RIGHT 感知质量是关注 做 的正确的事情 Traditional quality metrics focus

9、on things gone wrong 而传统的质量系统关注 出问题的事情,如 works doesnt work 功能不工作了 Malfunctions 故障产生了 Its about the quality of the effort not the quantity PQ关注的是努力的质量而不是数量 Perceptual Quality is a subset of the Product Profile PQ是整个产品特性中的一部分 Design, Static Perceptual Quality, Dynamic, Versatility, Safety Perception a

10、nd Cost of Ownership 设计,静态感知质量,动态感,多功能,安全感及使用成本。,感知质量的定义 Perceptual Quality Definition,汽车感知质量培训,It addresses these questions and comments: 其涉及以下这些问题,The Mazda is a nicer vehicle Mazada 是辆更好的车,The interior is cheap and plasticky 内饰看起来很便宜,全是塑料,I LOVE MY CAR! 我爱我车,This is a nice feature. 这个功能不错,I cant

11、store anything in this car! 这车我啥也放不进去,I feel at home in my car! 在车里就像在家一样,They thought thru my needs when they designed this 这车设计时考虑到我的需求了,I bought this one because it has things that the other didnt. 这车有其他车所没的,所以我买了它,My car seemed to be much better built when compared to the Cobalt. 和那蓝的相比我的车好多了,It

12、s an extension of me! 这车是我的一部分,汽车感知质量培训,感知质量 Perceptual Quality,Why did you buy your first Mag Flashlight? 你为啥会倾向于买第一个手电?,“Thats Perceptual Quality” 这就是PQ,It looked like precision & it felt nice “Gotta Have One!”,You just liked the way it looked! 那是因为它看上去不错!,汽车感知质量培训,Objective 客观的 Rational 合理的 Metri

13、cs 确定的 Absolute 绝对的 There or not there 在或不在 Assembled correctly or not 装对了或错了 Works or doesnt work 工作或故障,Subjective 主观 Emotional 情感上的 Opinion/Intuition直觉的 Relative 相对的 Works well 运行不错 Feels good 感觉不错 Looks nice 看上去不错 Smells nice 闻上去不错 Sounds good 听着不错 Awesome, Wow.真棒,Hard 理性,Soft 感性,Build Quality 制造

14、质量 Math Quality 设计质量,Perceptual Quality 感知质量 Emotional Quality 情感质量,总体质量观 Total Quality Perspective,汽车感知质量培训,Color颜色,Grain皮纹,Gloss光泽,Sound/Touch 声音 触觉,Integration一体集成,Precision精细化,Seat Tailoring座椅缝制做工,Secondary Surfaces 次要表面,Surprise and Delight 惊讶和愉悦,Solid 结实的,Edges边角,Space空间感,Meeting Lifestyle 满足生

15、活方式要求,Trunk 后备箱,感知质量Perceptual Quality,WIN 致胜,Material 材料,Features Delighters 特征,Execution 执行,汽车感知质量培训,Perceptual Quality 感知质量,Hard Quality 硬性质量,Exterior 外饰,Importance of Quality Perception PQ对客户的重要程度,Interior 内饰,Exposure time to the vehicle:顾客开始看车的时间,U.S. Consumer Quality Perception vs. Time北美客户的感知

16、质量vs时间表,汽车感知质量培训,Perceptual Quality is no longer a mystery PQ早已不再是神秘的。 Our understanding of customer expectations is better than ever 我们对客户的了解远胜于前。 Our understanding of the competition is much better than it has been recently 我们对竞争对手的了解也比以前多了。 Our teams are communicating like never before on enablin

17、g HIGH PQ solutions 我们的团队比以往更了解沟通如何实施优质PQ的方案。,We Are Making Progress! 我们在不断进步,汽车感知质量培训,感知质量评估Assessment of Perceptual Quality,汽车感知质量培训,SPQ,Brazil,Brazil,Germany,Global PQ Assessment全球感知质量评估,汽车感知质量培训,Major change: Split ofDynamic Spider in Driving Performance and Comfort/Convenience,Design PQ设计感知,Sta

18、tic PQ 静态感知,Driving Performance 操控性能,Comfort/Convenience 舒适/便利,Versatility 多功能性,Safety Perception 安全,Cost of Ownership 拥有成本,Level 0,*) PP Target Completion VPI PP Target Compliance VTC,Level 0 Definitions0级定义,汽车感知质量培训,Level 0 Definitions0级定义,Design - the emotional connection to the styling of the ve

19、hicle 设计情感和汽车风格的结合 Static Perceptual Quality- the quality a discriminating customer would experience in showroom or at an auto show 静态感知质量一个挑剔的客户在展演室或车展上对车辆的体验。,汽车感知质量培训,Design 设计,5. Creative Storage 巧妙设计的储存空间,6. Interior内饰 Material Quality 材料质量,3. Exterior 外饰 Customization 客户度身定制,Overall 整体设计,9. In

20、terior内饰 E-Technology电子-技术,8. Interior 内饰 Customization 客户度身定制,4. Exterior 外饰 Jewel Effects 豪华风格,7. Interior 内饰 Jewel Effects 豪华风格,2. Exterior外饰 E-Technology 电子-技术,汽车感知质量培训,Static Perceptual Quality静态感知质量,整体,内饰目视质量成果,外饰目视质量成果,内饰操作件的质量成果,外饰操作件的质量成果,发动机仓布局成果,后备箱的成果,内表面的成果,汽车感知质量培训,Static Perceptual Qu

21、ality Target Setting静态感知质量目标设定,汽车感知质量培训,Score Standard评分标准,汽车感知质量培训,感知质量流程Perceptual Quality Process,汽车感知质量培训,Perceptual Quality Process感知质量流程,Benchmarking,Target Setting,Evaluation,Issue Tracking,Issue Escalation,标杆选择,目标设定,评估,问题追踪,问题升级,汽车感知质量培训,Plan计划,Create制订,Execute执行,Perceptual Quality Process感知

22、质量流程,PQ Team Assessments,Bill of Competitiveness竞争点清单 Features, Delighters, Materials特点,亮点,材料,PQ Team Assessments小组评估,Assessments评估,Escalation Process问题升级流程,Best Practices 最优方法,PQ Requirements PQ要求,Program Definition 项目定义,Feedback反馈,定义内容Content Defined,Virtual and Physical Reviews 虚拟与现实的评估,设定目标Set T

23、argets,CN100 N109,汽车感知质量培训,PP Target SettingWorkshop,Execution of Perceptual Quality Process 感知质量流程的实施,SORP 0,CSO -108,PP Benchmark,Feed Design Concept Sheets,PP Level 1 Target Setting Drv. Prf./C&C/ Vers,PP Detailed Level Target Setting(/Breakdown Drv. Perf./C&C/Vers,PP Assessments - Verify and Con

24、firm Targets Driving Performance, Comfort & Convenience, Versatility,PP Assessments - Verify and Confirm TargetsDesign PQ, Static PQ,Desk/Perf. Assessments - Verify and Confirm TargetsSafety Perception, Cost of Ownership,Lead: Validation Design IntegrationVSSM/Safety,PP Level 1 Target Setting Static

25、 PQ,PP Level 1 Target Setting Safety P./CoO,PP Level 1 Target Setting Design PQ,Technical Input to be provided by Functional Area Experts Supported by Validation,DBOM,DBOM,BOM,BOM,汽车感知质量培训,Best Practices & Competitive Analysis 最佳实践与竞争力分析,汽车感知质量培训,Tire to Body openings轮胎到车身轮罩距离,Not Recommended 不推荐,Re

26、commended 推荐,The side view distance between the tire and the edge of the wheel opening needs to be as small as possible.从侧面观察,轮胎到车身轮罩的距离越小越好。,汽车感知质量培训,Program Specific Design Objectives 项目具体设计目标,Wiring, Hoses, and Tubing配线,软管,管道系统的布局,Not Recommended 不推荐,Recommended 推荐,Underhood Systems 发动机仓系统,汽车感知质量

27、培训,Compartment 后行李箱,VW Touareg Rear大众途欢,汽车感知质量培训,Garnish Molding joints are flush and seamless 装饰条连接处齐平而无缝,Toyota RAV4丰田RAV4,Not Recommended 不推荐,Recommended 推荐,汽车感知质量培训,Tail lamp installation screws not visible very clean secondary surface,Tail Lamp 尾灯,Not Recommended 不推荐,Recommended 推荐,汽车感知质量培训,汽车感

28、知质量培训,Another alternative,Desired States,汽车感知质量培训,Precision Fits精确匹配,Toyota RAV 4 ,汽车感知质量培训,汽车感知质量培训,Not Recommended 不推荐,Recommended 推荐,汽车感知质量培训,Not Recommended 不推荐,Recommended 推荐,汽车感知质量培训,汽车感知质量培训,汽车感知质量培训,汽车感知质量培训,汽车感知质量培训,汽车感知质量培训,Perceptual Quality感知质量 Key Message 关键信息,Perceptual Quality is all

29、about: 感知质量的所有一切都是为了: Delighting customers from the first second to the very last moment of ownership 让客户从拥有车的第一秒开始到最后都感到满意和愉快。 Perceptual Quality is a systematic approach focusing on: 感知质量是一个系统的方法,致力于: Understanding customer wants and needs 理解客户的所想与所需 “Gotta” have designs 让顾客“非要不可”的设计 Engineered and manufactured with precision 精密的工程与制造,汽车感知质量培训,How Good Can You be?你的质量能有多好?,How Good Should You be?你的质量应当有多好?,With a High Quality Rep, What can you get away with - for a while?拥有高质量的声誉,你能得到什么?,


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