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1、Unit 5 Educational exchanges (1)Date:_ name:_【知识要点】 必记单词educational adj.【】 exchange n.【】culture n.【】host n.【】local adj.【】British adj.【】glad adj.【】guest n.【】chopstickn.【】weekdayn.【】tour v.【】fantastic adj.【】experience n.【】already adv.【】introducev.【】successn.【】yet adv.【】respect v.【】 常考短语1. at first2. s

2、o far3. a bit of4. introduce. to.5. come over (to.)6. make friends with sb.7. be proud of8. one and a half years9. on time10. deal with 知识点讲解1. Why not.?为什么不 ?常用于向别人提建议,其后接动词原形。Why not + do = Why don t you + do? 你为什么不做?Why not dance? = Why don t you dance?为什么不跳舞呢?【拓展】一些常见的提建议的句式:(1) What / How about

3、 + doing sth.?做某事怎么样?(2)You d better (not) do sth.你最还(不要)做某事。2. Your arms aren tlong enough.你的胳膊不够长enough+ 名词 + to do sth 形容词 +enough+to do sth I have enough time to do this. The boy is old enough to go to school. 3. However, my host family are really friendly.friendly adj.友好的= nicely短语:be friendly

4、to sb.对某人友好;be friendly with sb.与某人友好相处4. .and they re teaching mea littleChinese.a little不多的,一点儿,用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量;也可用来修饰形容词和副词的原级或比较级,表示程度。【拓展】 (1)修饰不可数名词的量:a little / little / a bit / much / a large amount of(2) 修饰可数名词的量: a few / few / many / a great number of(3)修饰可数名词和不可数名词均可:some / a lot of / lots

5、 of / plenty of5. The studentsspendthe weekdays studying with Chinese students.spend v.花(时间;钱)度过( spent,spent)“花费”的表达法有:(1)人 + spend +钱/时间+ on sth / (in) doing sth.(2)人 + pay +钱+ for sth(3) It takes sb +时间+ to do sth.(4) It costs +人+钱6.“ It s been a fantasticexperienceso far,”says Eric,” Ihave learn

6、t abit oft ai chi.(1) experiencen.经历(可数名词) ;经验(不可数名词)v.体验I had an unusual experience yesterday.昨天我有一次非同寻常的经历。He is short of experience.他缺乏经验。We haven t experienced real hunger.我们没有体验过真正的饥饿。(2) so far到目前为止,多用于现在完成时态中,位置可放句尾、句首。(3) a bit of一点,用于修饰不可数名词。a bit of coffee7. The teachers haveintroduces ust

7、oChinese paintingas well.We re alsotried topaintsome picturesourselves!(1) introducev.介绍introductionn.引言introduce sb. to sb.把某人介绍给某人introduce oneself自我介绍(2) as well“又;也”,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。I am going to London and my sister is going as well( going, too ) .我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。I not only play the

8、guitar, I sing as well( I also sing) .我不但弹吉他,而且还演唱。(3) try to do sth与try doing sth的区别:A. try to do sth“尽力做某事”,不包含是否成功之意。She tried to pass the exam.她尽力通过考试。否定形式:try not to do sth尽力不要做某事try one s best to do sth尽某人最大的努力做某事B. try doing sth试着去做某事You d better try doing housework by yourself.你最好试着自己做家务。8.

9、I haven t had much success yet, but I ll keep trying.(1) successn.成功,胜利短语:make / achieve success取得 / 获得成功【拓展】successfuladj.成功的His father is a successful businessman.successfullyadv.成功地He finished the work on time successfully.succeed v.成功succeed in doing sth=do sth successfully成功做某事(2) yet副词 ,“还,已经”

10、,常用于现在完成时态的一般疑问句和否定句末尾I haven t heared from her yet.我还没有收到她的信。(3) keep doing sth. = keep on doing sth.The birds kept singing in the tree.继续做某事keep sb. doing sth使某人一直做某事I am sorry to keep you waiting here for half an hour.9. We ll see one another soon because they ll come over to the UK.(1) one anoth

11、er = each other彼此,互相We should learn from one another / each other.(2) another +数字+复数名词=数字+ more +复数名词another two apples = two more apples再多两个苹果(3) come over to远道而来的10. can t wait“迫不及待”,后接动词不定式构成短语:can t wait to do sth.“迫不及待地做某事”He couldn t open the box.他迫不及待地打开了盒子。11. take part in参加,多指参加一些集会性活动,如会议、

12、劳动等。Would you like to take part in our party?你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?辨析:take part in, join与join in:三者均可意为“参加”,但含义不同。 take part in多指参加群众性活动,具有暂时性特点,有时可与join换用。He wats to take part in the sports meeting.他想要参加运动会。 join指加入某党派、组织、军队或社会团体,并成为其中一员;其后也可接人,意为“和某人一起(做某事)”He joined the English club yesterday.他昨天加入了英语俱乐部。J

13、oin us, please!请加入我们吧! join in指参加小规模的活动,如“球赛,游戏”等,多用于日常口语,join in doingsth.意为“参加做某事”May I join in (playing) the game?我可以参加(玩)这个游戏吗?12. .the British students are the same age as me.the same . as与相同I bought the same car as yours.我买了一辆和你一样的车。13. one and a half years ago一年半前“数字 + and + a half +复数名词”=“数字

14、+名词(复数)+ and + a half”two and a half hours = two hours and a half【实战演练】一、单词拼写。1. She comes to visit China because she is very interested in Chinese c_.2. If you are going to visit some families in America, you should phone the h_.3. Boys and girls let me i_ a new classmate to you.4. I have a wonderf

15、ul e_ in visiting China.5. Try your best and never give up and you will achieve s_.6.The dinner is f. I enjoyed it a lot.7.He is in Beijing on a sightseeing t.8.I watch the lnews on TV every night.9.Many foreigners learn how to use cin Chinese restaurants.10. We should rothers work.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.

16、I spent a week _(learn) a bit of t ai chi.2. Do you know how _(get) to the nearest bookshop?3. As a_ (success) teacher, he always regards the students as his own children.4. _ (Britain) people often begin their conversations by talking about the weather.5. -What do you think of this _ (educate) exch

17、ange?-It s really fantastic.6. Im glad_ (be) a guest in your home.7. My parents need to go to work on_ (weekday).8. I plan_ (go) swimming with Tom this evening.9. It was dark, but she kept_ (work) in her office.10. Let me _ (introduction) my best friend Kate to you.三、词语释义。1.When we got to the house,

18、 we were welcomed by the host.A. passengerB. customerC. ownerD. player2.All the guest enjoyed themselves in Mr. Greens restaurant.A. visitorsB. driversC. doctorsD. speakers3.Mike decided to tour around the world by bike.A. lookB. pushC. goD. travel4.Mary was nervous when she introduced herself in fr

19、ont of her classmates.A. talked something aboutB. took care ofC. taughtD. provided5.You have your own idea, but you should respect others opinions.A. agree toB. be careful aboutC. not care aboutD. tidy up四、单项选择。1.Mary isn t here at the moment.She_laterA. comesB. cameC. has comeD. is coming2.Why not_

20、your teacher for help when you can t finish_the story byyourself?A. to ask; writeB. to ask; writingC. ask; writingD; asking; to write3.I am very hungry. I _breakfast yet.A. have B. had C. didn t have D. haven 4. You should be more friendly _others , then you will make more friends. A. with B. of C.

21、to D. about t had5. -Do you have enough students to clean the room?-No. I think we need _students.A. anotherB. two othersC. more twoD. another two6. -Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?-_. It has rained for ten days. Its too wet everywhere.A. I hope notB. I m sureC. I m afraid notD. I hope so7

22、. The twins are talking about the new movie. ItA. joinB. join inC. take part inD. enter8. His hair style is the same _A. as meB. as mineC. with mineD. with me9. I feel_nervous when I meet new people.A. a bit ofB. a bitC. someD. a little of s fun to _them.10. _, the Internet was only used by governme

23、nt. But how it s widely used inevery field.A. as usualB. at firstC. after allD. so far11. I really enjoy the noodles and vegetables.They _delicious.A. stayB. feelC. tasteD. sound12. The workers will build a new railroad _the two cities,A. sinceB. betweenC. asD. during13. _the morning of September 8t

24、h, many visitors arrived _the train station for a tour.A. In; atB. on; toC. in; inD; on; at14. I traveled to London last year and it was a wonderful_for me.A. dreamB. reportC. experienceD. interview15. My pen-friend in America invited me to _ his country.A. come over toB. say goodbye toC. keep in to

25、uch with D. look forward to五、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 你可以把我介绍给你的同学吗?Could you _ me _ your classmates?2. 他成功的秘诀是什么?Whats the secret of his _?3. 我们应该尊重我们身边的人。We should _ the people around us.4. 那个中国女孩去年到法国去学习法语了。The Chinese girl _ _ _ France to learn French last year.5. 我们提前一个小时到达机场。We _ _ the airport one h

26、our ahead.6. 尽管我不同意你的观点,但我尊重你。Although I dont _ _your views, I respect you.7. 我们将作一个关于当地文化的报告。We will give a talk on the _ _.8. 玛丽对她所有的朋友都友好。Mary _ _ _ all of her friends.9. 我昨天在动物园玩得很高兴。I _ _ _ _ in the zoo yesterday.10. 不要担心你的妹妹,她可以照顾自己。Dont _ _ your younger sister. She can take care of herself.六、

27、完形填空。Dear Laura,Thanks for your message.Yes, I am having a good time_ 1_educational exchange in France. Itsmuch better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous when I _2_here, but now everythinggoes _3_.My host family is really _4_. Theytry their best to make me _5_at home.And you wouldn t be

28、lieve how quickly my French has _6_! I canunderstandmuch Frenchwords now althoughI stillmake a lots of mistakes. My biggest problem islearninghow _7_at the dinner table.As you know, the culture of France is not the same_8_that of China.Ifind it difficult _9_everything. I have made many friends. We a

29、re getting on well with one_10_.1.A. fromB. inC. onD. of2.A. arriveB. arrive atC. arrivedD. arrived at3.A. goodB. wellC. fastD. pretty4.A. friendlyB. seriousC. strictD. hot5.A. to feelB. feelingC. feelD. felt6.A. goodB. improveC. improvedD. increase7.A. behaveB. to behaveC. behavingD. behavior8.A. fromB. withC. toD. as9.A. to remember B. rememberingC. rememberedD. remember10. A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. other s


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