高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(二十三) 模块8 Unit 23 Conflict 北师大版.doc

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1、课时作业(二十三)模块8Unit 23 Conflict(限时:30分钟) .单项填空1Although students are _ to more, they typically know less and are less mature than the generations before.AdisplayedBreleasedCexploredDexposed2It is said that his missing paintings were _the possession of Russians and they were valued_$ 500,000.Ain; to Bin

2、; at Cunder; at Dto; for3The relief agency will _ the food among several countries.Aadvocate BseparateCdivide Ddistribute4The boys were about to go out to play football _ suddenly it began to rain. Awhen Bas Cwhile Dthen5When he left the room, he _ the door key to me. Ahanded in Bhanded onChanded ou

3、t Dhanded over6The book, _ for her sister, was lost in the mail. Aintended as pleasant surprise Bintending as pleasant surprise Cintended as a pleasant surprise Dintending for pleasant surprise 7What do you think made Celia so happy?_a prize in the recent competition.AAs she won BWonCWinning DBecaus

4、e of winning8Never before _ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.Ahad she Bshe had Chas she Dshe has9Was it what he said or something _ he did _ made her cry?Athat; which Bthat; thatCthat; what Dwhat; that10 How did you enjoy the concert last night?_! My favourite singer lost her voice

5、 and didnt even make an appearance.AWhat a failure BWhat a disappointmentCAwful DVery dissatisfactory.完形填空I had offered to watch my 3yearold daughter, so that my wife could go out with a friend. I was getting some work done in my study while she _11_ to be having a good time in the other room. No pr

6、oblem, I figured. But then it got a little too _12_ and I shouted, “What are you doing?” No response. I _13_ my question and heard her say, “Oh nothing.” “Nothing?”I got upfrom my desk and ran out _14_ the living room, where I saw her running across the hall. I followed and watched her as her little

7、 behind made a quick _15_ into the bathroom. I had her _16_! I told her to turn around. She _17_. I pulled out my big Daddy voice, “Young lady, I said turn around!” _18_, she turned toward me. In her hand was what was left of my wifes new lipstick. And every square inch of her face was _19_ with bri

8、ght red! As she looked up at me with fearful eyes, I heard _20_ voice that had been shouted to me as a child. “How could youYou should knowHow many times have you been _21_ What a bad thing to do” It was just a matter of my picking out which old _22_ I was going to use on her so that she would know

9、what a bad girl she had been. But _23_ I could let loose, I looked _24_ at the sweater on her. In big _25_ it said, “IM A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL(天使)!” I looked back up into her tearful eyes and, _26_ seeing a bad girl who didnt listen, I saw a little angel full of _27_ that I had come dangerously clos

10、e to _28_. “Sweetheart, lets take a picture so Mommy can see how _29_you look.” I took the picture and thanked God that I didnt _30_ the chance to prove what a perfect little angel she had given me. 11A.happened BlikedCappeared Dpretended12A.long BquietCcalm Dstrange13A.asked BansweredCraised Drepea

11、ted14A.into BofCfrom Dfor15A.way BturnCchange Dprogress16A.followed BscoldedCcornered Dfooled17A.laughed BlistenedCagreed Drefused18A.Slowly BEagerlyCAngrily DUnfortunately19A.filled BmarkedCprinted Dcovered20A.every BsuchCany Done21A.told BbeatenCfrightened Dforbidden22A.reports BnoticeCadvice Dwor

12、ds23A.as BwhenCsince Dbefore24A.up BdownCin Don25A.signs BlettersCmessages Dfigures26A.because of Binstead ofCin spite of Das a result of27A.value BsadnessCpities Dtricks28A.preventing Bgetting rid ofCdestroying Ddoing wrong on29A.dirty BuglyCspecial Dsilly30A.have BgetCtake Dmiss.阅读理解AA rising popu

13、lation is one of the main reasons of global warming. From 1930 to the end of the century the population rose from two billion to over six billion. It is expected that this trend in the changing population will continue. The growing population requires increasing amounts of energy. These energy deman

14、ds and other supplies require production, which almost always involves the release of greenhouse gases. The more the population increases, the more greenhouse gases are produced and the greater increase in temperature. The burning of fossil fuels is one of the causes for global warming. When fossil

15、fuels burn, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide in the car then leads to global warming. Another source of carbon dioxide comes from cutting trees. In forests there is enormous amount of carbon that is stored in the trees and other plants. This carbon is out of the atmos

16、phere because the trees consume the carbon from carbon dioxide. When these trees are cut down, they are frequently burned.This burning releases the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Even when new trees are planted, it can take up to one hundred years to supply the carbon that was released.It is co

17、mmonly thought that because young trees absorb more carbon dioxide, the atmosphere experiences positive effects. An uncommonly recognized source of global warming is from the agricultural industry. The rice paddies release methane which is one of the greenhouse gases. Fertilizers that are used for c

18、rops release another greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide. Another reason is vaporization of water. The warmer the earth is, the more water that vaporizes from the oceans to clouds. These clouds can either increase the temperature or decrease it. The increased amount of vapor in the atmosphere will affect

19、the earths temperature but it is not completely known how.31. The people in the world are over _ now. A1 billion B2 billion C13 billion D6 billion32. The burning of fossil fuels releases_ Amethane Bcarbon dioxide Cvapour Dnitrous oxide33. Which of the following statements is not right?AAgricultural

20、industry doesnt affect global warming.BThese clouds can either increase the temperature or decrease it. CBurning trees releases the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. DThe growing population requires increasing amounts of energy.34. The passage is mainly to tell about _A. the reasons of global warm

21、ing Bglobal warming Chow to deal with the global warming Dthe population of the worldBOnce upon a time, two brothers who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict(冲突)It was the first serious one between them in 40 years of farming peacefully side by side.In the end,they fell apart.One morning, a

22、 man with a carpenters toolbox came for some work.The elder brother said,“I just have a job for you.Look at that farm across the creek(河沟). My younger brother lives there.It was he who used his bulldozer(推土机)to dig the creek last week to spite(刁难)me.So I want you to build me a fence, an 8foothigh fe

23、nce, in order not to see his place any more.” The carpenter smiled and said,“I see.Ill try to do a job that satisfies you.” Then the elder brother went downtown.At sunset when the farmer returned,the carpenter had just finished his job.The farmers eyes opened wide! To his surprise, there was no fenc

24、e there at all!Instead, there was a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work! He saw his younger brother coming to him with the hands outstretching.The brothers stood at each end of the bridge,and then they met in the middle, taking each others hands.They turne

25、d to see the carpenter lift his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait! Stay a few days.Ive a lot of other work for you,”said the elder brother.“Id love to stay on,” the carpenter said,“but I have so many more bridges to build.”35What was the life like for the two brothers before the conflict?AThey live

26、d a poor life.BThey lived in peace.CThey never spoke to each other.DThey lived on the same farm.36It can be learned that the carpenter was_Aunwilling to obey the farmerBfond of building bridgesCunable to build a fenceDwilling to help others37The best title for this passage is “_”AA Fine Piece of Wor

27、kBA CarpenterCA Conflict between Two BrothersDTwo Brothers38Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe elder brother used his bulldozer to dig a creek.BThe elder brother helped the carpenter build the bridge.CThe brothers were both satisfied with the carpenters work.DThe carpenter

28、planned to build an 8foothigh fence as asked to.课时作业(二十三).1.D考查搭配。be exposed to意为“被暴露在”。句意:尽管学生所见的比上代人多,但他们所知道的却更少,表现得也较不成熟。2B考查固定搭配。in the possession of sb.被某人拥有; value用作动词, 当 “估价”讲, 后接“介词at金钱”, 意思为 “估价为”。3D考查动词辨析。distribute意为“分发,分配,分送”;advocate倡导;separate分离;divide分开。句意:救援机构将给几个国家发放食物。4. A 考查“be ab

29、out to do when”的句型。此结构的意思是 “正要做某事,就在这时” 。其中when相当于and just then,不可以用while, as等替换。5D考查动词短语辨析。hand in表示“上交”;hand on表示“把传下去”;hand out表示“分发”;hand over表示“移交”。根据语境,应该是“移交钥匙”,故应选D。6. C7C动名词短语作主语, 答语后面省略了made Celia so happy。8. C 本题考查倒装。never等否定词放在句首时,句子要部分倒装,又由从句中的can可知此处应该用现在时,故选C项。9B第一个空用that引导定语从句修饰先行词so

30、mething;第二个空用that与句首的Was it构成强调句型。10. B 答语的后半部分体现了答话者的失望心情,因为希望看到的歌手没露面。.本文叙述作者3岁的小女儿用她妈妈的化妆品想把自己打扮成一个小天使的故事,阐述家长应该如何教育孩子。11C根据后面的 to be having a good time 这个不定式的进行式可知只有 appear 和 pretend 这两个词能使用,再根据上下文语境是“看起来”玩得很开心,而不是“假装”。12B根据后面的“喊”和“没有回声”来判断答案,quiet是“寂静的,没有声音的”之意,而不能选calm(沉着的,冷静的)。13D因为作者喊他女儿,没有听

31、到应声,所以又“重复”了他的问题。14A从前面的动作,“起身、跑出书房”,接着“进入”起居室。into是动态介词,此处相当于and went into。15B从前面的动词 follow, watch 以及 as her little behind 判断,他女儿看到他,赶紧“拐入”洗澡间。16C此处 corner 用作动词,表示“把难住,走投无路”,此处指堵住去路。17D根据下一句的意思,他女儿没有听他的话。18A因为她是一个三岁的小女孩,她用她妈妈的唇膏打扮自己,怕爸爸骂她,所以“慢慢地”转到她爸爸跟前。19D表示满脸都被唇膏“覆盖(涂)”。20A正在作者准备训斥自己的女儿的时候,他想起了自己

32、小的时候被训斥的话语,每一句话都似乎回响在耳际。every表示“每一个,每一句”。21A根据前面的 many times 来判断,作者被训斥了很多次了,即“告诉过你多少次了”。22D对于作者来说,按照传统的做法,现在对待自己的女儿,好像就是挑选一下已经被说过很多遍的“老话”而已。23D根据前后两个动作的顺序,在放松“之前”,我看了看她毛衣上的“字”。24B根据其后的动作back up into her tearful eyes,所以此时的动作就应该是look down,即“往下看”。25B后面的 IM A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL! 这些都是大写的“字母”。26B当作者看到他女

33、儿写在毛衣上的字,他感到他看到的不是一个不听话的坏女孩,而是一个美丽的小天使。27A因为前半句说作者看到的不是一个不听话的坏女孩,再从毛衣上的字来看,所以认为她是一个有“价值”的小天使。28C根据前文,作者是差点“伤害(毁坏)”了他女儿那颗天真、甜美的心。29C30D后面的 chance 表示机会,根据句意应该选 miss。. A地球变暖的原因有多种,本文主要讲述了五种原因:一、人口增长导致温室气体排放增加;二、石化燃料的利用,排放了大量的二氧化碳;三、滥伐森林;四、农业生产的原因,如稻田排放的沼气;五、大气层中的水蒸气。31. D32. B33. A 归纳总结题。根据第四段内容归纳,在农业生

34、产过程中也会有温室气体排放,从而使地球气温变暖,因此选A。34. A 主旨大意题。全文从人口增加、石化燃料的利用、滥伐森林、农业生产、大气层中的水蒸气等五个方面阐述了地球变暖的原因,因此选A。B和平相处了40年的两兄弟,发生冲突之后,哥哥请来木匠为他打一堵篱笆墙,不愿再看弟弟一眼。而热心肠的木匠却在弟弟挖的壕沟上为他们搭建了一座小桥,帮助两兄弟握手言和,重归于好。35B细节理解题。由第一段中“It was the first serious onepeacefully side by side.”可知两兄弟发生冲突之前在相邻的两农场里相安无事地生活着,因此正确答案为B。36D推理判断题。通过对故事情节的了解可知,木匠是一个乐于助人的人。37A主旨大意题。A Fine Piece of Work指的是木匠搭建的那座小桥,意指沟通心灵的桥梁。38C细节理解题。A、B、D三项内容均与文章内容不符,从文章最后一段可知C为正确答案。


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