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1、Marty, Melman, Gloria.Gloria, Melman, Marty. Marty, Gelman, Gloria. Marty, Melman.Morty, Morty, Gelman. Regis. Kelly.Matt, Katie, Al.Get me out of this thing. Somebody. Hello?Get me out of this thing right now!Hello? Somebody?Melman!Alex? ls that you?Melman, l got you. Hang on! Hang on. l got you.Me

2、lman! l got you, buddy.Wait a sec, Melman. Wait right there.- What are you doing? - lm getting you out of the box.- Relax. - Alex?Giraffe, corner pocket!Here goes nothing!- Wait, wait, wait, wait. - Hold still!- Wait, Alex. - Hold still.- No, come on. - Here l come!Look! Look! Look! Look!lts Gloria.

3、 lts Gloria!Oh, hey, it is Gloria.Gloria!Gloria!Alrighty, boys, funs over.Gloria!Alex!- Marty?! - Marty!Yeah! All right! Thats right!Left! Left! Left. No, no, your left! Your left! Your left!Right heres good.l dont have anything on me right now. lll have to get you later.To you too.Marty!Marty!Alex!

4、Marty!Alex!Marty!Al!Marty!Alex?Marty!Oh, sugar, honey, ice tea.Martin!- Hold up! - lm going to kill you!- Come here! Dont run away from me! - Calm down!lf you keep running, lm going to just kill you more!Oh, look at us.Were all here together. Safe and sound.Yeah, here we are.Where exactly is here?Sa

5、n Diego.San Diego?White sandy beaches,cleverly simulated natural environment, wide-open enclosures.lm telling you, this could be the San Diego Zoo.Complete with fake rocks.Wow, that looks real.San Diego? What could be worse than San Diego?l dont know. This place is crackalacking!Oh, l could hang her

6、e. l could hang here.- lll kill you! - Take it easy!- Strangle you! - Calm down.Then bury you, dig you up, clone you and kill your clones.- 20-second timeout. - lll never talk to you again.Now, look. Were just going to find the people,get checked in and have this mess straightened out.Oh, great. Thi

7、s is just great. San Diego.Now lll have to compete with Shamu and his smug little grin.l cant top that. Cant top it.lm ruined! lm done. lm out of the business.lts your fault, Marty! Youve ruined me.Come on, Alex. Do you honestly thinkl intended all of this to happen?You want me to say that lm sorry?

8、 ls that what you want?Okay, lm.He just shushed me.Marty, look, youve got to be just a little bit more und.- Dont you shush me. - Do you hear that? Dont you hear that?- l hear it now. - Where theres music, theres people.- Go to the head honcho. - A sidewalk would be nice.Yeah, what a dump.They shoul

9、d call it the San Di-lame-o Zoo.First they tell you, We got this great open plan thing. Let animals run wild.Next thing, flowers in your hair, everybodys hugging everybody.This place kind of grows on you. This way, guys! Come on!What the.?Okay, lets make a good impression on the people.Smiles, every

10、one. Lets get it together.- ls that the best you can do? - Oh, lm not smiling. lts gas.Well, great. Lets make gas look good.- Wow! - lts not people. lts animals.California animals. Dude.This is like a Puffy party.l like to move it, move it l like to move it, move it- Ya like to - Move itl like to mo

11、ve it, move it l like to move it, move itl like to move it, move it- Ya like to - Move itl like to move it, move it You like to move it, move itShe like to move it, move it- He like to - Move itAll girls all over the worldOriginal King Julien pon yer case, manl love how all the girls that love to mo

12、ve their bodyWhen ya move your body, ya doMove it nice and sweet and sassy, all rightWhat kind of zoo is this?l just saw 26 blatant health code violations.lm loving San Diego. This place is off the chizain.Twenty-seven.Woman, physically fit, physically fitPhysically, physically, physically fit Physi

13、cally fit, Physically fitWe shouldve brought chips and dip.Wait.Wheres Alex? What happened to him? He was right behind us. Wasnt he?l dont know where hes at, but hes missing one heck of a party.The foosa!The foosa!The foosa are attacking! Run for your lives!- Foosa hungry. - Foosa eat.l hate spiderw

14、ebs.Yeah, thanks a lot, guys.Thanks for waiting up. Really appreciate it.Hey, hi. We just got in from New York, and were looking for a supervisor.Because weve been sitting on that beach back there for hours,and nobodys even bothered to show up.l dont know how things are normally run around here,but

15、theres been some sort of major screwup, which is cool.So if you could point us towards the administrative offices, well.Well, howdy-do.Spider! Spider! Spider on my back!Maurice, did you see that?He scared the foosa away.Come on, Gloria. Get it.Get it! Get it! Get it!- Thats it! Smack it! - Get it, g

16、et it!Whip it! Whip it good! Whered it go?King Julien, what are they? What are they?!They are aliens. Savage aliens from the savage future.Theyve come to kill us. And take our women. And our precious metals.Get up, Mort. Do not be near the kings feet, okay?Were hiding. Be quiet, everyone. lncluding

17、me.Whos making that noise?Oh, its me again.There it is! Get it! Come on, Gloria!- Enough! Enough with the stick. - l think she got it.ls it still on me? l hate spiders.lts okay. lts gone.They are savages.Tonight we die.The feet. l told you. l told you to. l told every.Didnt l tell him about the feet

18、?He did tell you about the feet.- Wait. l have a plan. - Really?l have devised a cunning testto see whether these are savage killers.Hi there.You let me handle it. Alex handles it. Marty does nothing.Hi there.Oh, jeez. Sorry.- Oh, Alex, whatd you do? - Stop. Stop. lts okay. lts okay.lm just a silly.

19、 Just a silly lion. Oh, jeez!- Aw, Alex! - Oh, you poor little baby.Did that big mean lion scare you?He did? Hes a big, bad old puddy tat, isnt he?Come on. Mamall hold you. Aww, look at you.They are so cute from a reasonable distance.Arent you the sweetest little thing. l just want to dunk him in my

20、 coffee.Theyre just a bunch of pansies.l dont know.Theres something about that one with the crazy hairdothat l find suspicious.Nonsense, Maurice.Come on, everybody. Lets go and meet the pansies!Presenting your royal highness, our illustrious King Julien Xlll,self-proclaimed lord of the lemurs, et ce

21、tera. Hooray, everybody.Hes got style.What is he, like, king of the guinea pigs?l think its a squirrel.Welcome, giant pansies.Please feel free to bask in my glow.- Definitely a squirrel. - Yep. Squirrel.We thank you with enormous gratitude for chasing away the foosa.- The whossa? - The foosa.They an

22、noy us by trespassing, interrupting our parties- and ripping our limbs off. - Good.Were just trying to find out where the people are, so.What big teeth you have. Man!Shame on you, Maurice. Can you not see that you have insulted the freak?You must tell me, who the heck are you?lm Alex. The Alex. And

23、this is Gloria, Marty and Melman.And just where are you giants from?Were from New York and.All hail the New York giants!New York giants!ls this some sort of inbreeding program?l say we just got to ask these bozos where the people are.Excuse me. We bozos have the people, of course.Hey, the bozos have

24、 the people.Oh, well, great. Good. Phew.Theyre up there.Dont you love the people? Not a very lively bunch, though.So do you have any live people?No. Only dead ones.l mean, if we had a lot of live people here,it wouldnt be called the wild, would it?The wild?Whoa. Hold up there a second, fuzzbucket.You mean, like,the live in a mud hut, wipe yourself with a leaf type wild?- Who wipes? - Oy vey.- Oy vey! - Oy vey, everybody!Oy vey!Could you excuse me for a moment?


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