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1、(人教PEP)三年级下册 Unit5 partA Lets talk 教案Unit5 Where is my ruler?PartA-Lets talkTeaching aims:New words:desk,chair,toy box,on,under,in.New sentences:Where is my?Its on/under/in.Enable the children to use the words and sentences well in their lifeFoster the childrens ability of cooperation,communication

2、and studying on their own.Important points:New words:desk,chair,toy box,on,under,in. New sentences:Where is my?Its on/under/in.Difficult pointsthe pronunciation of chair, toy box;the sentence Where is my? Teaching Procedures:Step1 Warm-up/Revision1.Greeting2.Free talkingT: Whats this?S1:Book./Its a

3、book.T:Is it your book?S1.Yes.Its my book./No.Its not my book.T: Is it your book?(ask the others)Ss: No.Its not my book./ Yes.Its my book.S2:.T:How manydo you have?(在适当情况下提问)3.Listen and do Show me your pencil/ruler/bag复习以前学过的一些文具用品单词,希望他们在学习新单词时能够自己运用已学过的知识。也想创设一个比较轻松、活跃的和谐学习氛围。Step2 Presention精选推荐

4、1.New words(1)desk, chair, toy boxT: Whats this?S1:Desk./Its a desk. d-e-s-k (字母发音)S2:Chair./Its a chair. ch-air (字母发音)S3:Toy box./Its a toy box. boy-toy (单词比较)这三个属于实物单词,孩子们能看得见摸得着,因此在学习时,要求他们指着实物,而且有能力的尽量说句子。(2) on, under, inT:I have some things. Look. Where is my book?S1:On the desk./ Its on the d

5、esk.On-on-on,on the desk. Its on the desk.T: Where is my pencil?S2:Under the chair./ Its under the chair.Under-under-under,under the chair. Its under the chair.T: Where is my car?S3: In the toy box./ Its in the toy box.In,in.in,in the toy box. Its in the toy box.在学习这三个方位单词时,希望学生创造性的说出自己一些文具的摆设位置关系。同

6、时,对于重点句型Where is my ?有了听觉上的理解。Listen and do.T says and Ss do together.(Put your in/on/under the.)close eyes and do again2.New sentences(1)Lets chant Where ,where,where, where is my book?On ,on,on,its on the desk. Where ,where,where, where is my eraser?Under,under,under,its under the chair. 精选推荐Where

7、 ,where,where, where is my car?In,in,in,its in the toy box. (2)Guessing game:T: Where is my ruler/eraser/ball?S1,S2,Group workAsk and guess.重点句型的学习放在自编的“chant”和猜的游戏中,为的是让学生在不知不觉中已经学会了说。并且在小组的游戏中巩固和运用。Step3PracticeLets talk P50A.Listen and readB.Read in groupC.Make a song or a chant所有的重点和难点都已解决,把课文的阅读和理解作为巩固练习,并试着改编成歌曲或歌谣。Step4HomeworkListen, read and do P50. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 精选推荐


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