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1、八年级下外研 Module 1 Hobbies 测试题听力部分. 听句子 ,选择最佳答语。 (句子读一遍1.A. He is very tall. B. He doesn t like it at all. C. He likes to go sailing.2.A. Good luck. B. It s great. C. I ll try it.3.A. My favourite subject is history. B. My hobby is reading history books.C. I like history best of all the subjects.4.A. H

2、e often goes swimming. B. Yes, he does. C. Once a week.5.A. By bus. B. On Friday. C. Hainan. 听对话 ,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(对话读一遍6.What s the boy s hobby?A B C7.What does the girl usually do in her free time?A B C8.How did the boy feel at first?A B C9.What did the woman buy yesterday?A B C10.What place is it?A

3、B C. 听对话问题 ,选择正确答案。 (对话读两遍11.What s Tom s hobby?A. He likes collecting kites.B. He likes collecting stamps.C. He likes collecting tickets.12.What does Lucy think about the new stamp?A. She doesn t like it.B. It s very beautiful.C. She has no ide a.13.How did Tom get the new stamp?A. He bought it.B.

4、His classmate gave it to him.C. Lucy bought him the stamp.14.Has Lucy learned a lot from the tickets?A. Yes, she has.B. No, she hasn t.C. The dialogue doesn t tell us.15.What are Lucy s classmates hobbies?A. Her classmates have no hobbies.B. They like collecting stamps, too.C. They have many kinds o

5、f hobbies.笔试部分I.选择填空。1.Li L ei s words made her _ and she left without any words.A. angrilyB. happilyC. cryingD. angry2These rooms are often untidy. Please _. OK. I ll do that later. A. tidy them upB. tidy up them C. tidy it up D. tidy up it3.A collection of short stories by D. H. Larence has just _

6、. A. come acrossB. come out C. come back D. come into4.Students should _ good reading habits. A. developB. pay C. giveD. make5.Only _ take part in this kind of activity. No grown-ups like it.A. teenagersB. peopleC. parentsD. teachers6.Tommy, you _ wash your hands before eating anything!A. wouldB. mi

7、ghtC. shouldD. could7._ has gone to the Great Wall. They won t come until next month.A. Both Bill and his parentsB. Not only Bill but also his parentsC. Either Bill or his parentsD. Bill as well as his parents8.Little Jim likes to listen to his father _ about the past things.A. talkedB. talkC. talki

8、ngD. to talk9.When Sue was thirteen, she had her first _ for a job in a bookshop.A. interviewB. meetingC. ClassD. work10.How beautiful these skirts are! Would you please _, Mum? But we haven t got enough money. A. give one to meB. give me them C. buy one for meD. buy me themII. 完形填空。Stamp collecting

9、 is perhaps the most popular hobby in the world. Many people have been collecting stamps from different countries, for different reasons and in different ways.I collect stamps from Singapore, Malaysia, Canada and the UK only. I 1 collect stamps from every country because there are too many. Some cou

10、ntries have hundreds of new stamps every year.My father and sister work in offices, 2 sometimes they bring foreign stamps home. IfI don t want a stamp, I try to swap it with a friend. I don t 3 any stamps because th too much money.Most of my stamps are 4 ones, which are stuck on paper at first. I ha

11、ve to get thestamps off the paper 5 damaging毁(坏 them. 6 wants to collect damaged stamps. I putthe stamps into water in a blow. After ten to twenty minutes, the water makes the paper 7 .Then it is 8 to peel off the stamps carefully and let them dry. After that, I put them in oneof my stamp albums (集邮

12、册 . I have 9 albums, one for each country.I can learn many things from my stamps. They make my school subjects alive. They show me what birds, animals and plants there are in a country. They let me 10 about the people and events in different countries. Some old stamps are very valuable. Perhaps one

13、day some of my stamps will be valuable, too.1. A. can B. can t C. like to D. often2. A. because B. when C. so D. after3. A. want B. sell C. change D. buy4. A. used B. new C. beautiful D. interesting 5.A. after B. until C. without D. with6. A. Everybody B. Nobody C. Somebody D. Anybody7. A. wet B. fr

14、esh C. clean D. beautiful8. A. difficult B. good C. hard D. easy9. A. one B. four C. five D. many10. A. talk B. know C. worry D. complainIII. 阅读理解。A 根据短文内容 ,选择最佳答案。AI have always been interested in making things. When I was a child, I enjoyed painting, and I also liked making things out of clay (黏土

15、. I won a prize (奖 for one of my paintings when I wasfourteen. That may be why I went to art school four years later. I studied painting at first, not pottery (陶瓷 . But I like being a potter (陶工 because I like to work with myhands and feel the clay. I m happy working by myself and being near my home

16、. I don like mass-produced things, for they are made by machines and are all the same. I think crafts (手工艺 are very important and craftspeople make things cleverly with hands.They make our lives colorful. When I left school, I got some money. I hope to become a full-time craftswoman. This workplace

17、is small, and I wish to move to a larger one next year.1. From the passage we are sure that the writer is a _. A. studentB. teacher C. man D. woman2. The writer got into art school because of _.A. liking to make thingsB. enjoying working nearbyC. a prize won when youngD. a wish to be a potter3. When

18、 finishing art school studies, the writer was about _. A. 14B. 16 C. 18 D. 214. The writer is talking about her workplace _.A. unhappilyB. hopefullyC. seriouslyD. angrily5. From the passage we know that the writer prefers _. A. a long way to workB. group workC. a small workplace D. something differe

19、ntBLittle Mary is seven years old. She doesn t like toys such as model cars and dolls.She doesn t like paying with other girls as well. Her only hobby is watching TV. Herfavourite TV programme is cartoons. When there is a cartoon on TV, she sits before theTV set until it is over. Sometimes she doesn

20、 t go to bed until midnight.One day Mary heard there would be an interesting cartoon the next day. When she got up the next day, the first thing she d id was turning on the TV. But her programme wasn t on.After school, she went home hurriedly, entered the sitting room in a hurry and turned on the TV

21、 at once. However, the cartoon was still not on. She had to go to the kitchen and asked her mother for help.“ It s only five now,” said her mother.“ Your programme will be after supper.“ Well, let s have supper right now!”6. Which of the following is true? A. Mary had a lot of hobbies.B. Mary didn t

22、 have any hobbies. C. Mary liked playing with her friends.D. Mary had no other hobbies except watching TV.7. Why did Mary turn on the TV after getting up? A. She thought she had some time leftB. She didn t know when the cartoon would beginC. She wanted to know the important newsD. She wanted to watc

23、h a TV play8. Why did Mary run home after school?A. She was afraid to miss the interesting cartoonB. She was afraid to miss the last busC. She was afraid to miss the supperD. She was afraid to have no time to do homework9. Why did Mary want to have supper soon? A. Because she felt quite hungryB. Bec

24、ause she thought it was supper timeC. Because she thought the cartoon would be on as soon as she finished supper D. Because she thought her mother cooked supper later than usual10. What do you think of the story?A. It s funnyB. It s sadC. It s strangeD. It s usefulCPeople may have many different typ

25、es of hobbies during their lifetime. When we are very young we spend most of our time playing with toy trucks. We may enjoy playing asandbox or building with wooden blocks. When we get older we start our first real hobbies. Some kids go out for a sport like football or skating. These new interests c

26、an be quite time-consuming and most children spend a lot of time on them. Some children spend a lot of time on them. Some children might get interested in less active(活跃的 activities like reading , painting, or stamp collecting. Others might enjoy playing an instrument like the piano or the flute.As

27、we get older, our hobbies might change or go on. Some people might spend their whold life on stamp collecting. Other people might change their interests every year depending on fashions. Some people are lucky that they have found jobs that are similar to their hobbies, like a person who loves teachi

28、ng and becomes a teachers11. Which of the following is NOT a real hobby? A. A student likes skatingB. Babies like playing with wooden blocks C. An old man likes stamp collectingD. A worker likes painting12. The word “-timeconsuming ” may mean _ in Chinese. A. 短时间的B.多次的C.费时的D. 永久的13. Which of the fol

29、lowing is an active hobby?A. Playing basketballB. Collecting fansC. ReadingD. Writing14. Who does the writer think is lucky?15. The title of the passage should be _. A. Hobbies and JobsB. Jobs and AgesC. Never Changed HobbiesD. Hobbies and AgesB 根据短文内容 ,完成下列任务。People in different countries have diff

30、erent hobbies. The following are some facts about hobbies in some countries.7.American people like watching TV when they are free. It is their mainentertainment (娱乐 .9.They watch TV at least one hour in a day. About 96% of Americans see watching TV as their 最专业的中小学教学资源共享平台first hobby. The second hob

31、by is going tothe cinema or doing some sports. Next it reading or gardening. In addition, fishing is alsoa very popular hobby. In England, it s quite different. People there like to go to the fleamarket (旧货市场 . They like to go there to see if there is something nice. In addition, Englishmen like dri

32、nking tea. Russians like reading very much. 10.Wherever you go, you will see the people who are reading carefully. 8.Germans like reading too. According to a survey (调查 , Germans read 11 books on average平( 均 in 2006. a.根据短文内容,完成下列表格,每空词数不限。 Country America Hobbies The first The second The third The

33、fourth England The first The second Russia Germany / / Watching TV1._ 2._ Fishing 3._ 4._ 5._6._ b将.( 7)( 8)改为同义句,每空一词。7.American people likewatching TV in their_ _. 8.Germans like reading _ _. c将.( 9)( 10)译成中文。 9._ 10._ IV.词汇。 A 根据图片或首字母提示完成下列单词。 1.As modern students, we should have many s_. 2.Youc

34、an t i_ what happened to me last night! 3.The students cantake part in all kinds of a_ in the park. 4.My hobby is collecting _ . 5.The boyshave decided to go c_ next week新.课标教学网( ) 精品资料 第 6页 共 9 页 最专业的中小学教学资源共享平台B 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. Listening to music brings me great _(enjoy. 7. The little girl sh

35、owed me herdoll _(collect. 8.Everyone thought that it was a _(success show. 9.Of all the threeboys, David is _(lazy. 10. His mum has no _(interesting in his hobbies. V情.景交际。 选择正确的句子完成对话,有两个多余选项。A: Hi, Emma. What s yourhobby? B: I have many hobbies such as watching TV and listening to music. A: (1_B:

36、 What kind of music do you like best? A: Jazz and rock. (2_ B: I like countrymusic and soft dancing music better. A: Why? B: (3_Who are your favourite rocksingers? A: Jon Bon Jovi and Cui Jian. B: Have you got any CDs of their songs? A: Sure.I have many. (4_ B: Yes. A: OK. (5_ B: Thank you. I ll als

37、o bring some CDs ofmy favourite singers here. A. Because they make me feel quiet and happy. B. What aboutyou? C. I have a lot of hobbies. D. I ll bring some of them to school. E. Do you thinkhave hobbies is important? F. I like music, too. G. Would you like to listen to them? VI.根据汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。1.

38、他是三个人中玩得最少的。He plays_ _ of the three. 2这.条裙子有点贵。This dress is _ _ expensive. 3他.花了十元买这本书。He _ ten yuan _ this book. 4她.对音乐表现出了极大的兴趣。 She _ great _ in music. 5起.初我不喜欢英语,但现在我喜欢了。_ I didn t like English, _ now I do.选VII择方框内合适的词填空。hobbies,interested, develop, collecting, Because Different people have di

39、fferent hobbies. Some like swimming, some are (1 _ in singing, and others like (2 _ things.People spend much time on their (3 _ in spite新课标教学网( )精品资料 第 7 页 共 9 页 最专业的中小学教学资源共享平台 of their hard work. Why do people show great interested in their hobbies? (4 _ hobbies are creative and relaxing. They he

40、lpto (5 _ people s skills and bring enjoyment to people书.面VIII表.达。 以 Myhobby(hobbies为题介绍你的爱好, 并且说明原因和好处, 要用到 as a result, because, so, such。词数 60 左右。 Module 1 测试题 听力材料 . 听句子,选择最佳答语。 (句子读一遍) 1.What does Lin Tao look like? 2.What do you think of his collection? 3.What s your hobby? 4.Does your father

41、go swimming once or twiceek?a we 5.Where are you going for your holiday? . 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(对话读一遍) 6.W: What have you got? M: I have got a lot of shells. I have a largecollection. 7.W: Are you doing to ride a bike again? M: Yes, that s what I do whenevam free. 8.W: You live alone in China, Mike. Ho

42、w did you feel when you first came here?M: I was very sad, but I ve made a lot of friends here so now I am quite happy. 9.M:What s this? W: It s my new fan. I bought it yesterday. 10.M: What do many peoplecome here to do? W: They come here to visit the animals every day. . 听对话问题,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)M: Hi, Lucy. W: Hi, Tom. M: I have bought a newstamp. It looks very beautiful. W: Really? Let me have a look. It is really beautiful. Doyou have any other stamps? M: Yes,


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