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1、二年级第一学期单元测验Class :_Name :_ No: _ 得分: _听力 ( 50 分)一 听录音,圈出听到的单词8%1cakeCoke2catkite3bintin4whatwater5handhead6readwrite7mymay8doghot二12(听录音,给下列单词编号beeroadred()()()sweetdogdesk)()()10%purple()sweep()(bin)clean)三 听录音,填入所缺单词8%1Look at the _.Oh, it s very high.2I like to eat _. I dontlike to eat bananas.3I

2、 see a _. It s flying in the sky.4How do you go to the _? By bus.5I m Tom. I _ in Pudong.6 My dog has my _.7She likes to eat _ .8My brother likes_, but I like milk.四 听录音,判断下面句子与听到的句子是否一致,一致的打“ ”,不一致的打“ ”14%1May I have a hot dog ?()2Have some milk.()3My sister has my ice-cream. ()4I love Pudong.()5I

3、m hungry.()6I don tlike sweets.()7Clean the desk, please.()五 听录音,选出正确的应答句10%() 1AI live in Shanghai.BI love Shanghai.() 2AI can draw a dog.B I see a dog.() 3AYes, I like fish.B No, I like fish.() 4AHave some water.BHave some cake.() 5AI have got a pen.B He has got a pen.笔试 (50 )六 按顺序默写26 个大小写字母15%七

4、写出下列词的同类词12%1pizza_2pencil_3red_4one_八 选择正确的答案,将编号写在前面的括号内10%() 1 _ do you live ?AHowBWhereCWhat() 2 I _ seven .He _ eight.A isis B is amC am is() 3Give me _ apple and _ lemon.A an a B an .a C a a() 4My sister _ my pizza.AhasBhaveC is() 5What _ you do ? I can dance.AdoBcanCare() 6May I _ a dress?(Ah

5、asBhaveCam) 7Have _ orange.AaBanCsome) 8I like to eat _Aa biscuitBbiscuitCbiscuits) 9I live _ Guangzhou.AonBinC) 10 Sweep the _ .AfloorBchairCdesk九 根据所给情景, 判断下列句子正确的用“T”,错误的用 “F”表示10%1 你请朋友喝汤,可以说Have some soup .()2 你问新同学几岁,可以说How are you ?()3 你想知道同桌有没有新书包,可以问You have a new bag.()4 你想买一个冰激凌,可以说May I have an ice-cream ?()5 你想说你爱北京,可以说I love Beijing.( )十读句子,选出正确的答句5%()1How are you ?AI am five.BI am fine.()2Is she a teacher ?AYes, she is.BYes,he is.()3Give me a rubber.AHere you areBHere I am.()4Happy birthday !AOK.BThank you .()5What have you got ?AI like the dress.B I have got a dress.


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