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1、英语必修 1 外研版 Module2 教案:第 3-5 课时Period 3Teaching Content:GrammarSpeakingActivity 1 PresentationListening to the song “Love”by John Denver carefully, then fill in the blank with proper words according to what you hear.LOVE By John LennonLove is real; real is love. Love is feeling; feeling love. Love is

2、 wanting to be loved.Love istouch ; touch is love.Love isreaching ; reachinglove.Love is askingto be loved.Love is you, you and me. Love is knowing we can be.Love is free; free is love. Love is leaving; leaving love. Love is needing to be loved.Activity 2 Show the pictures of song dandan, Jackie Cha

3、ng, Zhou jielun to the students.Then let them make up new sentences using -ing form.He/She devotes toHe/She is concerned aboutI enjoyI am interested inActivity 3 Group work.Talk about your favourite friends or teachers.He/She enjoysHe/She is interested inHe/She dreams ofHe/She hatesHe/She cares abou

4、tActivity 4 Practice Change the form where necessary.1.The students _copying from other students.2.Please _talking.3.Have you _checking your work? Its time to go home.4.You need to _speaking in English to make progress.5.He _asking stupid questions.Suggested answers:1.dislikes/hates 2. stop/keep 3.

5、finished 4 practise 5. avoids Activity 5.Do you remember giving me this shirt for your birthday?Remember to tell him the news.Look at the two sentences above carefully. Then answer the following questions:In the first sentence, have I been given this shirt?In the second sentence, has he been told ab

6、out the news?1. If you can keep _(read) English newspapers, your English will be improved.2. I hate _(tell) lies!3. I will never forget _(go) to Beijing with him last summer.4. I forgot _(tell) her the news; so she knew nothing about it.Activity 6 Work in pairs. Talk about the parts of school life y

7、ou enjoy most and why.Some useful sentences may help you:I m interested inI enjoyI m fond ofI preferto I m good at Activity 7 homeworkFinish the exercise 4 of page 73.Period 4Teaching Content Listening and VocabularyFunction and speakingActivity 1 presentation.Before listening, try to understand the

8、 meaning of the following words in the box.Choice exam headmaster headmistress libraryperiod revision translation timetable topic vacation1.How much revision do you do before anexam?2.Do you do a lot oftranslationin your language classes?3.Do you have any freeperiodsin yourtimetable?4.Is the head of

9、 your school aheadmasteror aheadmistress?5.How much time do you spend in the schoollibrary?6.Do you do differenttopics in your language classes?7.Do you have achoice about which language to study?8.How much vacationdo you have?Activity2 Listento a conversationbetweenan Englishteacherand his students

10、; completethe sentences.1. this afternoon Im going to give you a _.2. We can either do some _or we can do some_.3. Firstly, have you all got your new_?4. At present, you have a free_ on Tuesday afternoons.5. The _wants to see everyone in the school_. Activity 3 Pair workWriteanswers tothe followingq

11、uestions.Use the words providedan add otherwords wherenecessary.1. Would you like to go to the school play tonight? I/rather/stay/home/revise_2. Shall we do some work on vocabulary? I/ prefer/do/work/grammar_3. Why dont we study in the library? I/prefer/study/home_4. Which would you rather play, ten

12、nis or badminton? I/rather/play tennis/badminton_5. Who would you prefer to work with, LI Kang or Zhou Kai? I/prefer/work/Zhou Kai_6.Which would you ratherdiscuss next week, nineteenth-centuryliteratureortwentieth-century literature?I/rather discuss twentieth-century literature/nineteenth-century li

13、terature_Activity4 Work in pairs.Which subject/coursewould you preferreasons to support the idea.1. English/Russian2. physics/chemistry3. IT/biology4. Japanese/PE5. maths/Chineseto have? Give the specificActivity 5 HomeworkFinish the exercise 11,12,13 of page 76.*Period 5Teaching Content Culture Cor

14、nerWritingTaskActivity 1 Pre-readingIntroduce some colorful pictures about schools, teachers and students downloaded from the net. Ask the questions:1. What do you think of the relationship between teachers and students?2. How do you find the school?1. Scan the passage and find out the answers to th

15、e questions. What kind of difference in schools does the passage describe?Whats the difference between state schools and public schools?2. Call back the answers from students.Activity 3 Detail readingRead the passage again and fill in the chart in pairs.CountriesRelationship betweenstate schools ort

16、eachers and studentsprivate schoolsNorthern EuropeFrance, GermanySpainRussiaAmericaBritainChinaActivity 4 Post readingTalk about the chart in pairs.Match words and expressions with their definitions .relationshipbe suitable forformallike, the state of being likedisciplineorder, rulesrelaxedconnectio

17、n, having sth. to do withsimilarlyin accordance with rulesbe true ofless tight or strictActivity 5 writing1. Surprisingly, all the students got good marks.2. I m doing maths, chemistry, physics and biology.3. It s sometimes difficult for me to understand him, but I do my best.4.Theyre intelligent, hard-working and lively students.5. It was a difficult problem, I agree.Activity 6 task setting criteria for a good teacherWrite ten criteria for a good teacher. Give the specific reasons to support your idea.CriteriaReason1.


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