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1、山西省专升本考试英语专业综合英语模拟试题(一) Part I. Vocabulary and Structure(40 points) Directions: There are 40 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A,B,C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on t

2、he ANSWER SHEET.1. As far as hes concerned, one piece of music is very much like .A.another B.one another C.other D.the other2. for many years, the novelist suddenly became well-known all over the country.A. Having ignored him B. Having been ignoredC. To have been ignored D. To be ignored3. The aim

3、of school education is to teach you things teach you the art of learning.A.as much .as B.much as .as C.not so much .as to D.much more . as4. pretty late, we decided to leave at once in order to catch the last bus.A. Being B. It being C. As is being D. It was being5. John as well as Jack just been ba

4、ck from an important meeting.A.have B.has C.are D.is6. According to the statistics, one hundred thousand earthquakes are felt every year, one thousand cause serious damage.A.that B.in that C.of which D.which7. The supervisor didnt have time so far to go into it , but he gave us an idea about his pla

5、n.A.hand B.in turn C.at length D.in conclusion8. Usually the old people dont like pop songs because they cant so much noise.A.resist B.sustain C.tolerate D.undergo9. The woman over there is mother.A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and MarysC. Julias and Marys D. Julias and Mary10. No sooner had we returned

6、 home it rained.A.when B.as C.than D.then11. She is very upsetting her husband, as he has a violent temper.A.tired of B.wary of C.keen on D.confined to12. Missing the last bus, l could do nothing but in the village for the night.A.staying B.stay C.to stay D.stayed13. The thieves the papers all over

7、the room as they were searching for the money.A.spread B.swelled C.scattered D.divided14. Without a(n) passport, a tourist is forbidden to enter a country.A.operative B.effective C.valid D.efficient15. Before the tourists set off, they spent much time setting a limit the expenses of the trip.A.for B

8、.in C.to D.about16. The burglars the possibility of the alarm system sounding.A.overtook B.overcame C.overlooked D.overworked17. I really appreciate to help me, but l will surely be able to manage by myself.A.you to offer B.your offering C.that you offer D.that you are offering18. I am in no to list

9、en to Beethoven now.A.mood B.attitude C.tendency D.attribute19. I dont think its wise of you to your knowledge and skill in front of the director, for it may offend him.A.show up B.show out C.show in D.show off20. Nowadays scientific research results can be quickly to factory production.A.used B.app

10、lied C.tendency D.attribute21. Undergraduate students the rare books in the school library.A.have access for B.keep access for C.keep access to D.have access to22. I was speaking to Ellis on the phone when suddenly we were .A.hang up B.hung back C.cut down D.cut off23. To save time, the teacher aske

11、d several students to help him the test papers to the class.A.contribute B.distribute C.constitute D.dispose24. The bad news him so much that he could not concentrate on the book he was reading.A.interrupted B.offended C.disturbed D.surprised25. Imports from Japan 40 percent of the total.A.accounted

12、 for B.counted on C.accounted of D.counted in26. Most substances contract when they freeze so that the density of a substances solid is of its liquid.A.than the density B.higher than thatC.higher than those D.high than that27. He failed once again in the exam, but he didnt feel .A.frustrated B.encou

13、raged C.puzzled D.endangered28. It was said that Einstein had no for language learning when he was young.A.attitude B.aptitude C.interest D.difficulty29. The new evidence threw some light the case.A.in B.to C.at D.on30. With the development of farming technology, this type of vegetable is in superma

14、rkets all year round.A.available B.comfortable C.reasonable D.disposable Part II. Reading Comprehension(40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some question or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. You should

15、 decide on the best choice and write it in the brackets.Passage 1 Testing has replaced teaching in most public schools. My own childrens school week is focused on pretests, drills, test, and retests. I believe that my daughter Erica, who gets excellent marks, has never read a chapter of any of her s

16、chool textbooks all the way through. And teachers are often heard to state proudly and openly that they teach to the state test. Teaching to the test is a curious phenomenon. Instead of deciding what skills students ought to learn, helping students learn them, and then using some sensible methods of

17、 an assessment to discover whether students have mastered the skills, teachers are encouraged to reverse the process. First, one looks at s test. Then one draws the skills needed not to master, say, reading, but to do well on the test. Finally, the test skills are taught. The ability to read or writ

18、e or calculate might imply the ability to do reasonably well on standard tests. However, neither reading nor writing develops simply through being taught to take tests. We must be careful to avoid mistaking preparations for a test of a skill for the acquisition of that skill. Too many discussions of

19、 basic skills make this fundamental confusion because people are test-obsessed rather than concerned with the nature and quality of what is taught. Recently many schools have faced with what could be called the crisis of comprehension or, in simple terms, the phenomenon of students with grammatical

20、skills till being unable to understand what they read. These students are competent at test taking, but they have little or no experience in reading or thinking, and talking about what they read. They are taught to be so concerned with their grades that they have no time or ease of mind to think abo

21、ut meaning, and reread things if necessary.31. The author gives an account of Ericas performance in her study in order to .A.illustrate her cleverness in test takingB.reveal the incompetence of teachersC.show there is something wrong with current practice in teachingD.demonstrate the best way to rea

22、d textbooks32. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The phenomenon of teaching to the test has around many educators curiosity.B. Skills in general not only are useless but often mislead students.C. The ability to read and write is one thing, and the ability to do well on stand

23、ardized test is quite another.D. Preparations for a test of a skill does not necessarily mean the acquisition of that skill.33. The author insists that .A.state tests be replaced by some more sensible methods of an assessmentB.teachers pay more attention to the nature and quality of what is taughtC.

24、students not be concerned with grades but do more reading and thinkingD.radical change be brought about in the general approach to teaching34. We can safely conclude that may cause educational problems.A.test obsession B.standardized tests C.test-taking D.preparations for state tests35. By crisis of

25、 comprehension the author means many students .A.are too much concerned with gradesB.fail to understand the real goal of educationC.lack proper practice in phonic and grammatical drillsD.are unable to understand what they read, though they do reasonably well on standardized testsPassage 2 In the ear

26、liest stages of mans development, he had no more need of money than animals had. He was content with very simple forms of shelter, made his own rough tools and weapons and could provide food and clothing for himself and his family from natural materials around him. As he became more civilized, howev

27、er, he began to want better shelter, more efficient tools and weapons, and more comfortable and more lasting clothing than could be provided by his own neighborhood or by the work of his own unskilled hands. For these things he had to turn to the skilled people such as smiths, leather workers or car

28、penters who were springing up everywhere. It was then that the question of payment arose. At first he got what he wanted by a simple process of an exchange. The smith who did not have the time to look after land or cattle was glad to take meat or grain from the farmer in exchange for an axe or a plo

29、ugh. But as more and more goods which had no fixed exchange value came on the market, the exchange became too complicated to be satisfactory. Another problem arose when those who made things wanted to get stocks of wood or leather, or iron, but had nothing to offer in exchange until their finished g

30、oods were ready. Thus the difficulties of an exchange led to the invention of money by degrees. In some countries, easily handled things like seeds or shells were given a certain value and the farmer, instead of paying the smith for a new axe by giving him some meat or grain, gave him so many shells

31、. If the smith had any shells left when he had bought his food, he could get stocks of the raw material of his trade. In some countries quite large things such as cows or camels or even big flat stones were used for trade. Later, pieces of metal, bearing values according to the rarity of the metal a

32、nd the size of the pieces, or coins, were used. Money, as we know it, had arrived.36. Why were early human beings content with their simple life?A. They did not have to use money.B. They were able to make their own tools.C. They could provide food and clothing and simple shelter for themselves.D. Th

33、ey had enough natural materials around them.37. As human beings became more civilized they .A.all learnt to make by themselves the things they neededB.had to travel a lot to look for what they wantedC.wanted better things than those they themselves could provideD.no longer provide food and clothing

34、for themselves38.The exchange of goods became difficult because .A.there was not a marketplace for farmers and smiths to exchange their goods.B.farmers were unwilling to provide smiths with grain and meatC.more and more goods which had no fixed exchange value came to the marketD.skilled workers did

35、not work hard enough to produce good tools and weapons39. Before people used metal coins they used .A.shells or seeds because they could be easily handledB.camels even though they were largeC.flat stones even though they were largeD.all of the above40. Money was not used until .A.paper was inventedB

36、.people practiced a simple process of the exchangeC.nothing could be offered in the exchangeD.the exchange of one thing for another became too complicatedPassage 3 Increasingly, over the past ten years, people especially young people have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, becau

37、se much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for health. Consequently, these has been a growing interest in natural foods. Natural foods, for example, are vegetable, fruit and grain which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy farms. Compare this with what ha

38、ppens in the mass production of poultry:there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; they also produce eggs which lack importa

39、nt vitamins. There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a non-essential food. Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if this is necessary,

40、we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be addictive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last two centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is to provide us with energy, in th

41、e form of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no mineral, and no fiber.41. People have become more interested in natural foods because .A.they are more conscious of health B.they want to taste all kinds of foodsC.natural foods are more delicious D.they want to return to nature42. Soil that is ric

42、h in organic matter .A.has had chemicals and fertilizers added to it B.contains vegetable matter that has not been consumed C.has been nourished by fertilizersD.already contains large quantities of vitamins and minerals43. Chickens raised in poultry farms are all of the following EXCEPT that .A.they

43、 are fed on food which is little better than garbageB.they live in very crowded conditionC.the eggs they produce lack vitaminsD.they are allowed to move about and eat freely44. According to the passage, .A.people need sugar to give them energyB.sugar is bad for healthC.the use of sugar is harmfully

44、increasingD.sugar only sweetens, but provides us with nothing useful45. The best title for this passage is .A. Peoples Growing Interest in Natural FoodsB. Natural Foods and a Healthy DietC. Harmful Effects of SugarD. The Importance of Fiber in FoodsPassage 4 The trend towards globalization began in

45、the early 1970s when the system of fixed exchange rates, set up after World War Two, was dismantled. This meant that the value of currencies would now be determined by the markets instead of individual governments. Over the next two decades, countries slowly began to remove their exchange controls. By 1990, nearly all the worlds major economies had got rid of restrictions on how much money could be moved in and out of their countries. Other factors contributing to the rise of globalization are new communications technologies, and better transportation systems. These have enabled comp


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