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1、Pleasant Goat And Big Big Wolf 喜羊羊与灰太狼人物:(按说话顺序)小灰灰(以下简称小) 灰太狼(灰) 红太狼(红) 美羊羊(美) 喜羊羊(喜) 沸羊羊(沸) 暖羊羊(暖) 懒羊羊(懒) 旁白(白,最好是老师)Scean 1 In the wolfs castle 第一幕 在狼堡小:Dad. Do you know what day is it today? 爸爸,你知道今天是什么日子吗?灰:EhLet me see. Aha! It is your birthday! 额让我想想,啊哈,是你的生日!小:No ,no ,dad,you are wrong. Anot

2、her chance! 不,不,爸爸,你猜错了,再猜一次!灰(想了一下突然谨慎地):Did your mother tell you that I was first hitted by her pan and then lose my heart to her the same day five years ago? (小茫然) Or maybe yesterday.你妈告诉你五年前的今天我被她的平底锅击中接着就一见倾心的事啦? 不过也许是昨天吧(平底锅正中脑门)红(声音飘出来):It is yesterday! You fool! 就是昨天!笨蛋!灰(呻吟):Why pan again?!

3、 (边嚎边出场) 为什么又是平底锅?小(对着屋里):MomWhat are you doing inside? 妈妈,你在里面干嘛啊?红:Honey,I am busy stealing vegetables , hahathey are ripe! 宝贝,妈妈在偷菜呢,哈哈,菜都熟啦小灰灰无奈地摇头,慢慢走出去Scean 2 On the grass第二幕 在草地上小(边走边哭):Today is Childens Day, dad dont it ,mom is busy. They dont care about me any more. WuNot to mention my gift

4、. WuId better leave home and have my own festival! Wu(蹲下哭) 今天是儿童节,爸爸不知道,妈妈又忙。他们不再关心我了。呜更不要说我的礼物了。呜我还是出去过我自己的节日吧,呜美(从另一边上):Woo What beatiful flowers! Ill pick up them and be the most pretty girl! (采花时听到哭声) Who is crying ? (走近) Ah A wolf! 喔好漂亮的花啊。我要摘一些,变成最漂亮的女孩。 谁在哭啊。 啊,狼!小灰灰哭得更厉害美(善良地走过去):Are you OK?

5、 What can I do for you ? Wheres your mother and father? 你还好吧?我可以帮你吗?你的爸爸妈妈呢?小:I have no mom and dad. (哭) 我没有爸爸妈妈。美:There, there. Oh , come on !(想一想)Now if you stop crying, I can give give them to you.(把花给小) 好啦好啦,不要哭啦。 如果你不哭了,我就把花给你。小(破涕为笑):Thank you ! O(_)O谢谢美:My pleasure! 不用谢Scean 3 In the wolfs ca

6、stle第三幕 在狼堡红:Darling, wheres our son? 老公,儿子呢?灰:Isnt he in his room? 他不在房间里吗?红(大叫):Oh, hes missing! 哦,他不见了灰:Are you kidding? (“砰”被平底锅击中) Ao 你开玩笑吧。 嗷红:You fool! (开始喋喋不休)I fell so stupid right now. How did I met you ? How did I merry you ? 你个笨蛋! 我觉得我真是太傻了。我怎么就碰见你了呢?我怎么就嫁给你了呢?灰(小声提醒):Its your pan. (“砰”再

7、挨一次击) 是你的平底锅(让我们相遇的)红:Shut up! You fool! Huitailang! Go out and find him! Now! Or Ill divorse with you!(咆哮.) 住嘴!笨蛋!灰太狼!马上给我出去找他,否则我就和你离婚(_) Scean 4 On the playgroud第四幕 在操场喜羊羊、沸羊羊、暖羊羊在踢足球。懒羊羊在一旁睡觉。美羊羊和小灰灰上。美:Hello,everyone! 大家好喜:Hey, Meiyangyang! (看到小灰灰)Wolf! 你好,美羊羊。 狼!众人看过来,小灰灰躲在美羊羊身后。沸:Are you caug

8、ht? (冲小) Oh ,stop it. Release her at once! Or Ill hit you with my fist! 你被抓了吗? 哦,住手,你马上放了她,否则我就用拳头打你小灰灰又大哭美:Oh,please dont be so rude. Youve already scared him. His parents leave him aloneand he is so poor. We should help him. Lets have fun together. 别这样粗鲁,你吓坏他啦。他的爸爸妈妈不要他了,他好可怜啊。我们应该帮助他,我们一起玩吧。暖:But

9、 how can we have fun with a wolf? 但是我们怎么和狼一起玩呢?懒(伸了一个懒腰,站起来):ThenIve got a good idea. 这样的话我有一个好主意众:What? 什么?懒:We can have a sleep together! And we can also eat snakes. Wolfs also get sleepy and hungry. 我们可以一起睡一觉,然后吃零食。狼也会又累又饿的。(乌鸦声飘过)喜:How about a game? 我们玩个游戏怎么样?众:Speak it. 什么游戏?喜:Catch the sheep!

10、(众不解) His parents always want to catch us but never win. Isnt it interesting? Now somebody play as the wolf ,and anothers are the sheep. “抓住小羊”的游戏。 他的爸爸妈妈总是想抓我们却没有得逞过。这个不是很好玩吗?现在一些人扮成狼,另一些人是羊。众: Sounds fun! 听起来不错懒:I want to be the wolf . 我要当狼小:I am a sheep. 我是小羊懒羊羊与小灰灰互换装束。沸羊羊换上灰太狼装束。喜:OK Lets begin

11、. 好啦,我们开始吧喜羊羊与灰太狼音乐响起,众人跳舞。音乐进行一半时灰太狼上灰(偷窥):So many delicious sheep! (看到小,实际上看到的是懒)Why is Xiaohuihui playing with them? (看到沸装成的灰)My glorious image! He looks so stupid! (突然想到什么)My son maybe taken in by these bad sheep. I should take him away and by the way, heihei(阴笑)a supper. 这么多美味的小羊啊。 为什么小灰灰也在里面?

12、我的光辉形象啊(被毁了)他看起来太蠢了 我的儿子该不会被这些坏羊给骗了吧。我要带他走顺便嘿嘿,带走一顿晚餐。趁沸羊羊下去时,灰太狼跳出来,众人以为他是沸羊羊,和他一起跳舞。灰太狼伺机掳走小灰灰扮成的懒羊羊和懒羊羊扮成的小灰灰。沸羊羊从另一侧上来美:Your dance is so unique. Where is lanyangyang and xiaohuihui? I saw them dancing with you just now. 你的舞蹈太独特了,小灰灰和懒羊羊在哪儿呢?我看见你们刚刚在一起的。沸:What dance? I went to the washroom and I

13、havent seen them. 什么舞蹈啊?我没看见他们啊,我去洗手间了喜:But we all saw(拍脑门,大叫)It must be the real huitailang. 但是我们都看到那是真的灰太狼众:They are caught! We should save them at once! 他们被抓了!我们要马上去救他们Scean 5 In the wolfs castle第五场 在狼堡灰:Darling, Im back. 老婆,我回来啦红(冲出来拥抱懒羊羊扮的小灰灰):Honey, I worried about you so much! 宝贝,妈妈担心死你了懒羊羊震惊

14、,正准备说什么,小灰灰冲懒羊羊使眼色,懒羊羊不说话了红(看到小灰灰扮成的懒羊羊,惊喜):A sheep,how can you do it? 羊?你是怎么抓到的?灰(得意):Im the most clever wolf in the world! Darling,go to get everything ready for our big supper 我是全世界最聪明的狼! 老婆,快去准备好晚餐的东西平底锅飞来灰:OK, Im wrong .I go. 好的,我错了,我去懒羊羊躺到一边,喜羊羊从背后偷偷出现,小灰灰暗示他们快走,懒羊羊和喜羊羊下场。灰太狼忙着架铁锅,红太狼专心偷菜。灰:OK

15、. I finished it.Come around here and have our dinner. 好啦,完成咯。坐过来吃晚餐吧小(摘掉头饰):Dad,its me. 爸爸,是我灰:Why are you standing in the bowl? 你怎么站到锅里面去啦? 红太狼拿着平底锅敲灰太狼的头 红:You fool! You are cheated! (对小)But why did you help them? 笨蛋,你被骗了! 但你为什么要帮他们骗我们呢?小:They are my friends. 他们是我的朋友灰、红:Pool kid,they cheated you!

16、They are so bad! 可怜的孩子,他们骗你的,他们太坏了小:But it is them who made me happy! You two only cares about your own business everyday,I am your son,I need your love. 但是是他们让我快乐的!你们每天只关心自己的事,我是你们的儿子,我渴望你们的关爱。其他人一齐上喜:Sir,today is Childens day. 灰太狼先生,今天是儿童节红、灰:Honey,we are wrong. 宝贝,我们错了小灰灰与红太狼和灰太狼拥抱,天空之城音乐响起老师上:This is not only a fary tale happened between sheep and wolf ,but a story about friendshhip and love.Childen are the best future of the world,they deserve our biggest love. 这不仅仅是一个发生在羊与狼之间的童话,更是一个关于友谊和关爱的故事。孩子是我们最好的未来,他们值得我们最大的爱。


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