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1、On metaphor from cognitive semantics perspectiveAbstractMetaphor is generally been considered as a kind of rhetoric devices. In fact, metaphor is more than a figure of speech. It is an important linguistic problem and of great cognitive importance which has been studied from several perspectives for

2、 a long time. After a brief introduction of the topic, cognitive semantics theory will be introduced in the paper. In the next part, some examples will be given to show the influence on metaphor from cognitive semantics perspective.Key words Metaphor, cognitive semantics, contextContentI. Introducti

3、on1. Reasons for choosing metaphor as topic of this study2. The aim of this studyII. Cognitive semantics theory1. Brief introduction of cognitive semantics theory2. Brief introduction of Mental space theory3. Brief introduction of image schemas4. Brief introduction of construing a sceneIII. Influenc

4、e on metaphor1. Features of metaphor2. Factors that influence the meaning of metaphorIV. ConclusionV. ReferenceIntroductionA metaphor is defined as a word or phrase used in an imaginative way to describe somebody or something else, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to

5、make the description more powerful in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 6. Generally, metaphor is always been considered as a figure of speech or a kind of rhetoric devices widely using in the field of literature. The study on metaphor has a long history of more than two thousand years. The idea o

6、f metaphor was put forward by Aristotle. In his “Poetics”, metaphor was defined as follows, “Metaphor is the application of a strange term either transferred from the genus and applied to the species or from the species and applied to the genus, or from one species to another or else by analogy.” As

7、 the development of linguistic theories, more and more linguists started to analyze metaphor from the perspective of grammar, context, and philosophy and so on. Cognitive linguists emphasize that language is, to some degree, a product of the human mind. Cognitive semantics argue that linguistic trut

8、h and falsity must be decided depending on the situation and peoples conceptual frame work. Cognitive semanticists put forward that metaphors is to change one conceptual domain, typically an abstract one, to another related and more concrete conceptual domain. “Metaphors allow us to understand one d

9、omain of experience in terms of another. To serve this function, there must be some grounding, some concepts that are not completely understood via metaphor to serve as source domains.” (Lakoff and Turner 1989; 135) Therefore, this paper aims to discuss metaphor from the perspective of cognitive sem

10、antics theory. Some theories will be illustrated and some examples will be given in the paper.Cognitive semantics theoryCognitive linguistic analyze language from a different perspective which is different from the traditional point of view. The old approaches to language, such as generative grammar

11、 (Chomsky 1988) are known as formalism. These linguists believe that linguistic principles should be studied without reference to mental faculties, while syntactic principles without reference to semantic content. However, cognitive linguists form a new approach, functionalism. They argue that princ

12、iples of language should be determined from cognitive perspective. They try to break down the abstractions and specializations characteristic of formalism. Cognitive semantics is part of the cognitive linguistics movement. They are against the formal semantics approach. Cognitive semantic theories t

13、ypically insist that lexical meaning is conceptual. That is, meaning is not necessarily reference to the entity or relation in some real or possible world. Instead, meaning corresponds with a concept held in the mind which is based on personal understanding. Classic theories in semantics have tended

14、 to explain the meaning of parts in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions, sentences in terms of truth-conditions, and composition in terms of propositional functions. Cognitive semanticists believe that we have no access to a reality independent of human categorization and that therefore the

15、 structure of reality as reflected in language is a product of the human mind. (Semantics: A Course Book, 301) As part of cognitive linguistics, the cognitive semantics approach is different from the traditional separation of linguistics, phonology, syntax, pragmatics, etc. Instead, it divides seman

16、tics into two aspects, meaning-construction and knowledge representation.Mental Space theory is a theory of referential structure,a level of conceptual organization between the situation being described and the linguistic structures that describe it. (Fauconnier 1994) It indicates that when we study

17、 linguistic meaning we are studying the way that language provides a patchy and partial trigger for a series of complex cognitive procedures. Mental spaces can build up series of concepts, such as time, belief, wish, possibility which are limited by grammar, context and culture. The meaning of a sen

18、tence can be derived from mental spaces. Mental spaces are cognitive structures which exist entirely in the minds of interlocutors.An image schema is an essential part of conceptual structure within our cognitive processes which establishes patterns of understanding and reasoning. We have linguistic

19、 experience, historical context. These help form basic conceptual structures. There are three types of image schema, containment schema, path schema and force schemas.Another important aspect is speakers active characterization of scenes. From different perspective, the viewpoint and focus are diffe

20、rent. Whats more, the background, knowledge, culture are all the factors which make differences. Therefore, analyzing the semantics, only consider grammar and syntax is not enough. The language is spoken by people. People are complex social animals. Therefore, complex situation and elements should b

21、e considered Influence on metaphorCognitive semanticists believe that there are three features of metaphor, conventionality, systematicity, asymmetry and abstraction.Slangs and idioms are the best examples for conventionality. Something like “Im a rubber. You are glue” or “A cat may look at a king”

22、are very vivid and easier to understand. In contrast, if you describe the meaning directly, the language will be long and dull. Conceptual metaphors always involve a more abstract concept as target and a more concrete or physical concept as their source. Different conceptual metaphors tend to be inv

23、oked when the speaker is trying to make a case for a certain point of view or course of action. For instance, In Lakoff and Johnsons work in 1980s, it put out like follows:Love is a journeySocial organizations are plantsLove is war The latter half of each of these phrases invokes certain assumptions

24、 about concrete experience and requires the reader or listener to apply them to the preceding abstract concepts of love or organizing in order to understand the sentence in which the conceptual metaphor is used. Features of the source and target domain are joined so that the metaphor may be extended

25、, or have its own internal logic.Turning abstract things into concrete ones, it not only make the language easier to understand but also attractive.From cognitive semantics perspective, different context and observer will surly lead to different consequence. For example, when you are describing some

26、body is handsome, you may say “You are James Bond”. In your point of view, James Bond is the represent of handsome, while others may not think so. If the person you are talking to unfortunately do not like James Bond, it will be very awkward. Therefore, the perspective of the listener or observer mo

27、stly decides the meaning of the metaphor.There are some other factors will influence the meaning of the metaphor. If you use metaphor involves pig when you are talking to Islamic people, you will be in trouble. Therefore, factors like ethnic culture and background are all very important when study t

28、he meaning of metaphor.ConclusionThrough the study of cognitive semantics theory, the elements influence the meaning of metaphor is analyzed. From the perspective of cognitive semantics theory, elements like culture, background, context, ethnic, and perspective should be all taken into consideration

29、. The traditional formalism theory is too narrow, while the functionalism is also limited. When study metaphor, semantics or even linguistics, both formalism and functionalism theory should be all considered. Reference1.This article incorporates material from the Citizendium article Metaphor, which

30、is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike 3.0 Unported License but not under the GFDL. Stefano Arduini (2007). (ed.) 2.Aristotle. Poetics. Trans. I. Bywater. In The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation. (1984). 2 Vols. Ed. Jonathan Barnes. Princeton, Princeton University Press. 3.Clive Cazeaux (2007). Metaphor and Continental Philosophy: From Kant to Derrida. New York: Routledge. 4.L. J. Cohen (1979). The Semantics of Metaphor, in A. Ortony (ed) Metaphor & Thought 5.赖定芳隐喻学研究【M】上海:上海外语教育H1版社。20006. Semantics: A Course Book ,Halliday


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