中职英语(镂某霭嫔基础模块上册 Unit2Family教案.doc

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1、英语科公开课教案授课主题:Unit2 Family课堂类型:新授课课时安排:1课时授课人: 学校: 授课时间:教材分析1、在教学大纲中,学生要在本单元内容中要掌握基本的家庭成员,复习职业教师的说法,并学习新知“经理”等;并掌握如何介绍和描述自己的家人。2、本节内容,学生会学到基本的家庭成员在英语中的说法,在生活中用途广泛,并能体会到英语和汉语的细微差别。3、本课通过综合阅读,侧重语言的读写功能,旨在培养学生的读写表达能力。学情分析本班共有xx个学生,尖子生较少,中等的学生比较多,还有几个是基础相对薄弱的学生。全班同学整体来说读书能力比较强,领悟能力较好,但是一些相似的单词容易混淆。本节课的内容

2、难度中等,尖子生学起来得心应手的同时,也在巩固与练习部分很好地照顾到了基础相对薄弱的学生。教学目标词汇及短语:parents grandparents uncle managerbe kind to , enjoy doing , be popular with , on the right/left, and be full of句型:1、There are people in my family. They are my and I.2、This is my . He/She is a .教学重难点重点:学习并掌握单词及短语。难点:学习如何运用句型向别人描述或介绍自己的家庭。教学课时安排1

3、课时教学过程师生问好,清点学生出勤情况并做记录。班级: 应到: 人 实到: 人其他情况:一、Review & Warming up1、Review the greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you.2、Introduce the teachers family members in the picture to the students.3、Show the pictures of the members of a f

4、amily and talk about them. Review the words (father,mother,brother,sister,farmer and more) and the sentence: 1) This is my mother/father/brother 2) He/She is a teacher/ doctor 教师活动:1、教师把自己的家庭成员介绍给学生。2、教师抽问几个学生家里有多少人?家庭成员分别是谁?(教师引导学生作答并用鼓励性语言给出适时评价)。3、展示图片,引导学生根据图片介绍家人。预设学生行为:1、教师根据自己家人的照片,引导学生复习介绍家庭

5、成员。2、被要求或自愿回答问题的学生根据自己的家庭情况作答。3、学生由教师引导着复习图片中的职业。设计意图:1、复习并掌握单词:father,mother,brother,sister,farmer等。2、导入新课:Unit2 FamilyReading。二、Presentation Show the picture of “My Family” on P11 and describe it with students. Listen carefully and then answer the questions. Then learn and master the words and phr

6、ases: parents, grandparents, uncle, manager, be kind to , enjoy doing , be popular with , on the right/left of , and be full ofUnderstand the phrase: live with (1) How many people are there in the picture and who are they?(2) Who is the man in a blue T-shirt?教师活动:1、展示课本Reading里的全家福,教师描述照片,学生理解大意。2、教

7、师教读课文中的重点短语并示例进行讲解教学。预设学生行为:1、学生由教师引导着理解课本Reading大意。2、学生跟读学习。设计意图:1、学习并掌握单词与短语: parents, grandparents, uncle, manager,be kind to , enjoy doing , be popular with , on the right/left of , and be full of理解短语:live with 2、能理解P11短文的大意。把单词放到句子中学习,能让学生更快更准确地掌握知识。三、Practice Let the students (one or more) rea

8、d the text and master how to describe the members of a family. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1)My parents and I enjoy living together with my grandparents.2)My mother is a teacher at a vocational school, and she is popular with her students.3)My family is full of love and warmth.教师活动: 要求学

9、生朗读课文,并展示句子让学生翻译。预设学生行为: 学生朗读课文并翻译给出的英语句子。设计意图:让学生熟悉课文,并锻炼口语能力;让学生充当小小翻译家,增加成就感。四、ConsolidationRead the text in groups and underline the important and difficult sentences. Encourage them to discuss and solve the language items by themselves. Then the teacher writes them down on the blackboard and ex

10、plains them.教师活动: 引导学生分组讨论阅读课文并讲解疑难点。预设学生行为: 学生阅读课文并提出疑难点。设计意图:锻炼学生的自主学习能力。五、 Summing-up Summarize the teaching content of this class.教师活动: 教师趣解单词“family”,小结本次课教学内容。预设学生行为: 对“家”作出更进一层的理解。设计意图:活跃课堂的同时巩固所学知识。六、Homework1、 Finish the reading comprehension on P12 after class. 2、 Write a short passage abo

11、ut your family. Please hand in next week.板书设计Unit 2 Family(二)一、New words & phrases1、parents = father & mother grandparents = grandfather & grandmother uncle 2、worker doctor manager farmer 3、be kind to e.g. My uncle is kind to all the students in his class.enjoy doing e.g. We all enjoy playing basketball.be popular with e.g. The young manager is very popular with the workers.on the right/left of e.g. On the right of the supermarket is our school.be full of e.g. Life is full of surprises. 二、Useful expressions1、There are people in my family. They are my and I.2、This is my . He/She is a .


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