
上传人:苏美尔 文档编号:10592070 上传时间:2021-05-24 格式:PDF 页数:5 大小:513.88KB
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1、FriendsFriends 老友记精讲第一季第一集第十五期老友记精讲第一季第一集第十五期 剧情简介剧情简介 莫妮卡与保罗在餐厅约会,吃饭期间,保罗支支吾吾的向莫妮卡说,自己因为 受了情伤,已经两年没有 ML。莫妮卡惊得一口水吐在保罗的身上,答应了保罗 第五次约会的请求。 文本: Paul: Ever since she walked out on me , I, uh. Monica: What?. What, you wanna spell it out with noodles ? Paul: No, its, its more of a fifth date kinda revelat

2、ion . Monica: Oh, so there is gonna be a fifth date? Paul: Isnt there? Monica: Yeah. yeah, I think there is. -What were you gonna say? Paul: Well, ever-ev-. ever since she left me, um, I havent been able to, uh, perform . (Monica takes a sip of her drink.) . Sexually . Monica: ( spitting out her dri

3、nk in shock ) Oh God, oh God, I am sorry. I am so sorry. Paul: Its okay. Monica: I know being spit on is probably not what you need right now. Um. how long? Paul: Two years. Monica: Wow! Im-Im-Im glad you smashed her watch Paul: So you still think you, um. might want that fifth date? Monica: (pause)

4、.Yeah. Yeah, I do. 知识点 单词&短语 (1)walk out on somebody/something 突然的结束与某人/某事的关系 She walked out on her husband and two children after 12 years of marriage. 置 12 年的婚姻不顾,她还是(突然)离开了丈夫和小孩。 Why would anyone walk out on a seven-year contract that includes a share of the profits?. 为什么会有人会放弃一份带利润分成的 7 年合约呢? (2

5、)spell out with noodles 用面条拼出(你想讲的话) noodle 英 nud()l 美 nudl n. 面条;笨蛋 在国外,曾经 noodle 几乎就是中国的代名词了。在功夫熊猫中, noodle 就是作为中国食物的一种代表。 可能有人不理解莫妮卡在这里为什么这样说。其实注意下当时的情景,当 时保罗一直在玩一根面条,说话时支支吾吾,所以莫妮卡说:你是准备用面条 拼出你要说的话吗? (3)more of 更大程度,更多的是 e.g. Im more of a candy kinda guy- Joey 这是在第 9 季的一句话 我更喜欢糖 其实,这里更需要注意的是 more

6、 of 与 more than 的区别 (4)revelation 英 revle()n 美 rvlen n. 启示;揭露;出乎意料的事;被揭露的真相 但是在这里,revelation 有“表白”的意思 注意哦,不要把 revelation 与 revolution(革命)混淆了,两个人还是 有点相似的 (5)perform sexually 换一个我们更常见的词,就是 Make Love (6)spit out her drink in shock Monica was so shocked/astonished that she spit her drink out of her mout

7、h 震惊中从嘴里喷出一口饮料 spit out 吐出 in shock 处于极度震惊状态吃惊地休克震惊 (7)smash 英 sm 美 sm vt. 粉碎;使破产;溃裂 n. 破碎;扣球;冲突;大败 vi. 粉碎;打碎 adj. 了不起的;非常轰动的;出色的 (有一款比较经典的手机游戏就叫做 SMASH,游戏中就是需要控制一个 钢珠去撞击玻璃墙面并将其撞得粉碎) 拓展 五种英语表达说非常好笑 (1)That cracks me up. 这让我哈哈大笑。 (2)Its priceless. 太好笑了。(注意:这里 priceless 并不是珍贵的意思) (3)Its hilarious. 真好笑! (4)It killed me. 这让我捧腹大笑。(可别直接翻译成它杀了我啊) (5)Its side-splitting. 让人笑得前仰后合。(side-splitting,内脏都给笑破了)


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