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1、Module11.howtodosth.怎么做某事2.welcomebackto school欢迎返回学校3.givesb.someadvice给某人一些建议4.writedown写下5.inclass在课堂上6.nextto在.的旁边7.whatelse?还有什么别的吗?8.Itsagoodideatodosth.做某事是一个很好的主意9.everyday每天10.everydayEnglish日常英语11.listentotheradio听收音机12.newspaperinEnglish 英文报刊13.try(not)todosth.尽力(不)做某事14.eachother互相15.do/

2、give/haveconcerts举办音乐会16.helpsb.withsth. = help sb(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事17.makemistakes犯错误18.sendsb.sth.= send sth.tosb.把某物送给某人19.ask(sb.)forsth(向某人)寻求某物20.threebasicquestions三个主要问题21.listentorealEnglish songs听地道英文歌22.Ittakessb.sometimetodosth.做某事花费某人一些时间23.themeaningof. .的意思24.enjoyoneself = havefun =

3、have a great/goodtime 玩得高兴25.enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事26.speaktosb.(宾)=talkto/withsb.与某人交谈27.startaconversation开始一段谈话28.takeadeepbreath做深呼吸29.advisesb.todosth.建议某人做某事30.IfinditdifficulttohaveaconversationinEnglish我发现用英语进行一次谈话很困难.31.thenumberof .的数量32.makealist制作一张清单33.translate.into.把.译成.34.allthetime 一直3

4、5.borrowsth. fromsb./sp.从某人/某地借来某物36.lendsth.tosb.=lendsb.sth.借给某人某物37.leavesth.athome把某物忘在家里38.practise doing sth. 练习做某事39. begood/badfor对有益/坏处40. sayhello/sorry/goodbyeto sb.向某人问好/道歉/道别41. makefriends(withsb.)(与某人)交朋友42. comefrom = befrom来自.43. bestwishes最美好的祝福44. begoodat =do wellin擅长于45. remembe

5、rto dosth.记得做某事46. rememberdoingsth.记得做过某事47. forgettodosth.忘记做某事48. forgetdoingsth. 忘记做过某事49. apieceof paper 一张纸50. agreat waytolearnEnglish一个学英语很好的方式51. write a letter to sb.写一封信给某人52.try/doonesbesttodosth. 尽某人全力做某事Module 21.enteracompetition参加一次比赛2.travelaroundtheworld周游世界3.invitesb.tosp.邀请某人去某地4

6、.invitesb.to dosth.邀请某人做某事5.staywithsb.与某人在一起6.thepriceofthe ticket票价7.todaysnewspaper今天的报纸8.takeoff起飞/脱下9.guesswhat?猜猜看?10.Whatdoyoureckon?=Whatdoyouthink 你认为怎么样?11.thefirstprize 一等奖12.writeabout写.的情况13.Itsoundsbrilliant!听起来好极了14.gotosleep去睡觉15.Whatsthepriceof.?=Howmuch.?.多少钱?(用于询问价格)16.ontelevisio

7、n通过电视17.akindof一种18.kindof有点19.all kindsof各种各样的20.bekindtosb.对某人友好21.all overChina全中国22.havebeentosp.去过某地(已返回)23.havegonetosp. 去了某地(未返回)24.try westernfood品尝西餐25.dreamcometure梦想成真26.flytodifferent places 飞往不同的地方27.Spring Festival春节28.morethan = over超过,多于29.sell out卖光30.in theend =atlast最后31.getup起床/站

8、起来32.take photosofsb./sth.为某人/物拍照33.haveproblems(in)doingsth.做某事有问题34.attheendof在.结束时35.seeBeijing Opera 看京剧36.sincethen从那以后37.eachyear每年38.from.to.从.到.Module31.spacetravel 太空旅行2.beupto 忙于.3.amodelofspacestation一个太空站模型4.Dont panic!不要恐慌5.thelatestnews最新消息6.send.to.把.送到.7.severalmonths几个月8.onMars在火星上9

9、.gothereandback往返10.showsb. sth.=showsth. tosb.把某物展示给某人看11.onbusiness出差eback=beback返回13.All right!好的!14.onEarth在地球上15.goaroundthesun围太阳运转16.noneofthem他们中没有一个17.asmall partof一小部分18.atnight在晚上19.intheuniverse在宇宙中20.lookat观察/探察21.look for寻找22.lotsof=alotof 许多23.one of其中之一24.prefer to 比起更喜欢25.prefer to

10、rather than 宁愿而不愿26.prefer = like better更喜欢27.prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事28.as as 和一样29.finish doing sth. 做完某事30.so that 如此以致于31.too to 太而不能32.over 30 years ago 30年前33.start to do sth. 开始做某事34.into space进入太空35.so far 到目前为止36.be named after以命名37.want to do sth.想要做某事38.be sure 确信39.one day 一天40.for examp

11、le例如Module41.Howlong .? 多久.?2.arrivein/at=getto = reach到达3.geton/along(well)withsb. 与某人相处(融洽)4.hearabout/of 听说5.HopeSchool希望学校6.likethesamethings爱好相同7.infact 事实上8.ProjectHope希望工程9.tellmemore 多告诉我一些10.takepartin参加(活动或比赛)11.aneight-year-oldboy一个八岁的男孩12.dropoutofschool 辍学13.afewyearsago一些年前14.onthefarm

12、 在农场上15.stopdoingsth. 停止正在做的事16.stoptodosth. 停下来去做另一件事17.havebeenill 一直生病18.have/has/had to 不得不19.lookafter=takecareof照顾20.getaneducation接受教育21.withthehelpof=withoneshelp在某人的帮助下22.inthelast 15years 在过去的15年中23.raisemoney 筹款24.poorstudents 贫困学生25.inthecountryside在农村/乡下26.peopleinChinaandabroad国内外人士27.

13、payfor 付款28.givemoney 捐款29.highschools 高中30.primary school 小学31.becauseof 因为.32.thousands of成千上万的33.next door 隔壁34.work for 为.而工作35.teachoneself=byoneself自学36.teachsb.todosth. 教某人做某事37.atBeijingInternational School在北京国际学校38.aforeignlanguage一门外语39.Thatsoundsinteresting 听起来很有趣40.speakChinese/English 说

14、中文/英语Module51.westernmusic西方的音乐2.whositby?这是谁创作的?3.Imnotsure 我不确定4.beborn 出生5.thecapitalof.的首都/省会6.afanofrap=arapfan 说唱乐迷7.giveusabreak 让我们清静会儿吧!8.onearth 究竟9.Idontbelieveit 我简直无法相信10.traditionalBeijingOpera传统的京剧11.gothrough 穿过12.goodtodanceto很好跟着跳13.ontheriverDanube 在多瑙河畔14.thecentreof .的中心15.themo

15、stfamous最著名的16.familyofmusicians音乐之家17.makehimfamous使他成名18.makesb.dosth. 使某人去做某事19.abeautifuloldcity一个美丽古老的城市20.notonly.butalso.不但.还.21.hundredsofbeautifulpiecesofmusic 几百首动听的乐曲22.inadditionto 除了.之外23.befamousfor因.而著名24.therestof 剩下的25.attheageof. 在.岁时26.diefor 为.而死27.makesure 确信28.belongto 属于29.get

16、a part-timejob 找一份兼职工作30.decidetodosth.决定做某事31.thenameof. .的名字32.wearglasses 戴眼镜33.apieceofglasses一副眼镜34.ontime 准时35.intime 及时36.Sb.spendsomemoney/timeonsth/(in)doingsth.某人花费一些钱/时间在某事上37.Sb.paysomemoneyforsth.某物花费某人一些钱 38.sth.costsb. somemoney 某物花费某人一些钱39.hearfromsb. 收到某人的来信40.apieceofadvice 一条建议41.

17、inthestreet 在街道上42.bedifferentfrom与.不同43.becalled/named 叫做44.like.best 最喜欢45.alltypesof 各种各样46.goonholiday 去度假etodosth.insp. 到某地做事48.callsb. 给某人打电话49.everybodyplaystogether大家一起演奏50.themaininstruments 主要乐器51.in the middle of 在的中间Module61.a girl called Alice 一个名叫艾丽丝的女孩2.go on 继续3.go on doing sth.继续做刚才

18、做的事4.go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事5.one day 一天6.by the river 在河边7.run past/by sb. 跑过某人身旁8.I see 我知道了9.be late for 迟到10.in the garden 在花园里11.on the grass 在草坪上12.in the tree 在树上(外来的人或物)13.on the tree 在树上(树本身的东西)14.smile at sb. 对着某人笑15.let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事16.fall down 掉下17.strange world 奇妙的世界18.something

19、strange 一些奇怪的事情19.do sth. by mistake (由于疏忽)做错了某事20.laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人21.How is it going?情况怎样?22.get tired 变得疲倦23.feel tired 感到疲倦24.have nothing to do无事可做25.once or twice 一两次26.look into 往里看27.think of doing sth.思考做某事28.take sth. out of 从中拿出某物29.run across the field 跑过田野30.think about 考虑31.get out 出来3

20、2.grow up 长大33.go off 熄灭34.see/hear sb. do sth. 看见/听见某人做了某事35. see/hear sb. doing sth.看见/听见某人正在做某事36.go down 跳进37.plant tree 植树38.do with 处理39.What happened to sb.?某人发生了什么40.take ones photos 给某人拍照41.tell a story 讲故事42.play with 和一起玩43.jump up 跳起来44.at the bus stop 在公共汽车站Revision ModuleA1 look up new

21、 words in a dictionary在字典里查新单词2 write a letter to sb.写信给某人3 learn to do sth. 学做某事4 ride a horse 骑马5 on the beach 在海滩6 walk along 沿走7 go across 穿过Module71. Whats the matter?怎么了?2. be afraid of sth. 害怕某事3. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事4. have a try 试一试5. Whats sb like?某人怎么样?6. so much 如此多7. have a loo

22、k 看一看8. something to eat 吃的东西9. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人10. be back 回来11. thank for(doing) sth. 因而感谢12. last message 上一封信13. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事14. warm coat 厚衣服15. as well 也16. be proud of 为骄傲/自豪17. work hard 努力学习/工作18. feel stupid 感到愚蠢19. get angry with sb.生某人的气20. at first 首先21. a b

23、it 有点儿,稍微22. do something wrong做错事23. be excited about doing sth.对感到兴奋24. shake hands(with sb.)和(某人)握手25. the first time 第一次Module81. on the left 在左边2. on the right 在右边3. over there 在那边4. the way to 到的路线5. turn left 向左拐6. on the corner 在拐角处7. in the corner 在角落里8. do some shopping 买东西9. go along沿着10.

24、 on a clear day 在一个晴朗的日子里11. get off 下车/船12. the other side of the river 在河的另一边13. betweenand在两者之间14. go straight ahead 往前直走15. best place 最好的地方16. take the boat back乘船返回17. along the river 沿河18. street musicians 街头音乐人19. get to the station from 从到车站Module91. in danger 处于危险中2. out of danger 脱离危险3. o

25、range and black 橙黑相间4. walk a long way without drinking不喝水走很长的路5. to ones surprise 令人惊奇的是6. be excited to do sth. 做很兴奋7. at last=in the end 最后8. learn about 了解9. animals in danger 濒危动物10. make sb.do sth.让某人做某事11. make sb.+adj. 使某人 12. need to do sth. 需要做某事13. kill whales for their meat为了肉而杀鲸14. take

26、 away 把带走,减去15. nature reserve 自然保护区16. look after =take care of 照顾17. live on 以为食18. the area of 的面积19. for many different reasons 由于种种原因20. less and less 越来越少21. a new plan to help pandas 一个帮助熊猫的新计划22. best-known animal 最有名的动物23. the symbol of 的象征24. a long way to go 还需努力25. such as 例如26. as well

27、as 也27. keep the Earth clean 保持地球干净28. cut down forests 砍伐森林29. talk about 谈论30. live in 居住31. stop sb.(from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事32. in peace 处于和平33. plan to do sth.计划做某事34. make a plan 制定一个计划35. help oneself to sth. 自便不客气36. go back to 回到37. make a poster制作宣传报38. find out 找出/发现/查明39. research centre

28、s研究中心40. see you then待会见41. Northwest China中国西北部42. in the wild 在野外43. as a result 结果Module101. last night 昨晚2. How was it? 它怎么样?3. as you know 如你所知4. main interest 主要的兴趣5. be interested in对感兴趣6. offer to do sth.主动提出做7. take sb. to sp.带某人去某地8. take place 发生9. agree to do sth.同意做某事10. hope to do sth

29、希望做某事11. next time 下次12. no idea 不知道13. during the Qing Dynasty 清王朝期间14. the end of the Anti-Japanese War抗日战争结束15. after the war 战后16. fromto 从到17. Teachers School in Beijing 北京师范学校18. learn to do sth. 学做某事19. a short story 短篇小说20. Peoples Artist 人民艺术家21. Great Master of Language 语言大师22. the twentie

30、th century 20世纪23. folk music 民乐24. a magic show 魔术表演25. give a warm welcome to 热烈欢迎26. everyone from China and over the world 每一位来自国内外的人士27. in the end=at last=finally 最后28. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人29. be full of 装满30. Whatfor=Why?为什么?31. bring sth. to sb.=bring sb.sth给某人带某物32. buy sth. for sb.=b

31、uy sb. sth.为某人买某物33. cook sth. for sb.=cook sb. sth.为某人做某种食物34. read sth. for sb.=read sb. sth.为某人读Module111. Hey,you lot!嗨,你们这些人2. go shopping 去购物3. Spring Festival 春节4. play a joke on sb.=joke with sb. 跟某人开玩笑5. Whats the weather like?=Hows the weather?天气怎么样?6. not bad 还不错7. at the moment 现在8. be o

32、ff to sp. =leave for=go to动身去某地9. the best time to do sth. 做某事最好的时间10. come on 快点11. choose carefully 谨慎选择12. the place to see 需要参观的地方13. travel around 四处游览14. change colour 变色15. 4000 kilometres away 4000公里以外16. all year/day 全年天17. freezing cold 冰冷18. from time to time =sometimes有时19. compared to/w

33、ith 与相比较20. rainy season 雨季21. depend on 依赖22. best of all 最好23. in the northeast 在东北24. bring/take an umbrella 带一把伞25. for a long time 长时间26. lots of things to see 27. 有许多观赏的东西28. in winter/spring/fall/summer 在冬天春天秋天夏天Module121. get a move on 赶快2. hang on 等一等3. accept a present 接受礼物4. both hands 双手

34、5. wrap hongbao in red paper用红纸包红包6. do some cleaning 打扫卫生7. on the first day of the Chinese New Year 新年的第一天8. cut ones hair 理发9. you cant be serious 10. 你不会是认真的吧?11. break something 打破东西12. just wait and see 等着瞧吧13. greeting people 问候人们14. have a tea party 举行茶话会15. make noise 发出噪音16. traditional li

35、fe 传统生活17. be different from 与不同18. notbut 不是而是19. a light meal 简单的一餐20. drink tea with milk 喝奶茶21. mobile phone=cell phone 手机22. shout at sb. 对大声喊23. the night before the wedding 新婚前夜24. a few minutes 几分钟25. throw sth. over ones shoulder 把往身后扔26. get married 结婚27. catch a ball 接球28. offer tea 上茶29.

36、 wash up 洗30. play music 播放音乐31. waste bin 垃圾箱32. drop litter 扔垃圾33. on the pavement 在人行道上34. blue and white signs 蓝白色标志35. rules and customs 规矩和习俗36. a Chinese wedding 传统中国式婚礼37. pick up 捡起Revision ModuleB1. stand close to 站得离近2. keep doing sth. 一直做某事(未间断)3. so that 以便,为了4. look sb. in the eye 正视/直视某人5. take time to do sth. 花时间做某事6. not young any more 不再年轻7. a pair of trousers 一条裤子8. mountain air 山上的空气9. the World Cup 世界杯10. a little bit 一点11. dark hair 黑发12. fair hair 金黄色的头发13. What day is it? 今天星期几?14. Whats the date? 今天几号?15. Whats the time?=What time is it? 16. 现在几点?


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