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1、 四年级竞赛样题一、词趣俱乐部(共25分)A、选出不同类的单词.(10分)( ) 1.A.apple B. banana C. water ( ) 2.A.five B. arm C. leg ( ) 3.A. teacher B. driver C. mom ( ) 4.A. music B. doctor C. nurse ( ) 5.A. thin B. tall C. eye ( ) 6.A. breakfast B. lunch C. soup ( ) 7.A. fat B. strong C. tail ( ) 8. A. window B. run C. door ( ) 9.

2、A. juice B. coffee C. sports ( ) 10.A.walkman B. bus C. taxi B.、根据汉语,选出与其匹配的英语单词。(5分) ( )1.小船 A.board B. music C. plane ( ) 2.尺子 A. ruler B. pen C. pencil( )3.椅子 A. desk B. chair C. bed ( ) 4.卧室 A. bedroom B. living room C. bathroom ( ) 5.绘画 A. photo B. painting C. spoonC.选择适当的字母或字母组合,并在横线上写出中文(10分)

3、。()1.br_dA.eeB.eaC.ae()2.p_A.areB.reaC.ear()3.pict_A.ureB.uerC.eru()4.playgr_ndA.euB.auC.ou()5.thirt_A.een B.ean C.ere二、短语集锦。(10分)A B( )1.wait a minute A. 小心( )2.draw a tree B.一把红色椅子( )3.fly a kite C.等一会儿( )4.a red chair D.画一棵树( )5. look out E. 放风筝三、句型大观园(共20分)A.选择正确答案。(10分)( ) 1、what colour is your

4、 coat ? A There are many books.( ) 2、How many bags do you have ? B I have twenty .( ) 3、Where are you from? C It is black .( ) 4、Whats in the bag ? D I am from America.( ) 5 Lets clean the door . E Good ideaB.根据汉语意思判断正误,正确的划( ),错的划()。(10分) ( )1.她是谁? -Who is her?( )2.他是我的叔叔。 -He is my uncle.( )3.看看我的

5、新蜡笔。-Look at my new crayons.( )4.请喝点可乐。 -Please have some water.( )5.我不喜欢吃桃子。-I dont like peaches.四、选择(10分)。()1.Where_mytea?_onthetable。 A.are;TheyreB.is;ItsC.is;Theyre()2.Somethingto_?-Applejuice,please. A.eatB.drinkC. have()3.There_somebooksonthedesk。 A.isB.areC.have() 4._inthebox?_ somebooks. A.

6、Whats;ItsB.Whats;TheresC.Wheres;Thereare() 5. Im hungry! I_eat. A. want B. want to C. am() 6._ you like some noodles, Jenny? - Yes, please. A. Would B. Should C. Do() 7.Howdowegotothetheatre?_. A.AllrightB.ThankyouC.By bus() 8._your favourite food ? - My favourite food is fruit. A. What B. Whats C.

7、Wheres() 9. Thereis_egg in the box. A.aB.anC.some()10.May I borrow your pen? -_. A. Sure B. thank you C. Youre welcome. 五、情景对话。(10分)( )1、当你想邀请同学去上学应说: A Lets play. B Lets go to school. C. We go to school. ( )2、你想知道这个单词用英语怎么说 : A Whats this in English? B Whats this? C. What is it ?( )3、怎样问价钱? A、How m

8、any is the car? B、How many cars is there? C、How much is the car?( )4、当你要打扰别人时,你应说: A、 Excuse me. B、Thank you. C、Sorry。( )5、当你问别人多大岁数时,应该说: A、What are you? B、How old are you? C、How are you?六、阅读理解,对打“”错打“”。(10分)Today ,we have a new class mate , Jacky . shes from Canada . shes quiet and thin . Her moth

9、er is our English teacher , Miss white . Miss white has long hair and two big eyes , we like her very much .( ) 1、Jacky is a new classmate .( ) 2、She comes from Australia .( ) 3、Jacky is short and quiet .( ) 4、The new English teacher is Miss white.( ) 5、Jackys mother is a teacher.七、智力测试。(5分)( )1.I a

10、m free and easy with my money. A.满不在乎 B.有空并且容易 C.自由的,无困难的 D.轻松容易 ( ) 2.The boy has a sweet tooth and loves meat. So he is overweight(超重). A.长着一颗甜牙 B.有一颗吃糖的牙 C.喜爱甜食 D.牙上有糖 ( ) 3. 1,3,4,7,11,18,29, ? What number should replace the question mark?(什么数字可以代替问号?) A.25 B.36 C.47 D.51( )4.Like father, like son.这句话的意思是 A.有其父必有其子 B.儿子像父亲 C.儿子像爸爸 D.爸爸像儿子( )5. A animal has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat. But it isnt a cat. It is a _. A. cat B. tiger C. fox D. kitten-5-小学资源网投稿邮箱: -


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