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1、北师大版四年级英语下册期末试卷四年级英语 正文 北师大版四年级英语下册期末试卷 2008-4-17 下期期末综合测试小学四年级英语试卷(北师大) 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的那个单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。每词读两遍。 ( ) 1. A. cold B. corn C. comic ( ) 2. A. food B. foot C. noodles ( ) 3. A. ear B. young C. eye ( ) 4. A. hot B. hat C. hurt ( ) 5. A. tall B. toe C. turtle 二、根据你听到的录音内容,将下列图片排序,每句

2、读三遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,判断正误,与录音内容相符的打“”,不符的打“”, 每句读三遍。 ( ) 1. My head hurts. ( ) 2. Toms T-shirt is old he wants a new T-shirt. ( ) 3. Im hungry,I want some hot noodles. ( ) 4. This is my young dear.That is my fat fish。 ( ) 5. My sister likes chicken,but I dont like it. 笔试部分(70分) 一、单项选择,找出最佳

3、答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. I want ( )ice cream. A. a B.an C.the ( ) 2. ( )is he today?Hes not well. A. What B.Where C.How ( ) 3. Do you have a book? . A. Yes,I do. B.No,I do. C.Yes,I dont. ( ) 4. ( )the lemon sour?Yes,it is. A. is B.Is C.Does ( ) 5. What does Mocky like? A. Yes,he does. B.He like noodle

4、s. C.He likes noodles. ( ) 6. A:( ). B:Have some rice. A. Im hugry. B.Im thirsty. C.Im old. 二、将下列短语认真抄写在相应的汉意下面横线上。 fried rice French fires an old man small animals a thin bear some hot noodles some cold milk a new umbrella 1.冷牛奶 2.炸薯条 3.小动物 4.一把新雨伞 5.一位老人 6.一头瘦熊 7.炒米饭 8.一些热面条 三、看图,将下列单词填入相应的身体部位后的括

5、号里。 hand foot arm leg hair mouth shoulder knee 四、将下列单词归类。 a. chicken b. tall c. noodles e. face f. young g. hamburger h. knee i. old j. head k. rice l. foot m. short 1.身体部位: 2.食物: 3.描述人的形容词: 五、找出下面句子的最佳答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. How are you today? ( )2. Whats the matter? ( )3. Can I have a watch? ( )4. D

6、o you have a pen? ( )5. Is the milk cold? ( )6. Is your brother tall? ( )7. Im thirsty. A. Yes,it is. B. Here you are. C. My eye hurts. D. Yes,I do. E. Im not well. F. Have some water. G. No,he is short. 六、补充下面一段话,并判断。 My faimly have ( )people,my father、my ( )、my ( )and ( ). My name is ( ). I ( )a tall ( ).I like ( ). Im ( )years old. My eye is big. My( )is long.Im ( )( ),today. My hand hurt. 1. I have a big eye. ( ) 2. I am well. ( ) 3. My ear is big. ( ) 七、写一段你与别人的对话内容。(注意格式) 上一篇文章: 北师大版四年级英语下册期中试卷下一篇文章: 四年级下册英语第二单元试卷(科普版)


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