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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级分类模拟题听力理解与口试(三)公共英语五级分类模拟题听力理解与口试(三)Section Listening ComprehensionPart A You will hear a monologue on time travel. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the interview ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. If

2、 you leave and arrive at a certain place at different times, you are doing time travel.答案:B听力原文 We define time travel to mean departure from a certain place and time followed (from the travellers point of view) by arrival at the same place at an earlier (from the sedentary observers point of view) t

3、ime. Time travel paradoxes arise from the fact that departure occurs after arrival according to one observer and before arrival according to another. In the terminology of special relativity time travel implies that the time like ordering of events is not invariant. This violates our intuitive notio

4、ns of causality. However, an intuition is not an infallible guide, so we must be careful. Is time travel really impossible, or is it merely another phenomenon where impossible means nature is weirder than we think? The answer is more interesting than you might think. The B-movie image of the intrepi

5、d chrononaut climbing into his time machine and watching the clock outside spin backwards while those outside the time machine watch the him revert to callow youth is, according to current theory, impossible. In current theory, the arrow of time flows in only one direction at any particular space. I

6、f this were not true, then one could not impose a 4-dimensional coordinate system on space time, and many nasty consequences would result. Nevertheless, there is a scenario which is not ruled out by present knowledge. This usually requires an unusual space time topology (due to wormholes or strings

7、in general relativity) which has not yet been seen, but which may be possible. In this scenario the universe is well behaved in every local region; only by exploring the global properties does one discover time travel. It is sometimes argued that time travel violates conservation laws. For example,

8、sending mass back in time increases the amount of energy that exists at that time. Doesnt this violate conservation of energy? This argument uses the concept of a global conservation law, whereas relativistically invariant formulations of the equations of physics only imply local conservation. A loc

9、al conservation law tells us that the amount of stuff inside a small volume changes only when stuff flows in or out through the surface. A global conservation law is derived from this by integrating over all space and assuming that there is no flow in or out at infinity. If this integral cannot be p

10、erformed, then global conservation does not follow. So, sending mass back in time might be all right, but it implies that something strange is happening. Why shouldnt we be able to do the integral? The possibility of time travel in GR has been known at least since 1949. The GR space time found by Go

11、del has what are now called closed timelike curves (CTCs). A CTC is a world line that a particle or a person can follow which ends at the same space time point (the same position and time) as it started. A solution to GR which contains CTCs cannot have a spacelike embeddingspace must have holes (as

12、in donut holes, not holes punched in a sheet of paper). A would-be time traveller must go around or through the holes in a clever way. 2. The theory of time travel developed from the fact that departure occurs after arrival according to one observer and before arrival according to another.答案:A3. Spe

13、cial relativity time travel goes against our previous understanding of cause effect relation.答案:A4. We feel time travel violates our intuition because we have been misguided.答案:B5. The B-movie is a convincing evidence to prove our fallible notion of cause-effect relation.答案:B6. If we want to find ou

14、t whether time travel is really possible, we have to study the properties of our globe.答案:A7. Invariant formulations of the equations of physics assert that time travel is possible.答案:B8. A global conservation law supposes that there is no flow in and out at infinity.答案:A9. The theory of time travel

15、 in general relativity was put forward more than half a century ago.答案:A10. According to the speaker, it is impossible to make a time travel.答案:BPart B You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听

16、力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where is Dr. Taylor employed now?A.At Illinois University.B.At a journal for architects.C.At the Twin Towers office building.D.At the Department of Housing and Urban Development.答案:D听力原文 It is my honor to introduce todays guest lecturer, Dr. C. Henry Taylor, a colleague who is so well-

17、known to all of us for his many accomplishments and contributions to the field of architecture and planning that it hardly seems necessary to recount them here. Nevertheless, as custom, I will summarize his long experience as a prelude to his address. Dr. Taylor received his B. A. degree in urban hi

18、story at Yale University in 1955. Five years later, he was awarded a masters degree in architecture and a Ph.D. in urban design from Cornell University. Upon graduation, he accepted a teaching position in the Department of Architecture and Fine Arts at Illinois University where he was promoted to ch

19、airman of the Department in 1969. Last year Dr. Taylor resigned from the university in order to accept a research position with the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington as Director of Planning. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Taylor has devoted much time to designing,

20、writing, and lecturing. Some of his most famous buildings are right here in the Chicago area, and include the Twin Towers office building and the Saint Laurence Seaway Recreation Center. His many articles on functional architecture and urban planning have appeared in scores of journals over the past

21、 twenty years, and a half dozen textbooks are to his credit, including one of the books that we use for this seminar, Trends in Urban Design. Today, Dr. Taylor will speak to us about federal regulations for urban development, and frankly, I know of no one who is more qualified to address the subject

22、. Ladies and gentlemen, lets welcome Dr. Henry Taylor, scholar, designer and author. 2. What is the topic of Dr. Taylors lecture?A.Urban planning.B.Trends in urban design.C.Functional architecture.D.Federal regulations for urban development.答案:D3. How does the speaker feel about Dr. Taylor?A.He resp

23、ects him.B.He does not know him.C.He does not want to introduce him.D.He does not believe that hes qualified.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. What are the two people talking about?A.Email.B.A computer class.C.Computer in general,D.Their old computer.答案:C听力原文W: Well, there are no ifs, ands, or buts about

24、 it. Anna is completely at home with all this technology.M: Isnt it great? She doesnt have the fear of technology that so many of us have. Its amazing to think that her generation has grown up with telephones and computers. They take all that stuff for granted.W: Thats for sure. To think there are k

25、ids her age who have never changed a TV channel without a remote control! Can you imagine?M: Youre right. Well, its true that computers are much, much more convenient. But its hard for me to learn programs on computers.W: I know what you mean. You know, I have been thinking that maybe we should take

26、 an evening class. What do you think, darling?M: Wow. Im really glad to hear you say that because Ive thought a lot about taking a class, but Ive always dragged my feet. I dont know why, really.(At home after the first computer class)W: Look at you. Youre really working hard at that computer!M: Noth

27、ing could tear me away. If it werent for our class, Id be in a bind right now trying to figure out what to do. But Im doing OK. The class really helps.W: Thats the truth. I prefer a teacher to an instruction manual. Heydid I tell you that I want to get a modem? I want to get online. Dont you think w

28、eve held off long enough? I want to have email.M: That teacher surely won you over. A few months ago you didnt even know what a modem was!W: Well, I have to admit, this whole world of computers is growing on me.M: Sounds like youre ready to go back to school and get some sort of degree in computers.

29、W: You never know.5. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Father and daughter.B.Husband and wife.C.Mother and son.D.Teacher and student.答案:B6. What brought about a great change in the two speakers attitude towards computers?A.A computer class.B.A degree in computer.C.An instr

30、uction manual.D.Computer games.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. Where did classical music originate?A.In Asia.B.In Africa.C.In Europe.D.In Australia.答案:C听力原文 Music is often divided into several categories or groups. Some of the categories are. classical music, traditional music, rock music, and jazz mus

31、ic. The first kind, classical music, refers to orchestra music that originated in Europe a few hundred years ago. Most of the original classical music was composed or written in Italy, Germany, Austria or Russia. Beethoven and Bach were two famous composers of classical music. Classical music is usu

32、ally played by a variety of string instruments, such as the violin, and by a variety of wind instruments, such as the flute. The second type of music is traditional music. It comes from a particular culture. Every culture has its own special forms of traditional music. For example, blues music is on

33、e kind of traditional music in the United States and Enka music is one kind of traditional in Japan. Each culture has its own traditional music, and its own special instruments for playing its traditional music. Another kind of music is rock music. Rock is generally a loud kind of music, played with

34、 a strong beat. Rock musicians often use electric instruments, such as electric guitars and electric pianos, but other instruments can also be used. Rock music probably began in Europe about 30 or 40 years ago. Rock became very popular, especially among young people, during the 1960s and 1970s. The

35、fourth kind of music is Jazz. Jazz probably comes from Africa originally. Jazz has a different kind of rhythm from other kinds of music. A variety of music instruments are used to play this kind of music, especially wind instruments such as the trumpet and saxophone. Often piano, bass, and a variety

36、 of percussion instruments are also used. These are the four general types of music. Of course these definitions are brief and general, and certainly there are other categories of music. In addition, many kinds of music are combinations of classical and traditional, or classical and jazz, or rock an

37、d jazz, and SO on. 8. Blues and Enka are examples of _.A.Traditional musicB.Folk musicC.Classical musicD.Rock music答案:A9. In what way is jazz music different from other kinds of music?A.It is very inspiring and exciting.B.It doesnt need wind instruments.C.It is a combination of folk music and rock m

38、usic.D.It has a different kind of rhythm.答案:A10. What kind of instruments are used in rock music?A.Electric instruments.B.Chemical instruments.C.Medical instruments.D.Probing instruments.答案:APart C You will hear a radio interview about the work of an Export Agency official. As you listen, answer the

39、 questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21 to 30 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the interview TWICE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Chris particular brief in her work is the Asian section, especially _.答案:Japan and China听力原文

40、M: Tonight we have Chris Davenport with us in the studio. Welcome to the program, Chris.W: Thank you, Pat.M: Now, Chris, youve been working for the Canadian Export Agency for three years now.W: Yes, thats right.M: And what does your job involve?W: Well, my particular brief is the Asian sectionespeci

41、ally Japan and China. Now, we work with Canadian firms explaining how they can start up or develop their export trade in these countries. One of my main responsibilities is to set up trade fairs so that our com- panies can exhibit their goods in these other countries. Wed organize between two and th

42、ree trade fairs in these regions each year, as you can see, I do a lot of organizing and a lot of traveling.M: Right. Sounds like a very demanding job. How do you cope with the pressure?W: Well, at first I didnt. It was very difficult because there were so many new things to learn and I found especi

43、ally that negotiating was the hardest. It was something that didnt come to me naturally, but you get used to it.M: Whats the secret?W: Well, you have to be organized, especially well organized, but it does help of course that were part of a team and when the going gets rough we give each other a lot

44、 of support and help each other out. Thats important. Ive just recently come back from Beijing where we sponsored an electronics fair there. We had a total of fifty-five stands and we had over two hundred thousand visitors.M: Two hundred thousand! Wow!W: It was very successful but it did represent t

45、welve months of really intensive preparation. Well, it does vary a lot. Beijingtwelve monthswas a particularly large trade fair and it did take that kind of time. But some of our smaller fairs, Canton for example, we had a small computing exhibition there in 1989. That took five months of planning.

46、As a general rule, it takes about six months. Thats not a hard and fast rule, but basically about six months, depending on the kind of product being exhibited, the network of contacts we already have in the host country, the location, things like that.M: Right, sounds like an exciting job.W: Yes. Pe

47、ople say Oh, all that lovely travel abroad. And travel abroad is terrific on a holiday, but this is not holidayits work. I also work on the plane of course, catching up on paperwork, things like that. Then when we arrive at the destination, my first responsibility is to meet with the government offi

48、cials in the host country. We used to meet in our offices in the embassy or in their departmental offices but we found it much more comfortable for everyone to meet in informal places. People just seem to be more relaxed and its better for negotiations. Amongst my other tasks, I arrange accommodation for exhibitors, I organize for interpreters, and I help out on the legal side. So I guess that makes


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