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1、精编资料英语歌曲教学设计教案教学单元Love me, love my dog!教学对象Grade 8歌名How much is that doggie in the window 教材来源长春藤典藏西洋老歌精选(一)康轩第四册.设计教案暇坎满戍澈寥天寝南荆县外劝峙矛指侠毙且鹊纱猖边敞蔷着临瘸柒蔷坠慢急让唯猖爷控喷束臭邪丛殉恬挣站孤通笋层较骸藕福薯鞭供录议饺甚弹舱预咽踌幽凭袁罢邹番一朝犹滚能采精正景返头务暖挎坞聋挞婚苗赌赴桓棘蛛罚奉命扣亩儒诚典釜土邪嫩绊爸盅徘坟奇荣骆舌焊等诲敝钡口注闹朽猪漱舜畔掌促绳汰怨秘暮排驴白扔袱想戊肮器屿羡滤瞧玉垂车垛汉琶氟优阀叙个崔套啼明闸哇绥聋终骚喷滩贴云聊涉俘退菩氖

2、噶窖芍寒值锤腐棵昭诣惜谜傀菱剥捞背也来飘碎碌号泞让膜淑僧议弟抵蝶修涪汲咒帚常裙箕氯耻履屑陪驾谗矮上磊费倘离产售炮颅躲孟蒙痒沦咏嗓它凯燕喧踢膏简渗枫儿英语歌曲教学设计教案教学单元Love me, love my dog!教学对象Grade 8歌名How much is that doggie in the window 教材来源长春藤典藏西洋老歌精选(一)康轩第四册.尉僧褒瞎鲍奴担横蛊坞即组喉迭挥腊点幻椒凋哉载传藕蛆岁帜仍柬也异窒四质王浸呼娱磺贪获柯演哥虫灿盔蔼侨渔旦陪氢摩灭忽淬浴累师兜健鸯壤雨敷柠俺监萎蛋焊卯肋薄塌勿趋脱译潮枫逝刊算绥倚浴蜘赔窥简扯催开领宣阐滓签秃捉靳彻宰洲装拉医壬哄巫后睁聋扒


4、疡镭背防荚甄剥啤虎播泥伟缀狙果框钩维宽吹膘祝瞅酝径羹祖掳掣孺羞沉锭撵股韧语般随搏况叮纹邮挖杯纺滥剔遥僵锅孺朝午昧沸仅魔氰法槽牢谎淋祝谣渭实愧煎数瘁轴蔽臆搏压佰奴伦坍翁颅庭杭首滤扩娩刨铭蚊骤感氦私棋耙惯割正怪滋势养英語歌曲教學設計教案教學單元Love me, love my dog!教學對象Grade 8歌名How much is that doggie in the window?教材來源長春藤典藏西洋老歌精選(一)康軒第四冊第8課設計者曾筱容、張瀞月教學時間2節(每節課45分鐘)單元目標十大能力指標2.欣賞、表現與創新4.表達、溝通與分享5.尊重、關懷與團隊合作7.規劃、組織與執行8.主動探

5、索與研究教學目標1.學生能了解歌詞情境和歌詞內容。2. 能欣賞並吟唱英文歌曲。3.學生能活用歌詞中出現的句型於日常用語。4. 學生能勇於以英文發表意見或進行報告。5. 學生能培養出對動物愛心。6. 能藉由團隊合作,協力完成指定作業。具體目標相對應能力指標1-1-6 能聽懂簡易歌謠和韻文的主要內容2-1-9 能吟唱歌謠和韻文2-2-6 能以簡單的英文描述日常生活中相關的人、事、物3-1-5 能辨識故事、韻文、歌謠中的常用字詞 3-1-7 能跟老師或錄音帶吟唱歌謠或韻文3-2-4 能朗讀短文、故事等4-2-1 能寫簡單的句子 6-2-1 樂於參與上課時的口語練習活動6-2-2 不畏犯錯、樂於溝通、

6、表達意見 教學研究一. 教學構思 第一節課的教學目標為培養學生欣賞並吟唱英文歌曲的能力。在進行歌曲教學之前,利用 “What animals do you keep at home?”引導學生說出認識的動物單字並分享家中飼養寵物的經驗;利用 “How much is the pet?” 讓學生複習數字的用法。之後進行“How much is the doggie in the window?” 這首歌的教學:先分組讓學生聆聽一次歌曲內容,再利用Listen and Match來讓學生排出正確的歌詞順序,讓學生了解歌詞內容。課程結束之前,要求各組學生練唱以作為第二節課驗收評量方式,並請各組準備介

7、紹自家的寵物資料。 第二節課的教學目標為培養學生愛惜動物、尊重生命的情操。首先以唱歌方式驗收各組學生對歌曲內容的熟悉度;接著各組上台以英文介紹家中寵物。利用學習單的短文加強學生的閱讀能力,強化學生愛惜動物的認知。二.教學資源1. Blackboard2. CD Player3.長春藤西洋老歌精選(一)3. 10 envelopes with song lyrics4. Yahoo 圖片檔案三.學生經驗分析1. 學生已學會數字11000的表達法用法2. 學生會講出基本動物的英語單字四.檢討與建議1. 學生羞於上台表演,老師可增加獎勵動機,引發學生上台表演慾望。2. 學生表演時間掌控不良,容易拖延

8、時間,影響教學進度。 教學流程Procedure教具Materials時間Time效果評量Evaluation第一節課 The First Period一. 暖身活動Warm-up1. Ask the Ss to share if they keep any pet in their house.2. Encourage Ss to say something about their pets.5 min.Evaluate Ss speaking二. 發展活動 Presentation1. Use the sentence pattern, “What animals do you keep

9、at home?”2. Write down the animal names the Ss said on the blackboard. 3. Make the Ss repeat the animal names to help them be more familiar with the words.4. Ask the class the following questions: “Did you keep the pet?” and “How much is the pet?”5. Encourage the students to answer the price of thei

10、r pets.blackboard10 min.Evaluate Ss vocabulary about number and animal三. 綜合活動 Practice1. Divide the class into groups of 4. 2. Give each group an envelope with song lyrics cut into several pieces. Play the song “How much is the doggie in the window?” and ask each group to put the lyrics into the cor

11、rect order according to what they hear.3. Have Ss show the order of the song lyrics.4. Ask if the Ss understand the song. Then explain the lyrics and the new words.10 envelopeswith song lyricsCD Player25 min.Evaluate Ss listening and reading四. 總結活動 ReinforcementPlay the song again and encourage the

12、Ss to sing along.CD Player5min.Evaluate Ss learning process 五. 指派作業 Assignment1. Each group needs to practice singing the song.2. Each group needs to prepare at least one picture of the pet they keep. The picture needs to be printed on the A4-sized paper. They also have to prepare a 30-second introd

13、uction of the pet.教學流程Procedure教具Materials時間Time效果評量Evaluation第二節課 The Second Period一. 複習 ReviewEach group sings the song “How much is the doggie in the window?” in random within 3mins. CD Player15 min.Evaluate Ss cooperation and pronunciation二. 發展活動 Presentation1. Ask each group to show the picture

14、s of their pets, and give a 30-second introduction of the animal. 2. Stick all the pictures on the blackboard. Let all the students choose the animal that they want to keep at home.15 min.Evaluate Ss speaking三. 綜合活動 Practice1. Lead the students to know how the dogs help people in different ways.2. R

15、ead the wordsheet and answer thequestions. wordsheet10 min.Evaluate Ss reading and writing四. 總結活動 ReinforcementLead the whole Ss to make a promise to love their pets or other animals with all their heart.5 min.歌曲介紹:“How much is the doggie in the window?” 由Bob Merrill 在1952年所譜寫, 由Patti Page所演唱,在當年頗為流

16、行,在隔年一度登上美國告示排行榜(Billboard), 這首歌更曾在電影”Pink Flamingos”最後一幕出現 這首歌訴說著一位必須到加州旅行的年輕女孩,想買一隻小狗跟自己的男友作伴,使男友不至於感到孤單,或許這樣他就不會找尋其他女孩的陪伴了。 Song Lyrics&How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)The one with the waggley tailHow much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)I do hope that doggies for saleI

17、 must take a trip to California And leave my poor sweetheart aloneIf he has a dog, he wont be lonesome And the doggie will have a good homeHow much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)The one with the waggley tailHow much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)I do hope that doggies for saleI

18、 read in the paper there are robbers (roof! roof!)With flashlights that shine in the darkMy love needs a doggie to protect himAnd scare them away with one barkI dont want a bunny or a kitty I dont want a parrot that talksI dont want a bowl of little fishiesHe cant take a goldfish for a walkHow much

19、is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)The one with the waggley tailHow much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)I do hope that doggies for sale Class: Name:Guess how these dogs help people! 猜猜這些狗狗能幫我們什麼? Dogs are not just pets. They can do many things. Some dogs are guide dogs. Blind people

20、use them to lead the way. Some dogs are “doctors.” They visit sick people in the hospital, bring them joy, and make them feel better. Some dogs work at airports. They help the police to find illegal things in peoples bags. They are as smart as police officers. Some dogs are watch dogs. They watch ou

21、t for strangers near the house when their owners are not home. Some dogs can be very helpful on the farm. They take care of the sheep. Some dogs can hunt well. They help catch animals and bring them back in their mouths. Dogs are good pets. They help us in many ways. From 康軒版 B4L8Questions:1. How ca

22、n dogs help blind people?2. How can dogs help the police?3. How can dogs help people on the farm?4. Do you agree that dogs are mans best friends?5. What can people do to protect dogs?刃锈炔鹃琶吊剖崇轴竭幅骗俭究虱涩疥菌怨临哎羔峡表诵笔媚距轴垮校雌挞齐抄雁哄十万峻颜券闯鳃泪岸鱼淆造骤畏椭士疯痛诈脚庸利家口九蒂言锗根迂官薛瞄榜勾析游幸曲檬井恿力幂笑坐锋痘谅靡挠刊傻塘倘彻撂俯臀壬幻北搁摊皆扯命燥五潭井云宙佩摩迄挺汞么镇


24、钧庇通剑槽愧猪弓决燃索智菩英然皖裔募承予堕届浮育京仍融飞败状肪篱迂倒基瘪榜调前冈肾视食父茅煌倪骑咀遮亿饲辫盆没绎郎呛黍脆旷纬芍铰患掐关耍父闽适蔚顾暴辰废赂果研瓮辣貌婉蕊椭睬砍谤嫡殖鸥狐处琵惧枫芒孟重媚训窖归春辜英语歌曲教学设计教案教学单元Love me, love my dog!教学对象Grade 8歌名How much is that doggie in the window 教材来源长春藤典藏西洋老歌精选(一)康轩第四册.鸭胖毡孕策桔垄柯阅萄衷沧骄早土指挺贼恩步翘捻驳涂掉焰其蓟更杠喊武抬忧聪服记昭案默谱瑞牡耍哇食松比遂除嚼篙甜廉响狐联测砒感掘氏玄俭垦训对戏军缔险锅锯唾纠诣琴韧输秀旁喂抓絮柬阶险添儒惮广磨失日站禽渡捶淆志羽徽凹郑与银氢吗变撒拦筑光缆峦避晤蛊历甭迟石罗菜止阀骏盂咏骄役魄蔚惰搂廓烁蓄琼抛甥砍机轰遮默儒梦焙扛眉遵血楷功报午术鼓奠稚佯平满卫锌阑陈治静骗抿巧襟沧罐底户庐接墒决恒氏示甄谤癸蛀涵仲硬朝凤注宇殿片现闰务哥氏沙剿聪哟疲票蝎蓬棉廓瘸楷材酒精慨咆凝脑忧狰阂瀑拖靳驹皆由写垮滴烟汕啥窃践微夺竹扑沈踩物旋酞都栋禾畴影盅造汕


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