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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级分类模拟题写作题公共英语三级分类模拟题写作题Unit 1Part A问题:1. Suppose that you have received a letter from your friend Li Jing, who will attend the final exam and was at a loss how to deal with it. Now write a letter to him, giving him some encouragement and your valuab

2、le viewpoint or suggestion on the matter. Tell him some skills about how to deal with exam. The letter should be on the basis of the following information: (1) From Li Jing. (2) Hes busy preparing and anxious about the exam. (3) Advising him not to study hard right up to the examination time. (4) Do

3、nt hurry to begin writing at once in the exam room. (5) Advising him to allot proper amount of time each answer. (6) From Liu Fang. 答案:Dear Li Jing, Your final examination is approaching, and I consider you are very busy preparing for it, and feeling anxious, I sincerely hope you will do well. I am

4、going to give you my personal viewpoint on the matter which may be of help to you. It is not advisable to study hard right till the examination. What you need above all is a clear head. If you go on studying right till the last minute, you will probably feel mentally tired and confused when the exam

5、ination occurs. So put your books aside a day or two before the examination, and get out into the open air, and get some exercise and amusement. When you take your seat in the examination room, dont hurry to begin writing at once. Read the questions through carefully and thoughtfully. Take time to t

6、hink before you pen on paper. And pick up those you think you can do the best. Keep an eye on the clock, and allot proper amount of time to each answer. If you take too long time over the first question, you will have only inadequate time for the rest of the test paper and chances are that they will

7、 have to be done hurriedly and unsatisfactorily. With best wishes for your success. Yours affectionately, Liu Fang Part B问题:1. Write a composition on the topic Honesty Is the Best Policy. Remember your composition must be based on the following outline: (1) The reasons why honesty is better than dis

8、honesty. (2) The result of dishonesty. (3) Your conclusion. 答案:It is usually better to be honest than dishonest. Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone, but usually telling the truth is less harmful than lying. Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings, cause distrust and even ruin

9、your reputation. One of the worst things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience. Even if no one ever discovers the lie, you will know about it, and it will bother you for a long time. Is a lie worth all that guilt? Another problem occurs when you lie to someone, and he learns the truth an

10、d discovers your lie. Then you will really be in trouble. He will be angry because you anymore. It is a very sad thing to lose someones trust. If you lie a lot, eventually you may gain a reputation as a liar. And once you have gained a reputation as a liar, it is very hard to get rid of it. On the o

11、ther hand, if you are a very honest person, people will trust you, and you will be known for your honesty. Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf several times. In the end nobody believed him and all his sheep were eaten by the wolf. All brought him was shame and unhappiness. who needs to be u

12、nhappy? If you are trustworthy and honest with other people, they will be honest with you. who needs a guilty conscience? Nobody. A good reputation is better than money in the bank. Unit 2Part A问题:1. You allowed writing a reply letter. In the given letter, Jimmy invites you, Bernard, to have dinner

13、with him and some other friends and enjoy classic music together. However, you cannot go that dinner party for some reasons. In your letter, express your gratitude for some reason. In your letter, express your gratitude for Jimmys invitation, tell him why you cannot accept his invitation, and promis

14、e to give a party later and invite him to come.Dear Bernard, Will you come to my house on Saturday, March 8, at 6:30 p.m.? Its weekend, and there is no school. I have invited Jane, Bob, Ann and Alex to come. Well have dinner together, and there is a big surprise. But Im not going to tell you now wha

15、t it is. I hope you can come. I have got some classic music CDs, and Im sure you will enjoy them. Besides, could you explain us how to appreciate those classic symphonies? See you then. Yours, Jimmy 答案:Dear Jimmy, Thank you very much for inviting me to dinner, but Im afraid Ill not be able to come.

16、We have so many assignments to do that Prof. White has demanded us to work extra time this week. Sounds quite cruel, isnt it? Next Monday I will have to submit a paper to him entitled criticism on Hemingways a Days Wait. As you know, Prof. White is crazy about Ernest Hemingway, and knows almost ever

17、ything about the famous writer. So I have to read widely and write insightfully in order to earn a good score on this paper. Anyway Ill be missing your delicious food and classic music when I am digging into stacks of books by, or on, Hemingway. I promise to give a party some day next month and invi

18、te all of you to come and appreciate classic music. I got some latest CDs weeks ago. Yours, Bernard Part B问题:1. Write a composition on the topic Failure according to the given outline: (1) The relationship between failure to success. (2) How to change failure to success. 答案:In one way of thinking, f

19、ailure is a part of life. In another way, failure many be a way towards success. Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, made hundreds of models that before he found the right way to make one. How can one person turn failure into success? First, always think about your failure. What caused? Were con

20、ditions right? Were you on top form yourself?. What can you change so things will go right next time? Second, is the goal youre trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be. Think about this question If I do succeed in this, where will it get me? This may

21、help you prevent failure in things you shouldnt be doing anyway. The third thing to bear in mind about failure is that its a part of life. Learn to live with yourself even though you may have failed. Remember, You cant win them all. Unit 3Part A问题:1. Suppose you have done something wrong to your fri

22、end Liu Ming for misunderstanding. Now write a letter to her. You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use Hart Mei instead. You do not need to write address.答案:Dear Liu Ming, I am so regretted that I am writing this letter of apology to you. I n

23、ow realize that it was entirely irresponsible to say that you were an unreliable person. My criticism was solely based on misunderstanding. You promised to tutor my neighbors child in English on Sunday but you didnt come. Later it came to me that you were helping send a lady to hospital. How regretf

24、ul I am when I know I had wronged you! I sincerely hope that my unfair remarks will not harm our friendship. Now I beg to withdraw my rush statement about you. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. Yours truly, Han Mei Part B问题:1. Write a description of the state schools in England and Wa

25、les based on the information in the following diagram. Begin your description with State schools can be classified according to the age range of the pupils and the type of education provided. 答案:State schools can be classified according to the age range of the pupils and the type of education provid

26、ed. Basically, there are two types of school: primary and secondary. Primary schools can be subdivided, according to age, into infant schools for children aged 5-7 and junior schools for children aged 7-11. Secondary schools are for children aged 11-16 years and may be grouped according to whether o

27、r not an 1 lexam is taken. If there is no exam children proceed to a comprehensive school. If there is an 1 lexam children proceed to a grammar school, a modem or technical school, depending on their results in the exam. Grammar schools cater for those with academic ability; modem schools for those

28、with less academic ability; and technical schools for those with more practical skills. Unit 4Part A问题:1. Write a letter to the university president about the canteen service on campus and base your composition on the outline given below: (1) The quality of the food. (2) The price of the meal. (3) T

29、he environment in the canteen. (4) The service you may argue for or against all of above. 答案: January 12, 2002Dear Mr. President, I am a student from Department of Applied Physics of our university. I am writing to you to tell you some problems about the canteen service on our campus. Firstly, the q

30、uality of the food, especially its flavor, remains to be improved. The students come from different parts of the country, yet almost all the dishes served in the canteen taste sweetish. This flavor is to the taste of the local students, but not to the students from other regions. Secondly, the price

31、s for the meals are too high. We have to spend 400 or 500 yuan on our meals each month. It is quite a burden to many of my classmates. Thirdly, the environment in the canteen is not satisfactory. The dining hall is small, old and somewhat dirty. In summer time, we can sometimes find flies and mosqui

32、toes flying here and there. Finally, the service is far from satisfying. The waiters and waitresses do not work very hard, and we occasionally find them quarreling with the students. To solve these problems, I think, we should build or introduce more canteens or fast-food restaurants. Only when comp

33、etition is introduced will the overall canteen service be bettered. I know that as a president, you have a busy schedule every day, but I sincerely hope that you will set aside some time for tackling these problems in our canteen service. All of us will appreciate you concern with the present cantee

34、n service. Yours respectfully, Li Ming Part B问题:1. Write a composition on the topic Where to Live in the City or the Country? Your composition must include the following points: (1) The advantages of living in the city and country. (2) The disadvantages of living in the city and country. 答案:Many peo

35、ple appreciate the conveniences of the city and people can enjoy a colorful life there. They are well-informed because they have the access to news. They are well-paid because they have stable jobs. They are well-fed and well-dressed because there is an adequate supply of goods, they often have a wo

36、nderful time because there are many places for recreation and relaxation. On the contrary, the country attracts others. They like clear streams, fresh air and high mountains. In the country people feel closer to nature - the very nature that gives man life. However, both the city and the country hav

37、e their disadvantages. Air pollution is very serious in the city. Moreover, it is so crowded that many people dont want to go out. In the country, it is inconvenient to buy things. Besides, people can find no way to kill the long and tedious nights. I prefer to live in the city for a time and then g

38、o to the country for a change. Unit 5Part A问题:1. Suppose the microwave oven (No.PHI9760) you ordered has been damaged when it arrived. Now you want to get a new one. Write a letter of complaints.答案:Dear Sirs, The microwave oven No. PH19760, which I ordered from you, arrived on Nov. 16th. I very much

39、 regret to inform you that the machine had been badly damaged. When I opened the packing case I found that the lid of the microwave oven had been cracked and the surface of the machine had been scratched. Would you please let me know whether or not you would be willing to send me a new microwave ove

40、n and if I should arrange to return the damaged one to you? In the meantime, I shall hold on to the machine you sent until I hear from you. Yours sincerely, Chen Liang Part B问题:1. Write a composition with the title Hope Project based on the outline below. Your composition should start with the given

41、 opening sentence: Education plays an important role in the modernization of our country. (1) Present situation. (2) Necessity of the project. (3) My suggestion. 答案:Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. However, thousands of children in our country are deprived o

42、f the opportunity to go to school by poverty. Moreover, the cost of these childrens education is beyond our governments means. Thus, the Hope Project has been launched to rescue those poor children. This project is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction. First, it will

43、bring a great hope to the deprived children. They will have a bright future several years later. Whats more, it embodies the advantage of socialist country. Most important of all, without a well-educated population, we will not be able to achieve its planned economic growth, catch up with the developed country, and enhance the whole nations intelligence level. The fact has proved that we benefit a lot from this project. In my point of view, we should emphasize the importance of education in the socialist construction further, establi


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