新目标英语七年级下册Unit 8导学案.doc

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1、Unit 8 Id like some noodles.执笔:朱晓琼 修改:七年级英语组第一课时: Section A 1a-1c知识目标: 1、order food (通过打电话或当面订购食物。) 2、what 引导的特殊疑问句。 3、情态动词would的用法。 4、一些与食物有关的词汇。自读预习质疑1.复习。写出下列单词的英文头发 高 高度 瘦 重的 体格 像 总是 队长 组 受欢迎 一点儿 笑话 从不 停止 棕色 人物 眼镜 外表 牢记 流行音乐 歌手 说 没人2. 翻译下列句子1) 李磊是中等高度,长着黑头发2) 姚明长得什么样子?3) 他个子很高。并且是很重。4) 陈龙现在有一个新形

2、象5) 黎明是篮球队的队长。6) 他的妹妹从来不停止谈话。3. 自读SectionA 1a-1c。写出下列单词的音标noodle beef mutton chicken cabbage potato tomato special kind some试着翻译下列短语和句子。 (1). would like Special 1 what kind of beef and tomato noodles (2) .what kind of noodles would you like ? Id like beef and tomato noodles Id like some noodles .展示与

3、反馈:1.核对音标。让学生试读单词。每组派人试着领读一次。教师随时纠正错误。然后让学生齐读两次。2.各组分别派人将自读预习质疑的1.2.3. 的答案分别写在黑板上。再有各组自己进行修改。3.读对话。先各组相互检查。然后各组派人领读一次。并完成课本上的要求。课堂练习一根据课本上的图画。自编对话。分组练习。再派人上台表演。二根据句意填词1. I am very Can you give me something to drink? .2. I like dumplings with meat and _ in it.3. Id like to _ some noodles now.4. The _

4、 usually shows you the menu when you eat in a restaurant.5. The radio is giving the _ report, it is going to rain tomorrow.、课后反思:第二课时 2a-3b学习过程;1.Review names of some foods and the sentence patterns.2.Learn how to order food.3.Do some practice.自读预习质疑1. 翻译下列句子。1) 你想要什么种类的面条。2) 我想要牛肉和西红柿面条。3) 你想要点喝的吗?

5、2. 写出下列单词的英文表达方式。羊肉 牛肉 鸡肉 土豆 面条 洋白菜特色菜 西红柿 什么种类 想要 3. 自读课文(2a-grammar focus)。完成下列要求。试着翻译下列句子。1) What kind of noodles would you like?2) Hed like a small bowl of noodles.3) Id like chicken,potato and cabbage noodles.4) Id like beef and tomato noodles.5) Id like a medium bowl.展示与反馈。1)检查并核对自读预习的答案。然后听写一

6、次新单词。各组相互检查。 2)读新单词。各组相互检查。然后各组派一人领读新单词。并核对音标。 3)读对话。各人先自读,组长再检查。然后各组派人上台表演对话。 4)听对话。完成2a,2b 的内容。再读一次。检查答案。 5)自读Grammar focus .课堂练习。一、根据句意、首字母、汉语提示完成下列句子。1.China is a l country with long history. 2.What s shoes would you like?3.T is between Monday and Wednesday. 4.My telephone n is 8348394.5.Whats y

7、oure a ? Its 558 Bridge Street.6.We often have rice,meat,_(西红柿) for lunch every day.7.John likes_(粥),pizza(比萨),salad and ice tea very much.8.They usually _(订购) food and drink in this restaurant.9.My favorite drink is _(橘汁).10._(星期四) is the fifth day of a week.三句型转换(10分)1.Hed like a large bowl of por

8、ridge.(对划线部分提问)_ _ bowl of porridge would he like?2.My father would like beef dumplings.(改为同义句)My father _ dumplings _ beef.3.Can I help you?(改为同义句)_ can I _ _ you?5.Id like a small orange juice.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ a small orange juice?第三课时 SectionB 1a-2cTeaching objectives:1.Review names of some foods

9、 and the sentence patterns2. Make some conversations by themselves.and practise them .3.Do some practice.自读预习质疑1. 完成对话。Waiter: What _ bowl of noodles would you like ?Boy: Id like a large _ of noodles.Waiter: And what _of noodles would you like ?Boy : Id _ chicken ,Potato and cabbage noodles.Waiter:

10、And how _ you ?Girl: Id like a _ bowl.Waiter: What kind _ you like ?Girl: Id like beef and tomato _.please.2. 写出下列名词的复数。 bowl dumpling apples beef leaf wife Chinese Japanese sheep tomato potato country family day story orange photo hero radio zoo knife scarf policeman man woman child 3.归纳出我们所学的不可数名词

11、: 4. 分小组练习对话。 1)。场景一。一名学生在面条店买面。手中拿着菜单。另一名学生则当顾客。按这编一个对话。_ 2)。场景二。两名学生在面馆吃面。将他们的对话编一个写在下面。_3).各组相互交流对话。人后派人上台表演。第四课时:3a-3cTeaching objectives(SectionB 3a-Self-check)1. Learn how to write ads for foods.2. Revise the whole unit.课堂练习一根据中文意思写出英语单词。1. I like the in the restaurant.(特色菜)2. We have some ban

12、anas.(也)3. My brother Steve mutton.(喜欢)4. Apple juice is a kind of .(饮料)5. What do you have?(型号、尺寸) 二补全对话(Complete the dialogue)Hello! House of dumplings! 1 Id like two bowls, please. 2Id like a large bowl and a small one. 3Id like a large bowl of chicken, and a small bowl of egg and carrot.4 No. Two glasses of milk. Thanks. 5Theyre just25. A. What would you like in them? B. How much are they?C. What size bowl would you like? D. Can I help you? E. Is that all? 一个学生假如在一个饺子馆工作。他看着82页问问题并填订单表。而另一个学生则假装点饺子和饮料。先自己编对话。-。书面表达以 “My Favorite Food ”为题谈谈你对食物的爱好情况。_课后反思-


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