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1、三年级英语第一学期期末测试卷姓名 班级 分数 听力部分 50%一、按录音顺序给下列图片编号:10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、圈出你听到的内容(圈在字母代号上):12%1. A. please B. play2. A. count B. colour3. A. boat B. body4. A. a pink balloon B. a bi balloon5. A. red and black B. red and blue6. A. an insect B. eiht insects三、听录音填入所缺单词:8%1. What are ?

2、 Theyre .2. Whats ? Its a .3. Is this the ? Yes, it is.4. How many es? es5. Is Kitty happy? No, she is .6. Im a boy. Im .四、圈出正确的答句:7%1. A. Im nine. B. Fine, thanks.2. A. Its an insect. B. Theyre insects.3. A. No, it is the office. B. Yes, it is.4. A. Its a circle. B. Its yellow.5. A. Five apples. B.

3、 reen apples.6. A. Shes my mother. B. Hes my brother.7. A. ood mornin. B. oodbye.五、按录音顺序给下列句子编号:7%( ) Are they ducks?( ) Are they hens?( ) Look at the animals. What are they?( ) No, they arent.( ) How many? Count the chicks.( ) No. They are chicks.( ) Ten chicks.六、写出你听到的句子:6% 书面部分 50%一、从方框中选出适当的单词,写

4、在相应的图片下:7% butterfly library mouse zebra slide toilet happy 二、判断下列划线字母的发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”:5%1.apple cake ( ) 2. kite five ( )3.umbrella duck ( ) 4. orane do ( )5. bee desk ( )三、圈出不是同一类的单词:10%1. open clean book2. lion sweet pi3. thin reen white4. one lon nine5. swin office hall四、数一数,写出正确的答案:8%How

5、 many? 五、看图、选择填空、完成句子:10%( No, Yes, Its, Theyre ) 1. Is this the sun? ,it isnt.2. Is this a boat? ,it is.3. Whats this? a bee.4. What are they? ladybirds. 5. What are they? flowers.六、判断下列表达是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”: 12%( )1. Eddie 指着空中的小鸟问: Is this a bird?( )2. Miss Fon 拿着一正方形问: What shape is this?( )3.

6、Miss Lee 请Ben 擦窗说: Close the window, please.( )4. Alice 想知道河里有几只鸭子问: How many ducks?( )5. 你指着围栏里的一些 母鸡问: What is this?( )6.你想买6只桔子,对营业员说: Six oranes, please.听力材料一、 按录音顺序给下列图片编号(读一遍)1. ice-cream 2. hamburer 3. ruler 4. square 5. bee6. door 7. trianle 8. fly 9. rubber 10. window二、 圈出你听到的内容(读二遍) 1. Clo

7、se the box, please.7. What colour is the star?8. Look at the boat.9. Is this a pink balloon?10. The ladybird is red and black.11. Is that an insect? No, it isnt.三、听录音,填入所缺单词(读二遍)1.what are they? They are birds.2.Whats this Its a duck.3.Is this the classroom? Yes, it is.4.How many es? Six es.5.Is Kit

8、ty happy? No, she is sad.6.Im a boy. Im fat.四、圈出正确的答句(读二遍) 1. How are you?2. What are they?3. Is this the office?4. What shape is this?5. How many apples?6. Who is he?7. ood mornin.五、按录音顺序给下列句子编号(读二遍) A: Look at the animals. What are they? B: Are they ducks? A: No, they arent. B: Are they hens? A: No. They are chicks. B: How many? Count the chicks. A: Ten chicks.六、写出你听到的句子(读三遍) This is a plant. It has two flowers. It has four leaves. It has roots.


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